








  • 最大出力電流:0.8A
  • 入力電圧範囲:1.6V~3.6V
  • 低いシャットダウン電流:2μA未満
  • 非常に低いドロップアウト電圧:70mV@0.8A負荷
  • 初期精度:±1%
  • ライン、負荷および温度にわたる:±2%
  • ソフト・スタート機能つき7種の固定出力電圧オプション(ADP1752):0.75V~2.5V
  • ソフト・スタート機能つき出力電圧調整可能オプション(ADP1753):0.75V~2.5V
  • 高いPSRR性能(詳細はデータシートを参照して下さい。)
  • 0.75V出力で23μV rms
  • 小型4.7μFセラミック出力コンデンサで安定
  • 優れた負荷およびラインのトランジエント応答特性
ADP1753 Typical Application Diagram









製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
ADP1752 製造中 ロー・ドロップアウト・レギュレータ(LDO)、800mA、低入力電圧
Modal heading




eval board

AD9625 Evaluation and Synchronization


  • 2.5 GSPS utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC2-EBZ is a high-speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 single channel ADC at 2500 MSPS, in a FMC form factor which supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. The AD9625 is a 12-bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates at conversion rates of up to 2.5 GSPS. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC2-EBZ boards together.  For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters.

The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring its internal registers via SPI.

eval board

High speed data acquisition FMC board


  • Provides two channels of ADC and two channels of DAC with full synchronization capabilities
  • FMC-compatible form factor
  • Powered from single FMC connector


The AD-FMCDAQ3-EBZ module is comprised of the AD9680 dual, 14-bit, 1.25 GSPS, JESD204B ADC, the AD9152 dual, 16-bit, 2.5 GSPS, JESD204B DAC, the AD9528 clock, and power management components. It is clocked by an internally generated carrier platform via the FMC connector, comprising a completely self-contained data acquisition and signal synthesis prototyping platform. In an FMC footprint (84 mm × 69 mm), the module’s combination of wideband data conversion, clocking, and power closely approximates real-world hardware and software for system prototyping and design, with no compromise in signal chain performance.


  • Electronic test and measurement equipment
  • General-purpose software radios
  • Radar systems
  • Ultra-wideband satellite receivers
  • Signals intelligence (SIGINT)
  • Point to point communication systems
  • DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS and HFC networks
  • Multiple input/multiple output (MIMO) radios
  • Automated test equipment


ADP1753 Evaluation Board


These evaluation boards are used to demonstrate the functionality of the ADP1752/ADP1753 linear regulators.

Simple device measurements such as line and load regulation, dropout, and ground current can be demonstrated with just a single voltage supply, a voltmeter, a current meter, and load resistors.

eval board

ADA4961 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and Converter Synchronization


  • 2.5 GSPS utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 21dB voltage gain adjustment
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC3-EBZ is a high speed data acquisition board featuring AD9625 single channel ADC at 2500 MSPS and the ADA4961 Low Distortion, 3.2 GHz, RF DGA driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1). This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC3-EBZ boards together. For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters.

The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

eval board

ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO


  • Single channel of 2.5 GSPS conversion utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 20dB voltage gain adjustment
  • On-board PLL and VCO setup for clocking or external clocking
  • True DC coupled input and analog input frontend to the ADC, BW = DC to 1.8GHz
  • 製品詳細

    The AD-FMCADC7-EBZ is a single channel high speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 12bit, ADC sampling at 2500 MSPS and a ADL5567 low distortion, 4.8 GHz, differential amplifier driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. All clocking is supported using the on-board ADF4355-2 wideband PLL with VCO. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals from DC to 1.8GHz. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications.

    The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

    This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

    The design of the board is specifically tailored to allow for true DC coupling on the analog input of the amplifier throughout the signal chain to the converter. Yielding the widest spectrum possible for the AD-FMCADC7-EBZ.

    The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

    AD9625 Evaluation and Synchronization
    AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board AD-FMCADC2-EBZ Eval Board
    High speed data acquisition FMC board
    FMCDAQ3 Block Diagram FMCDAQ3 (top)
    ADP1753 Evaluation Board
    ADA4961 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and Converter Synchronization
    ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO
    AD-FMCADC7-Front AD-FMCADC7-Back AD-FMCADC7-Combined


    Monolithic Power Tree Solution for the ZU7 FPGA
    ZCU104 Circuits from the Lab®

    Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 Paper Reference Design


    • The ZCU104 Evaluation Kit enables designers to jumpstart designs for embedded vision applications such as surveillance, Advanced Driver Assisted Systems (ADAS), machine vision, Augmented Reality (AR), drones and medical imaging.

    • The ADI Power delivery solutions support multiple reference designs using DC/DC module and monolithic solutions. ADI offers several options for powering the Zu7 FPGA.

    • Our module-based solutions combine a small footprint, while maximizing efficiency and tight regulation. Our monolithic based solutions support a lower cost optimized power delivery solution for mass production.

    • ADI provides supporting documentation to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

    • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.

    • Please refer to the circuit descriptions below that best support your design.
    Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 Paper Reference Design
    Monolithic Power Tree Solution for the ZU7 FPGA
    uModule Power Tree for the ZU7 FPGA 

