

リニア・レギュレータ(LDO)、20 V、500 mA、CMOS、低ノイズ







  • 入力電圧範囲:3.3 V~20 V
  • 最大出力電流:500 mA
  • 低ノイズ:15 μV rms(固定電圧出力バージョン)
  • PSRR性能:60 dB@10 kHz、VOUT=3.3 V
  • 逆方向電流防止機能
  • 低いドロップアウト電圧:350 mV@500 mA負荷時
  • 初期精度: ±0.8%
  • 電源ライン、負荷、温度に対する精度
    • −2%~+1%、TJ = −40°C~+125°C
    • −1.25%~+1%、TJ = 0°C~+85°C
  • 低静止電流:VIN = 5V、500mA負荷時にIGND = 900μA
  • 低シャットダウン電流:VIN = 12V時で40μA未満、1μFの出力用セラミック・コンデンサで安定
  • 7通りの固定出力電圧オプション:1.5V、1.8V、2.5V、3V、3.3V、5V、9V
  • 1.22V~VIN − VDOの範囲で出力調整可能
  • フォールドバック電流制限と熱過負荷保護
  • ユーザ設定可能な高精度UVLO/イネーブル
  • パワーグッド・インジケータ
  • 8ピンLFCSPおよび8ピンSOICパッケージ

リニア・レギュレータ(LDO)、20 V、500 mA、CMOS、低ノイズ

ADP7104 Pin Configuration









製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
ADP7105 新規設計に推奨 20V、500mA、低ノイズのソフト・スタート機能付きLDOレギュレータ
LT1763 新規設計に推奨 500mA、低ノイズ、LDOマイクロパワー・レギュレータ
Modal heading




LTspice 1


  • ADP7104
  • ADP7104-1.5
  • ADP7104-1.8
  • ADP7104-2.5
  • ADP7104-3.0
  • ADP7104-3.3
  • ADP7104-5.0
  • ADP7104-9.0




eval board

AD9625 Evaluation and Synchronization


  • 2.5 GSPS utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC2-EBZ is a high-speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 single channel ADC at 2500 MSPS, in a FMC form factor which supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. The AD9625 is a 12-bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates at conversion rates of up to 2.5 GSPS. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC2-EBZ boards together.  For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters.

The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring its internal registers via SPI.


ADP7104 Evaluation Board


  • Two fully assembled and tested evaluation boards per kit
  • Full set of IC voltage options in each kit
  • 3 samples of each IC voltage option packed in separate antistatic bags
  • Kit allows the user to quickly evaluate all IC voltage options
  • Only need to order one kit per product family


This product has individual evaluations boards at specific voltages or with specific features as well as the RedyKit™. The RedyKit simplifies product evaluation by providing two assembled and tested evaluation boards, plus a full set of product (voltage) options for an IC regulator. All the IC options come sorted and stored in the kit with the Analog Devices part number clearly printed on each antistatic zip-top bag.

Simple device measurements such as line and load regulation, dropout, and ground current can be demonstrated with just a single voltage supply, a voltmeter, a current meter, and load resistors.

eval board

2チャンネル、2400MHz TDDアプリケーション


AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EBは、AD9361と連動する設計の2.4GHz TDDアナログ・モジュールです。AD9361は、3Gおよび4G基地局や試験装置のアプリケーション、ソフトウェア定義無線などのRFアプリケーションに使用することが意図された高性能の高集積化RFトランシーバーです。AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EBは、愛情をこめて最初の「RFパーソナリティ・カード」と呼ばれています。ADRV1CRR-FMCキャリア・カードに差し込まれます。35mm U.FL同軸ケーブルは、このカードをADRV9361-Z7035 SDR SOMに接続し、AD9361の送受信入力にアクセスできるようにします。カード上の情報、カードの使用方法、周りのデザイン・パッケージ、動作に必要なソフトウェアは、wikiページを参照してください。

AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EBの目的は、AD9361の送受信信号を調整するためのパスをユーザに示すことです。TXまたはRXパスは、FPGAと付属のソフトウェアによって制御される200MHz~2.7GHzのSPDTスイッチHMC546によって実現されます。送信パスは、2.4GHzフィルタ、ハーフ・ワット・ドライバ・アンプADL5324、および2ワット・パワー・アンプHMC921で構成されています。受信パスは、同じ2.4GHzフィルタと低損失LNA HMC669で構成されています。

eval board
SHARC Audio Module



  • ADSP-SC589 フローティング・ポイント SHARC® プロセッサ
    • デュアル 500 MHz SHARC+® DSP コアおよび 500MHz ARM® Cortex®-A5 コア
  • 2 つの 2 Gbit DDR3 メモリ
  • 512 Mbit SPI フラッシュ・メモリ
  • 24-ビット、96 kHz ADAU1761 SigmaDSP® オーディオ・コーデック
  • AD2425W A2B® トランシーバー
    • 多チャンネル低遅延オーディオ・インターフェース
  • 1/8“ ステレオ・ジャック
  • アナログ・デバイセズ製とサードパーティ製の“フィン”(拡張ボード)をサポートする 2 つの 60 ピンコネクタ
  • 無料の CrossCore® Embedded Studio ライセンスと、デバッグ用の ICE-1000 エミュレータが付属

  • UART (MIDI & 用)
  • S/PDIF
  • ギガビット・イーサネット
  • USB OTG & HS


SHARC ®オーディオ・モジュールは、プロジェクトのプロトタイピング、エフェクトプロセッサ、マルチチャンネルオーディオシステム、MIDIシンセサイザー、その他多くの DSP ベースのオーディオ・プロジェクトを含むオーディオ・アプリケーションの開発と展開を可能にする、拡張可能なハードウェア/ソフトウェア・プラットフォームです。

SHARC オーディオモジュールの中心となるのは、 アナログ・デバイセズの ADSP-SC589 SHARC プロセッサです。これは、デュアル SHARC + DSP コアと ARM  コアを組み込んだ オーディオ処理用の優れたエンジンです。SHARC に付随するのは、オーディオ・プロジェクト開発に理想的に適した、専門家によって選ばれた周辺機器のグループです。

SHARC オーディオ・モジュールは自己完結型製品として使用できますが、カスタム拡張向けに設計されています。アナログ・デバイセズでは拡張ボード(“フィン”と呼ばれます)を開発しています。このシリーズの最初の製品は、メインの SHARC オーディオ・モジュールに直接差し込むオーディオ・プロジェクト・フィンです。

さらに、一流の開発者やボード設計者が、SHARC オーディオ モジュール プラットフォームを拡張するためのさまざまなソフトウェアおよびハードウェア・プラットフォームを提供しています。ボードのすべての主要機能および GPIO に 2 つのマルチピン・コネクタを介してアクセスできるため、独自のエキスパンダを簡単に設計、および構築できます。これらのコネクタに関する技術文書は、SHARC オーディオ・モジュール・ハードウェア・リファレンス・マニュアルにあります。

このボードは CrossCore® Embedded Studio(CCES)開発ツールと組み合わせて使用するように設計されています。開発環境は、高度なアプリケーションのコード開発とデバッグを容易にします。

従来の C および C ++ 開発に加えて、SHARC オーディオ・モジュールは、リアルタイム・オーディオ信号処理および合成用に特に設計された、オープンソースの機能的プログラミング言語である Faust(Functional Audio Stream)をサポートしています。Faust は、信号処理アプリケーション用の C ++ や、他のターゲット言語を生成します。Faust ライブラリは、DSP アルゴリズムの作成に使用できる豊富なオーディオ DSP オブジェクトを提供します。Faust を使えば、SHARC オーディオ・モジュール・プラットフォームの計算能力を利用して、大規模なアルゴリズムを素早く作成することが可能です。


AD7606 Evaluation Board


The EVAL-AD7606SDZ is a fully featured evaluation kit for the AD7606. This board operates in standalone mode or in conjunction with the Evaluation Controller Board, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. When operated with the Evaluation Controller Board, software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the Evaluation Controller Board.


AD7607 Evaluation Board


The EVAL-AD7607SDZ is a fully featured evaluation Kit for the AD7607. This board operates in standalone mode or in conjunction with the Evaluation Controller Board, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. When operated with the Evaluation Controller Board, software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the Evaluation Controller Board.

eval board

FPGA Mezzanine Card for Wireless Communications


  • Includes schematics, layout, BOM, Gerber files, HDL, Linux® drivers, IIO Oscilloscope, VisualANALOG
  • FMC-compatible form factor
  • Powered from FMC connector
  • Provides one channel of ADC and one channel of DAC with full synchronization capabilities


This board is no longer available for ordering.

The AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ high-speed analog module is designed to showcase the latest generation high-speed data converters. The AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ provides the analog front-end for a wide range of compute-intensive FPGA-based radio applications.

The AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ is an analog front end hardware platform that addresses a broad range of research, academic, industrial and defense applications. The AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ enables RF applications from 400MHz to 4 GHz. The module is customizable to a wide range of frequencies by software without any hardware changes, providing options for GPS or IEEE 1588 Synchronization, and MIMO configurations.

When combined with the Xilinx ZYNQ® Software-Defined Radio Kit, AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ enables a variety of wireless communications functions at the physical layer, from baseband to RF. With up to 4 GB of flash storage space, 512 MB of RAM, Gigabit Ethernet interface (depending on the base platform) and a Linux image built specifically for the AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ, you can get everything you need for a easy out of the box experience. The platform offers enough flexibility for many applications, and supports streaming data, and standard web interfaces to analyze transmitted RF data.


  • Electronic test and measurement equipment
  • General-purpose software radios
  • Radar systems
  • Ultra wideband satellite receivers
  • Point to point communication systems


AD7608 Evaluation Board


The EVAL-AD7608SDZ is a fully featured evaluation Kit for the AD7608. This board operates in standalone mode or in conjunction with the Evaluation Controller Board, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. When operated with the Evaluation Controller Board, software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the Evaluation Controller Board.


AD7606-4 Evaluation Board


The EVAL-AD7606-4SDZ is a fully featured evaluation Kit for the AD7606-4. This board operates in standalone mode or in conjunction with the Evaluation Controller Board, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. When operated with the Evaluation Controller Board, software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the Evaluation Controller Board.


AD7606-6 Evaluation Board


The EVAL-AD7606-6SDZ is a fully featured evaluation Kit for the AD7606-6. This board operates in standalone mode or in conjunction with the Evaluation Controller Board, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. When operated with the Evaluation Controller Board, software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the Evaluation Controller Board.

eval board

ADA4961 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and Converter Synchronization


  • 2.5 GSPS utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 21dB voltage gain adjustment
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC3-EBZ is a high speed data acquisition board featuring AD9625 single channel ADC at 2500 MSPS and the ADA4961 Low Distortion, 3.2 GHz, RF DGA driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1). This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC3-EBZ boards together. For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters.

The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

eval board

ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO


  • Single channel of 2.5 GSPS conversion utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 20dB voltage gain adjustment
  • On-board PLL and VCO setup for clocking or external clocking
  • True DC coupled input and analog input frontend to the ADC, BW = DC to 1.8GHz
  • 製品詳細

    The AD-FMCADC7-EBZ is a single channel high speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 12bit, ADC sampling at 2500 MSPS and a ADL5567 low distortion, 4.8 GHz, differential amplifier driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. All clocking is supported using the on-board ADF4355-2 wideband PLL with VCO. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals from DC to 1.8GHz. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications.

    The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

    This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

    The design of the board is specifically tailored to allow for true DC coupling on the analog input of the amplifier throughout the signal chain to the converter. Yielding the widest spectrum possible for the AD-FMCADC7-EBZ.

    The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

    eval board

    TX/RX channel, tuned to 2450MHz to boost the signal


    The AD-TRXBOOST1-EBZ is an add on board for the FMCOMMS2/3/4/5 boards which contain the AD9361. While the complete chip level design package can be found on the ADI product pages, information regarding the board itself, how to use it and the design package that surrounds it, can be found on the Analog wiki site.

    The purpose of the AD-TRXBOOST1-EBZ is to boost the transmit and receive signal to improve the dynamic range and increate the output power of the AD9361 around 2.45GHz which is what the board is tuned for.

    eval board





    eval board

    ADSP-SC584 Evaluation Hardware for the ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x SHARC Family (349-ball CSPBGA)


    • ADSP-SC584 349-pin 19x19mm BGA
    • 2Gb DDR3 Memory
    • 128 Mb SPI Flash
    • Ethernet (10/100 &  GigE)
    • ADAU1977 quad ADC
    • ADAU1979 quad ADC
    • ADAU1962A 12 channel 24-bit DAC
    • AD2410 Automotive Audio Bus (A2B)
    • SPDIF in/out, optical & coax
    • UART
    • 2 CAN transceivers + RJ11 connectors
    • USB OTG
    • HADC
    • EI3 Expansion Interface
    • EZLITE includes ICE-1000 JTAG emulator and a permanent CrossCore® Embedded Studio license for use with the EZLITE via ICE-1000



    The ADSP-SC584 EZ-KIT Lite and EZ-Board® are evaluation systems for the ADSP-SC58x family of SHARC® processors. The ADSP-SC584 processor is based on the SHARC+ core dual processor with the arm® Cortex-A5 processor core and is designed for a wide array of markets, from automotive and pro-audio to industrial-based applications that require high floating-point performance. The EZ-Board is shipped with all of the necessary hardware—you can start the evaluation immediately. The package contains the standalone evaluation board, CE-approved power supply, and USB cable. The EZ-KIT Lite® version ships with two 180 day licenses for CrossCore® Embedded Studio (CCES) and the ICE-1000 emulator, while the EZ-Board version requires the customer to provide an ICE-1000 or ICE-2000 emulator.

    Expansion Interface III connectors are provided for interfacing with additional extender boards to provide LCD, camera, video, and audio. Traditional mechanical switches for changing the board's factory setup have been removed in favor of I2C controlled software switches. The only remaining mechanical switches are the boot mode switch, JTAG configuration switches, and push buttons.

    The evaluation board is designed to be used in conjunction with the CrossCore® Embedded Studio (CCES) development tools to test capabilities of the ADSP-SC58x processors. The development environment aids advanced application code development and debug, such as:

    • Create, compile, assemble, and link application programs written in C++, C, and assembly
    • Load, run, step, halt, and set breakpoints in application programs
    • Read and write data and program memory
    • Read and write core and peripheral registers

    AD9625 Evaluation and Synchronization
    AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board
    ADP7104 Evaluation Board
    2チャンネル、2400MHz TDDアプリケーション
    AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EBZ-fbl PZSDR2400TDD-Front PZSDR2400TDD-Back PZSDR2400TDD-combined
    SHARC Audio Module
    AD7606 Evaluation Board
    AD7607 Evaluation Board
    FPGA Mezzanine Card for Wireless Communications
    AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ Block Diagram
    AD7608 Evaluation Board
    AD7606-4 Evaluation Board
    AD7606-6 Evaluation Board
    ADA4961 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and Converter Synchronization
    ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO
    AD-FMCADC7-Front AD-FMCADC7-Back AD-FMCADC7-Combined
    TX/RX channel, tuned to 2450MHz to boost the signal
    AD-TRXBOOST1-EBZ Board AD-TRXBOOST1-EBZ Board with associated components
    ADSP-SC584 Evaluation Hardware for the ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x SHARC Family (349-ball CSPBGA)
    ADZS-SC584-EZLITE - Angle View ADZS-SC584-EZLITE - Bottom View ADZS-SC584-EZLITE - Top View ADZS-SC584-EZLITE Kit


    CN0276 Circuits from the Lab®

    10ビット~16ビット分解能の 高性能レゾルバ/デジタル・コンバータ ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。


    • 10ビット~16ビット分解能のレゾルバ/デジタル・コンバータ
    • 高電圧駆動と低電圧駆動のオプション
    • 3125rpsの最大トラッキング・レート
    CN0280 Circuits from the Lab®

    絶縁型電源を備えた太陽光発電コンバータ用の堅牢な完全絶縁電流検出回路 ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。   


    • 高電流用電流検出
    • 太陽光発電アプリケーション
    • 完全分離
    Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
    CN0343 Circuits from the Lab®



    • 完全自立型の距離センサー
    • 測定範囲は50cm~10m
    • 分解能は約2cm
    • 最小限PCB使用量
    10ビット~16ビット分解能の 高性能レゾルバ/デジタル・コンバータ ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。
    絶縁型電源を備えた太陽光発電コンバータ用の堅牢な完全絶縁電流検出回路 ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。   
    Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
    Galvanic Isolation of the HDMI 1.3a Protocol Using iCoupler® Isolation Technology 
    Simplified Circuit Diagram for EVAL-CN0422-EBZ

