Features and Benefits
- Two-channel USB digital oscilloscope
- Two-channel arbitrary function generator
- 16-channel digital logic analyzer (3.3V CMOS and 1.8V or 5V tolerant, 100MS/s)
- 16-channel pattern generator (3.3V CMOS, 100MS/s)
- 16-channel virtual digital I/O
- Two input/output digital trigger signals for linking multiple instruments (3.3V CMOS)
- Single channel voltmeter (AC, DC, ±25V)
- Network analyzer – Bode, Nyquist, Nichols transfer diagrams of a circuit. Range: 1Hz to 10MHz
- Spectrum Analyzer – power spectrum and spectral measurements (noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD, etc.)
- Digital Bus Analyzers (SPI, I²C, UART, Parallel)
- Two programmable power supplies (0…+5V , 0…-5V)
Product Details
The ADALM2000 (M2K) Active Learning Module is an affordable USB-powered software-defined instrument that takes the capabilities of the ADALM1000 (M1K) Active Learning Module to the next level. With 12-bit ADCs (at 100MSPS) and DACs (at 150MSPS), the M2K brings the power of high performance lab equipment to the palm of your hand, enabling electrical engineering students and hobbyists to explore signals and systems into the tens of MHz without the cost and bulk associated with traditional lab gear. The M2K works with the Analog Devices' ‘Scopy’ graphical application software running on a computer, provides the user with many high performance instrumentation options. The parts kit, ADALP2000, for building circuits is available to go along with the M2K.
Connecting Theory with Practice
The ADALM2000 works as a portable lab that, when used with a host, can augment classroom learning. Analog Devices’ ‘Scopy’ software package supports the ADALM2000, and it provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) so students can learn faster, work smarter, and explore more.
Made for Teachers, Students and Self-Learners
The ADALM2000 was designed for university students and self-learners interested in more advanced circuit and electronics classes. Teachers can leverage the catalog of lessons and labs available for ADALM2000 and create their own coursework.
Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, the ADALM2000 is completely self-contained and entirely USB powered with the default firmware.
Because ADALM2000 connects to a host via the ‘Scopy’ applcation software (Mac, Linux and Windows Compatible), ADALM2000 can be configured as one of several traditional laboratory instruments.
Documentation & Resources
ADALM2000 Design & Integration Files1/9/2023ZIP8 M
ADALM2000 Overview5/4/2022WIKI
User Guide for AD-M2KBNC-EBZ ADALM2000 BNC Adapter Board8/11/2021WIKI
User Guide for AD-M2KPWR-EBZ, ADALM2000 Power Booster Board8/11/2021WIKI
Active Learning Program: Tools for Students, Makers, and Enthusiasts3/26/2019PDF476K
ADALM2000 Active Learning Module9/11/2018PDF573 K
A Simple Way to Use Python for Analysis of Noise in Mixed-Mode Signal Chains3/18/2022
Virtual Electronics Lab: How to Create an Oscilloscope Using Python and ADALM200012/1/2021
The World Is Analog—How Do I Obtain the Necessary Knowledge?!8/1/2019
Send the Lab Home6/20/2014
Hands-On Learning Gets Real6/20/2014
ADALM2000 Activity: The Hartley Oscillator2/12/2025
ADALM2000 Activity: Pulse Width Modulation1/15/2025
ADALM2000 Activity: Variable Gain Amplifiers12/11/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: FM Detectors11/13/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Envelope Detector9/11/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Polyphase Filter Circuits8/14/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Active Filtering—Part 27/3/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Active Filtering—Part 16/5/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Transformer-Coupled Amplifier5/15/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Tuned Amplifier Stages—Part 24/5/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Tuned Amplifier Stages3/12/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Transformers2/2/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: Inductor Self Resonance12/6/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Audio Amplifier with Electret Microphone11/3/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: IC Temperature Sensors10/6/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: 2-Axis Tilt Sensor9/8/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Magnetic Proximity Sensor7/1/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Temperature Control Using a Window Comparator6/1/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Heartbeat Measurement Circuit5/1/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Adjustable External Triggering Circuit4/1/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Measuring a Loudspeaker Impedance Profile3/1/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: Generating a Negative Voltage Reference2/1/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: An LED as a Light Sensor1/16/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: The Phase-Locked Loop12/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: CMOS Logic Circuits, D-Type Latch11/4/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: CMOS Logic Circuits, Transmission Gate XOR10/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: Build CMOS Logic Functions Using the CD4007 Array9/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: TTL Inverter and NAND Gate8/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: BJT Multivibrators7/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: Active Rectifiers6/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR)5/6/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: Optocouplers4/4/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: Digital-to-Analog Conversion3/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: Analog-to-Digital Conversion2/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: The CMOS Analog Switch1/1/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: CMOS Amplifier Stages12/1/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: Amplifier Output Stages11/1/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: Making an Operational Amplifier from Previous Blocks10/1/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: Generating Sine Waves from Triangle Waves9/3/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: The Transresistance Amplifier Input Stage8/1/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: MOS Differential Pair7/1/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: BJT Differential Pair6/4/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: The Source Follower (NMOS)5/3/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: The Emitter Follower (BJT)4/9/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: Regulated Voltage References3/5/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: A Floating (2-Terminal) Current Source/Sink2/5/2021
ADALM2000 Activity: Zero-Gain Amplifier (MOS)12/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Zero-Gain Amplifier (BJT)11/5/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: NMOS as a Current Mirror10/2/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: BJT Current Mirror8/6/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Frequency Response of a Common-Emitter BJT Amplifier7/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Common Emitter Amplifier6/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: MOS Transistor Common Source Amplifier5/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: The MOS Transistor Connected as a Diode4/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Op Amp Settling Time3/12/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Op Amp as Comparator2/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: The BJT Connected as a Diode1/1/2020
ADALM2000: Zener Diode Regulator12/1/2019
ADALM2000: Differential Temperature Sensor11/1/2019
Activity: The Voltage Dependent Capacitance of the PN Junction10/4/2019
ADALM2000 Simple Op Amps9/9/2019
ADALM2000 Diodes and Diode Circuits8/16/2019
ADALM2000 Measuring Loop Gain7/17/2019
ADALM2000 One Board - Multiple Instruments6/1/2019
A Complete Circuits Laboratory on Your Desk, in Your Backpack, and on the Go12/1/2016
The StudentZone is Open10/1/2016