








  • ノーミッシング・コードが保証された12ビット、2.5GSPSのADC
  • SFDR=79dBc@AIN=~1GHz@2.5GSPS(-1dBFS)
  • SFDR=77dBc@AIN=~1.8GHz@2.5GSPS(-1dBFS)
  • SNR=57.6dBFS@AIN=~1GHz@2.5GSPS(-1dBFS)
  • SNR=57dBFS@AIN=~1.8GHz@2.5GSPS(-1dBFS)
  • ノイズ・スペクトラム密度=
  • 差動アナログ入力:1.2V p-p
  • 差動クロック入力
  • アナログ入力帯域幅:3.2GHz(フルパワー)
  • 高速6または8レーンのJESD-204Bシリアル出力、
  • 10ビットNCOを持つ、8または16の、2つの独立したデシメーション・フィルタ
  • 電源電圧:1.3V、2.5V
    • 柔軟なデジタル出力モード
    • 選択可能なデジタル・テスト・パターンを内蔵
  • タイムスタンプ機能
  • 変換誤差率:< 10−15

AD9625 Functional Block Diagram AD9625 Pin Configuration





データシート 1

ユーザ・ガイド 1

技術記事 15

情報 1






製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
クロック生成デバイス 3
HMC7044 新規設計に推奨

JESD204B / JESD204 用機能付き、3.2 GHz、14 出力、高性能ジッター減衰器

LTC6952 最終販売 11 の出力を備えた、JESD204B/JESD204C をサポートする超低ジッタ 4.5 GHz PLL
LTC6951 最終販売 超低ジッタ VCO内蔵の複数出力 クロック・シンセサイザ
クロック分配器 (クロック・ディストリビューション) 3
LTC6955 最終販売 超低ジッタ、7.5 GHz、11 出力ファンアウト・バッファ・ファミリー
LTC6953 最終販売 11 の出力を備えた、JESD204B/JESD204C をサポートする超低ジッタ 4.5 GHz クロック分配器
HMC7043 新規設計に推奨

JESD204B/JESD204C 用機能付き、3.2 GHz、14 出力、高性能ファンアウト・バッファ

デジタル制御VGA 2
ADA4961 新規設計に推奨 RF DGA、3.2GHz、低歪み
ADL5205 新規設計に推奨

DGA(デジタル制御ゲイン・アンプ)、デュアル、35 dBのゲイン範囲、ステップ・サイズ 1 dB

完全差動アンプ 3
ADL5569 新規設計に推奨 6.5 GHz、超高感度ダイナミック・レンジ、差動アンプ
ADL5567 新規設計に推奨 4.3 GHz, Ultrahigh Dynamic Range, Dual Differential Amplifier
ADL5566 新規設計に推奨 差動アンプ、デュアル、4.5GHz 、超高ダイナミックレンジ
Modal heading




Virtual Eval(仮想評価、 ベータ版)

Virtual Evalは、ADC、DAC、およびその応用製品評価を支援するウェブベースの設計ツールです。アナログ・デバイセズのサーバ上にあるモデルを使用して、重要な部品の性能特性をわずか数秒でシミュレートします。使用時は、入力トーンや外部ジッタなどの動作条件のほか、ゲインやデジタル・ダウンコンバージョンといったデバイス機能を設定してください。ノイズ、歪み、分解能、FFT、タイミング図、周波数応答プロット、その他さまざまな性能特性を確認することができます。


AD9625 AMI Model


ADC Companion Transport Layer RTL Code Generator Tool

This command line executable tool generates a Verilog module which implements the JESD204 receive transport layer. The user specifies in a configuration file one or more modes to be supported by the transport layer module. These modes are defined as a set of JESD204 parameter values: L, M, F, S, N', and CF. The transport layer converts JESD204 lane data output from a JESD204 link layer IP to a data bus with a fixed width, containing interleaved virtual converter samples. Both JESD204B and JESD204C link layers are supported.


Visual Analog









eval board

AD9625 Evaluation and Synchronization


  • 2.5 GSPS utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC2-EBZ is a high-speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 single channel ADC at 2500 MSPS, in a FMC form factor which supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. The AD9625 is a 12-bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates at conversion rates of up to 2.5 GSPS. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC2-EBZ boards together.  For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters.

The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring its internal registers via SPI.

eval board

Direct RF to Baseband Transmit Radio


  • TX
    • 16-bit 12GSPS RFDAC
    • JESD204B Interface
      • 8 lanes up to 12.5Gbps
    • 1x/2x/4x/6x/8x/12x/16x/24x/32x Interpolation
    • 64-bit NCO at max rate
    • Analog Modes of Operation:
      • Normal Mode: 6GSPS DAC rate
        • Synthesis up to 2.5GHz (1st Nyquist)
      • Mix Mode: 6GSPS DAC rate
        • Synthesis in 2nd & 3rd Nyquist zones
      • 2X Normal Mode: 12GSPS DAC rate
        • Synthesis up to 6GHz (1st Nyquist)
      • Excellent dynamic performance
  • RX
    • 3.2GHz full power bandwidth at 2.5GSPS
      • Noise Density = -149.5dBFs/Hz, ENOB = 9.5 bits
      • SFDR = 77 dBc at 1GHz Ain (2.5Gsps)
      • SFDR = 77dBc at 1.8GHz Ain (2.5Gsps)
    • +/-0.3 LSB DNL, +/-1.0 LSB INL
    • Dual supplies : 1.3V and 2.5V
    • 8 or 6 Lane JESD204B Outputs
    • Programmable clipping threshold for Fast Detect output
    • Two Integrated wide band digital down converters (DDC) per channel
      • 10-bit complex NCO
      • 2 cascaded half band filters (dec/8, dec/16)
    • Timestamp for synchronous processing alignment
      • SYSREF Setup/Hold detector
    • Programmable Interrupt (IRQ) event monitor


The AD-FMComms11-EBZ board is a system platform board for communication infrastructure applications that demonstrates the Direct to RF (DRF) transmitter and observation receiver architecture. Using high sample rate RFDAC(s) and RFADC(s), a number of components in previous generation transmitters can be eliminated, such as mixers, modulators, IF amplifiers and filters. The objective being to bring the ADC or DAC as close to the antenna as possible, leading to possibly more cost effective and efficient communications solution.

It is composed of multi-GSPS RF ADC and DAC, AD9625 and AD9162 respectively. The transmit path contains a balun, low pass filter, gain block and variable attenuation to produce an output appropriate for a power amplifier module. Along the observation path, the PA output is coupled back into the board through a variable attenuator, a balun and finally the ADC. Clock management is taken care of on board; all the necessary clocks are generated from a reference. Power management is present as well.

eval board

AD9625 Evaluation Board


Equipment Needed

  • AC to 12V DC power supplies (2)
  • Analog signal source, anti-aliasing filter and SMA cable
  • Clock source and SMA cable
  • PC running Windows
  • USB 2.0 cable
  • AD9625 Evaluation Board
  • HSC-ADC-EVALEZ FPGA Based Data Capture Board

Helpful Documents

  • AD9625 Datasheet
  • VisualAnalog Converter Evaluation Tool User Manual, AN-905
  • High Speed ADC SPIController Software User Manual, AN-878
  • Interfacing to High Speed ADCs via SPI, AN-877

Software Needed

  • VisualAnalog
  • SPIController

Analog Option

  • Single-Ended to Differential Balun input to AD9625

All documents and software are available at

For any questions please send an email to

eval board

ADA4961 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and Converter Synchronization


  • 2.5 GSPS utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 21dB voltage gain adjustment
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC3-EBZ is a high speed data acquisition board featuring AD9625 single channel ADC at 2500 MSPS and the ADA4961 Low Distortion, 3.2 GHz, RF DGA driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1). This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC3-EBZ boards together. For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters.

The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

eval board

ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO


  • Single channel of 2.5 GSPS conversion utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 20dB voltage gain adjustment
  • On-board PLL and VCO setup for clocking or external clocking
  • True DC coupled input and analog input frontend to the ADC, BW = DC to 1.8GHz
  • 製品詳細

    The AD-FMCADC7-EBZ is a single channel high speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 12bit, ADC sampling at 2500 MSPS and a ADL5567 low distortion, 4.8 GHz, differential amplifier driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. All clocking is supported using the on-board ADF4355-2 wideband PLL with VCO. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals from DC to 1.8GHz. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications.

    The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

    This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

    The design of the board is specifically tailored to allow for true DC coupling on the analog input of the amplifier throughout the signal chain to the converter. Yielding the widest spectrum possible for the AD-FMCADC7-EBZ.

    The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

    eval board

    2 AD9625 ADC’s running at 2.5GSPS with an effective sampling rate of 5GSPS


    • 2 AD9625 ADC’s interleaved to double sampling rate (shown at 5GSPS)
    • Double FMC wide board requiring two fully populated (transceivers mainly) FMC connectors on the carrier board
    • Includes reference designs to work with commonly available Altera and Xilinx development boards.


    The AD-FMCADC5-EBZ is a high speed single channel data acquisition board featuring two AD9625 ADCs. The board is provisioned to sample the single input at an effective sampling rate of 5GSPS, with both the ADCs running at 2.5GHz and sampling at both edges (the clocks are 180 out of phase to each other).

    Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it is not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If a commercial, ready to go integrate product is required, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers.

    ADI also provides reference designs (HDL and software) for this board to work with commonly available Altera and Xilinx development boards.

    AD9625 Evaluation and Synchronization
    AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board
    Direct RF to Baseband Transmit Radio
    AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Block Diagram AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Evaluation Board AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Evaluation Board - Top View AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View
    AD9625 Evaluation Board
    AD9625 Evaluation Board AD9625 Evaluation Board AD9625 Evaluation Board AD9625 Evaluation Board
    ADA4961 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and Converter Synchronization
    ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO
    AD-FMCADC7-Front AD-FMCADC7-Back AD-FMCADC7-Combined
    2 AD9625 ADC’s running at 2.5GSPS with an effective sampling rate of 5GSPS
    AD-FMCADC5 Block Diagram AD-FMCADC5-EBZ front view

