

20VIN、15A ステップダウン DC/DC µModule レギュレータ







  • 1cm2(片面 PCB)または 0.5cm2(両面 PCB)のフル機能ソリューション
  • BGA パッケージ: 6.25 mm 6.25 mm 5.02 mm
  • 広い入力電圧範囲: 3.1V ~ 20V
  • 0.6V ~ 5.5V 出力電圧
  • 15A DC 出力電流
  • ライン、負荷、温度に対する最大全DC出力電圧誤差: ±1.5%
  • 差動リモート・センシング・アンプ
  • 電流モード制御、高速過渡応答
  • 外付け周波数同期
  • 複数の LTM4638s と多相並列電流共有
  • 出力電圧トラッキング
  • 選択可能不連続モード
  • パワー・グッド・インジケータ
  • 過電流、過電圧および過熱からの保護
20VIN、15A ステップダウン DC/DC µModule レギュレータ
LTM4638 Application Circuit LTM4638-pc LTM4638 Performance Graph









LTspice 1


  • LTM4638

LTpowerCAD 1







eval board

LTM4638 20VIN、15A降圧µModuleレギュレータ


デモ回路2665A-Bでは、高性能・高効率降圧レギュレータであるLTM4638 µModule®レギュレータが使用されています。LTM4638は、熱強化型6.25mm × 6.25mm × 5.02mm BGAパッケージにまとめたフル機能DC/DC ポイント・オブ・ロード・レギュレータです。LTM4638は、3.1V~20Vの入力電圧範囲で動作し、最大15Aの出力電流を供給することができます。出力電圧は、0.6V~5.5Vの範囲でプログラムでき、リモートから検出できます。スタック・インダクタ設計により、放熱が向上し、パッケージ・スペースが大幅に減少しています。TRACK/SSピンを通じて、電源シーケンシング用の出力電圧トラッキングを利用できます。外部クロックは、SYNC/MODEピンを介して同期できます。低負荷電流時に高い効率を確保するには、ノイズに敏感でないアプリケーションでMODEジャンパ(JP7)を使用して、DCMモード動作を選択します。DC2665A-Bを使用または変更する際は、このデモ・マニュアルと併せてLTM4638データシートを参照してください。

eval board

LTM4638 | 20VIN、15A降圧μModuleレギュレータ


デモ回路2665B-Bには、LTM4638(高性能・高効率の降圧μModule®レギュレータ)が搭載されています。LTM4638は、熱強化型6.25mm × 6.25mm × 5.02mm BGAパッケージに収められたフル機能DC/DCポイントオブロード・レギュレータです。LTM4638は3.1V~20Vの入力電圧範囲で動作し、最大15Aの出力電流を供給します。出力電圧は0.6V~5.5Vの範囲でプログラムでき、リモートから検出できます。スタック・インダクタ設計により、放熱が向上し、パッケージ・スペースが大幅に減少しています。TRACK/SSピンを通じて、電源レール・シーケンシング用の出力電圧トラッキングを利用できます。外部クロックは、SYNC/MODEピンを介して同期できます。低負荷電流時に高い効率を確保するには、ノイズに敏感でないアプリケーションでMODEジャンパ(JP7)を使用して、不連続電流モード(DCM)動作を選択します。DC2665B-Bを使用または変更する際は、このデモ・マニュアルと併せてLTM4638のデータシートを参照してください。

eval board

LTM4638 | 20VIN PolyPhase Step-Down μModule Regulator, 4 × LTM4638, 60A


  • Current Mode Control
    • Good Current Sharing
  • External Frequency Synchronization
  • Differential Remote Sensing


The EVAL-LTM4638-AZ evaluation board is a power supply generating 1V, 60A (max) from a 3.1V to 20V input. It is a quad PolyPhase® solution featuring the LTM®4638, a high-performance and high-efficiency step-down regulator. The LTM4638 is a complete DC-to-DC point-of-load (POL) regulator in a thermally enhanced 6.25mm × 6.25mm × 5.02mm BGA package.

The EVAL-LTM4638-AZ is optimized using a default frequency of 600kHz, and the current mode control architecture allows easy current sharing. The LTM4638 operates in continuous-conduction mode (CCM) by default but can be placed in pulse-skipping mode (PSM) to optimize efficiency at light loads.

An external clock IC, LTC6902, is included in the EVAL-LTM4638-AZ and is used to provide clock synchronization signals to interleave the four channels 90° out-of-phase for reduced root mean square (RMS) input current ripple and output voltage ripple. The LT3088 is also included in this solution to power the clock IC.

The LTM4638 data sheet gives a complete description of the device, including operation and application information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this evaluation board user guide prior to working on or modifying the EVAL-LTM4638-AZ.

LTM4638 20VIN、15A降圧µModuleレギュレータ
DC2665A-B Image
LTM4638 | 20VIN、15A降圧μModuleレギュレータ
DC2665B-B Evaluation Board - Top View
LTM4638 | 20VIN PolyPhase Step-Down μModule Regulator, 4 × LTM4638, 60A
EVAL-LTM4638-AZ Board Photo Angle View EVAL-LTM4638-AZ Board Photo Top View EVAL-LTM4638-AZ Board Photo Bottom View


Xilinx VU37P Board
HTG-937: Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ ™ VU37P/VU47P HBM Development Board Circuits from the Lab®


The HTG-937 provides access to large FPGA gate density and 8GB/16GB of high bandwidth memory. It is populated with the Xilinx Zynq Virtex Ultrascale VU37P, or VU47P. Analog Devices power solution on this platform is fully validated to meet the requirements of Xilinx Zynq Virtex Ultrascale FPGAs to ensure a robust power delivery solution.

DC/DC μModule regulators are used on the HTG-937 to power Xilinx FPGA and/or SoC rails as well as other system rails. These regulators are highly integrated solutions with built in controller, power FETs, inductors, and capacitors that simplify layout and provide robust power delivery performance.

We provide supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

HTG-AI & Prime PCIe Express Platform - Top View
HTG-VSL1 Circuits from the Lab®

Versal PRIME /AI PCI Express Platform


  • Xilinx Versal AI Core and Prime series solves a broad range of industry-specific problems with performance and flexibility. Core use cases  include storage acceleration,  data center network acceleration, 5G xHaul and Passive optical networks.

  • The HTG-VSL1 AI Core and Prime PCIe express platform allows easy and versatile functional expansion through two Vita 57.4 compliant High-Pin-Count  FMC+ ports and one high-speed AcceleRate® port.

  • Analog Devices, Inc. supports power delivery solutions for the HTG-VSL1 for the Versal AI Core and Versal Prime PCIe express platform. DC/DC μModule regulators are used on the HTG-VSL1 to power Xilinx FPGA and/or SoC rails as well as other system rails. These regulators are highly integrated solutions with built in controller, power FETs, inductors, and capacitors that simplify layout and provide robust power delivery performance.

  • ADI provides supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner® and applicable LTpowerPlay® configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.

  • Key Power DC DC Modules include:
    • LTM4700 is a Dual 50A or Single 100A μModule Regulator with Digital Power System Management, PMBus
    • LTM4638 is a 15A Step-Down DC/DC μModule Regulator
    • LTM4625 is a 5A Step-Down DC/DC μModule Regulator
    • LTM4632 is a Triple Output, Step-Down μModule Regulator for DDR-QDR4 Memory
    • LTC2937 is a Programmable Six Channel Sequencer and Voltage Supervisor with EEPROM
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX PCIe development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations an alternate power tree that allow for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX SI development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations for an alternate power tree that allows for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
HTG-937: Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ ™ VU37P/VU47P HBM Development Board
Xilinx VU37P Board
HTG-937 Block Diagram
HTG-937 Actual Power Tree Picture
Versal PRIME /AI PCI Express Platform
HTG-AI & Prime PCIe Express Platform - Top View
HTG-AI & Prime PCIe Express Bottom
Versal VSL1 Power Tree for AI CORE VC1902 & Prime VM1802
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit Block Diagram
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit (Recommended Simplified Power Tree: 12Vin to required I/O voltages)
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit (Actual Power Tree representative of components used on board)
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit Block Diagram
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit (Actual Power Tree representative of components used on board)
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit (updated alternate Simplified Power Tree: 12Vin to required I/O voltages)

