

デュアル25Aまたはシングル50A DC/DC μModuleレギュレータ







  • デュアル25A出力またはシングル50A出力
  • 入力電圧範囲:4.5V~15V
  • 出力電圧範囲:0.6V~1.8V
  • 入力、負荷、温度の全範囲での全DC出力電圧誤差:最大±1.5%
  • 差動リモート検出アンプ
  • 電流モード制御/高速トランジェント応答
  • 調整可能なスイッチング周波数
  • 周波数同期
  • 過電流フォールドバック保護
  • 複数のLTM4650によるマルチフェーズ並列電流分担:最大300A
  • 内部温度モニタ
  • LTM4620(デュアル13A、シングル36A)およびLTM4630(デュアル18A、シングル36A)とピン互換
  • 選択可能なBurst Mode®動作
  • ソフトスタート/電圧トラッキング
  • 出力過電圧保護
  • 16mm × 16mm × 5.01mm BGAパッケージ
デュアル25Aまたはシングル50A DC/DC μModuleレギュレータ
50A, 1.2V Output DC/DC μModule Regulator 1.2VOUT Efficiency vs IOUT Product Package 1









製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
デジタル・パワー・システム・マネージメント(PSM) 1
LTC2975 新規設計に推奨 入力電流とエネルギーの 正確な測定を特長とする 4チャネルPMBusパワーシステム・マネージャ
Modal heading










eval board

LTM4677 and LTM4650 Demo Board | Step-Down μModule Regulator with PMBus Power System Management LTM4677 + LTM4650, 86A


Demonstration circuit 2481B-A is a high efficiency, high density, μModule® regulator with 4.5V to 15V input range. The output voltage is adjustable from 0.6V to 1.8V, and it can supply 86A maximum load current. The demo board has 1× LTM4677 and 1× LTM4650 μModule regulators. The LTM4677 is a dual 18A or single 36A step-down regulator with PMBus power system management, and the LTM4650 is a dual 25A or single 50A step-down regulator. Please see LTM4677 and LTM4650 data sheets for more detailed information.

DC2481B-A powers up to default settings and produce power based on configuration resistors without the need for any serial bus communication. This allows easy evaluation of the DC/DC converter. To fully explore the extensive power system management features of the part, download the GUI software LTpowerPlay® onto your PC and use Analog Devices I2C/SMBus/PMBus dongle DC1613A to connect to the board. LTpowerPlay allows the user to reconfigure the part on the fly and store the configuration in EEPROM, view telemetry of voltage, current, temperature and fault status.

For more details and instructions of LTpowerPlay, please refer to LTpowerPlay Software GUI.

eval board

LTM4650EYデモ・ボード | 2相降圧μModuleレギュレータ、4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V、VOUT = 0.6V~1.8V @ 50A


デモ回路2479A-Aは、高効率、高密度のデュアル25A、シングル50Aスイッチ・モード降圧電源モジュール・レギュレータ、LTM4650EYが搭載されています。入力電圧は4.5V~15Vです。出力電圧は0.6V~1.8Vの範囲でプログラムできます。DC2479A-Aは2相シングル出力として設定でき、最大50Aを供給できます。ボードは、この高効率、高密度のμModuleをデモンストレーションするために、最小限のコンポーネントで設計されています。データシートに説明されているように、特定のVIN、VOUTおよび熱条件では出力電流のディレーティングが必要です。コンパクトな16mm × 16mm × 5.01mmのBGAパッケージに収まったLTM4650EYの機能と可用性は、様々な高密度ポイントオブロード・アプリケーションに最適です。デモ回路DC2479A-Aを使用または変更する場合は、このデモ・マニュアルと併せてLTM4650データシートを参照してください。


eval board

LTM4650 Demo Board | Dual Buck µModule Regulator, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.6V to 1.8V @ 50A or Dual 25A


Demonstration circuit DC2378A-A features the LTM4650EY, the high efficiency, high density, dual 25A, single 50A, switch mode step-down power module regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 1.8V. DC2378A-A can deliver 25A maximum current from each channel. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the MODE jumper (JP1) selects pulse-skipping mode for noise sensitive applications or Burst Mode® operation in less noise sensitive applications. Two outputs can be connected in parallel for a single 50A output solution with optional jumper resistors.

eval board

LTM4677/LTM4650 Demo Board | Buck μModule Regulator with Digital PSM, LTM4677 + LTM4650, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 0.5V to 1.8V @ 86A


Demonstration circuit 2481A-A is a high efficiency, high density, μModule® regulator with 4.5V to 16V input range. The output voltage is adjustable from 0.5V to 1.8V, and it can supply 86A maximum load current. The demo board has 1× LTM4677 and 1× LTM4650 μModule regulators. The LTM4677 is a dual 18A or single 36A step-down regulator with PMBus power system management, and the LTM4650 is a dual 25A or single 50A step-down regulator. Please see LTM4677 and LTM4650 data sheets for more detailed information.

eval board

LTM4677/LTM4650 Demo Board | Buck μModule Regulator with Digital PSM, LTM4677 + LTM4650(x3), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 0.5V to 1.8V @ 186A


Demonstration circuit 2481A-B is a high efficiency, high density, μModule® regulator with 4.5V to 16V input range. The output voltage is adjustable from 0.5V to 1.8V, and it can supply 186A maximum load current. The demo board has 1× LTM4677 and 3× LTM4650 μModule regulators. The LTM4677 is a dual 18A or single 36A step-down regulator with PMBus power system management, and the LTM4650 is a dual 25A or single 50A step-down regulator. Please see LTM4677 and LTM4650 data sheets for more detailed information.

LTM4677 and LTM4650 Demo Board | Step-Down μModule Regulator with PMBus Power System Management LTM4677 + LTM4650, 86A
DC2481B-A Image DC2481B-A Board
LTM4650EYデモ・ボード | 2相降圧μModuleレギュレータ、4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V、VOUT = 0.6V~1.8V @ 50A
DC2479A-A Demo Board DC2479A-A Demo Board DC2479A-A Demo Board DC2479A-A Demo Board
LTM4650 Demo Board | Dual Buck µModule Regulator, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.6V to 1.8V @ 50A or Dual 25A
DC2378A-A Demo Board DC2378A-A Demo Board DC2378A-A Demo Board DC2378A-A Demo Board
LTM4677/LTM4650 Demo Board | Buck μModule Regulator with Digital PSM, LTM4677 + LTM4650, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 0.5V to 1.8V @ 86A
DC2481A-A - Demo Board Image
LTM4677/LTM4650 Demo Board | Buck μModule Regulator with Digital PSM, LTM4677 + LTM4650(x3), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 0.5V to 1.8V @ 186A
DC2481A-B Demo Board DC2481A-B Demo Board DC2481A-B Demo Board DC2481A-B Demo Board


Ultrascale+ 910
HTG-910: Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+™ Low-Profile PCI Express Development Platform Circuits from the Lab®


The HTG-910 is low profile network card that provides access to eight lanes of PCI Express. It is populated with the Xilinx Zynq Virtex Ultrascale VU5P, VU9P, VU13P or Ultrascale VU190 FPGA. Analog Devices power solution on this platform is fully validated to meet the requirements of Xilinx Zynq Virtex Ultrascale FPGAs to ensure a robust power delivery solution.

DC/DC μModule regulators are used on the HTG-910 to power Xilinx FPGA and/or SoC rails as well as other system rails. These regulators are highly integrated solutions with built in controller, power FETs, inductors, and capacitors that simplify layout and provide robust power delivery performance.

We provide supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

Zynq UltraScale Board 922
HTG-Z922: Xilinx ZYNQ® UltraScale+™ MPSoC PCI Express Development Platform Circuits from the Lab®


The HTG-Z922 provides access to large FPGA gate densities, wide range of I/O and expandable DDR4 memory for variety of different programmable applications. It is populated with the Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ ZU17-2 or ZU19-2 FPGA. Analog Devices power solution on this platform is fully validated to meet the requirements of Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ FPGAs to ensure a robust power delivery solution.

DC/DC μModule regulators are used on the HTG-Z922 to power Xilinx FPGA and/or SoC rails as well as other system rails. These regulators are highly integrated solutions with built in controller, power FETs, inductors, and capacitors that simplify layout and provide robust power delivery performance.

We provide supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX PCIe development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations an alternate power tree that allow for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX SI development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations for an alternate power tree that allows for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
HTG-910: Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+™ Low-Profile PCI Express Development Platform
Ultrascale+ 910
HTG-910 BD Block Diagram
HTG-910 Power Tree Picture
HTG-Z922: Xilinx ZYNQ® UltraScale+™ MPSoC PCI Express Development Platform
Zynq UltraScale Board 922
ZYNQ UltraScale+ MPSOC
HTG-Z922 Xilinx ZYNQ® UltraScale+™ Actual Power Tree
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit Block Diagram
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit (Recommended Simplified Power Tree: 12Vin to required I/O voltages)
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit (Actual Power Tree representative of components used on board)
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit Block Diagram
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit (Actual Power Tree representative of components used on board)
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit (updated alternate Simplified Power Tree: 12Vin to required I/O voltages)

