








  • 92%の高効率(センス抵抗は不要)
  • ±1.0%の初期精度
  • IC供給電圧範囲:2.9~5.5V
  • 最低1.0Vの入力電圧
  • 外付けのNPNまたは抵抗で高い入力電源電圧が可能(>5.5V)
  • VINUVLOおよび35mAシャント・レギュレータ
  • 1本の外部抵抗によるスロープ補償
  • プログラマブルな動作周波数(100kHz~1.5MHz)、1本の抵抗を使用
  • ロスレス・モード時のスイッチノード電圧:<30V
  • 抵抗センス・モード時のスイッチノード電圧:>30V
  • 外部クロックに同期可能
  • 電流モード動作で優れたラインおよび負荷過渡応答を実現

ADP1621 Functional Block Diagram ADP1621 Pin Configuration









LTspice 1


  • ADP1621

ADP1621 Cuk Design Tool

Microsoft Excel download tool from ADIsimPower to generate a power supply design complete with a schematic, bill of materials, and performance specifications.


ADP1621 Coupled-SEPIC Design Tool

Microsoft Excel download tool from ADIsimPower to generate a power supply design complete with a schematic, bill of materials, and performance specifications.


ADP1621 Boost Regulator Design Tool

Microsoft Excel download tool from ADIsimPower to generate a power supply design complete with a schematic, bill of materials, and performance specifications.







eval board

ADP1621 Evaluation Board


The input range for the demo board is 3.0 V to 3.6 V, and the output voltage is 5 V with a maximum load of 2 A. The design is done in a bootstrapped configuration as shown in Figure 13. The switching frequency fSW is set to 600 kHz with a 36 kΩ resistor. This design is done in all multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC), although other types of capacitors can be used, such as the aluminum polymer or aluminum electrolytic capacitors. The PCB is laid out in such a way that the user can easily modify the demo board for other input and output configurations.

eval board

Isolated Inverter Platform Evaluation Board


The isolated inverter platform enables users to:

  • Evaluate ADI’s new, fully featured isolated gate drivers (ADuM4135) technology in a system-level application at realistic dc bus voltages (EV-MCS-ISOINVEP-Z)
  • Evaluate ADI simple dual isolated gate driver (ADuM4223) technology in a system-level application at realistic dc bus voltages (EV-MCS-ISOINV-Z)
  • Evaluate ADI sigma-delta modulators (AD7403) for voltage and current measurement or feedback in a realistic switching environment
  • Develop motor control algorithms utilizing ADI isolated sigma-delta current and voltage feedback
  • Test bench their motor control software/firmware with a flexible hardware development platform
  • Evaluate an elegant gate driver bias supply solution using the ADP1621


The Isolated Inverter Platform is a rapid development system for hardware and/or software development in three-phase inverter applications, with a particular focus on motor control. Flexible evaluation of ADI isolation technology in a highly configurable system-oriented platform is enabled with multiple test-points, and connectivity options. An easy-plug connector allows controller connection to an ADSP-CM408 processor evaluation board, while additional 0.1” headers enable alternative connectivity to other processor or FPGA platforms. The benefits of ADI isolated sigma-delta converters for voltage and current measurement, isolated gate drivers, and power controllers can be explored in a full system application at dc bus levels up to 800V. There are 2 models available, isolated inverter platform, and isolated inverter platform with full featured IGBT drivers.

Solution Overview
The isolated inverter platform and isolated inverter platform with full featured IGBT drivers offer a power board that runs from a dc input and provides a three-phase variable frequency, variable voltage, and variable dead-time PWM output to a three-phase motor or load. The inverter is provided as an open loop platform, but feedback signals are provided to enable the application developer to close the control loop. For the isolated inverter platform (EV-MCS-ISOINV-Z), two isolated current,phase to phase and dc bus voltage feedback signals are provided to the control side of the board via sigma-delta modulators, and these can be used for development of control algorithms. The inverter is made up of a three-phase six-IGBT bridge, with the IGBTs rated at 1200V and driven by three dual isolated gate drivers (ADuM4223). For the isolated inverter platform with full featured IGBT drivers (EV-MCS-ISOINVEP-Z), three isolated phase current and dc bus voltage feedback signals are provided to the control side of the board via sigma-delta modulators, and these can be used for development of control algorithms. The inverter is made up of a three-phase six-IGBT bridge, with the IGBTs rated at 1200V and driven by six individual isolated gate drivers (ADuM4135) with desaturation protection and Miller clamp. For both platforms, a DC – rather than AC- input is provided to allow flexibility on the dc bus voltage level (rather than it being limited to the ac line peak).

The board is designed to work from a DC supply in the range 24Vdc-800Vdc.. The power board is rated up to 2kVA without forced air cooling. Additional power throughput can be achieved with fan cooling added. A series connected diode implements a half-wave rectifier at the input, so if needed, the power board can be driven from an AC supply. However output power is limited in this case. If a full AC front-end is required, the inverter platform can be utilized in conjunction with the ADP1047 evaluation board up to 300W, or the ADP1048 evaluation board up to 600W. An isolated I2C interface is provided on the inverter board so that the ADP104x evaluation board can be easily controlled by the same processor/FPGA interface. The inverter kit has the hardware and software required to spin a three-phase motor under open loop speed control in conjunction with an ADSP-CM408 EZ Kit. The demo software is provided as an IAR Embedded Workbench C project or an executable file which can be flashed to the ADSP-CM408 processor using the ADI serial boot-loader utility. A .NET-based graphical user interface (GUI) is provided to enable motor start-stop, open loop Volts/Hertz speed control, and data visualization.

Kit Contents

  • Isolated Inverter Board, 24-800Vdc, 2Kva (2 Versions)
  • Adapter board for connection to EZkit
  • USB to serial adapter for using GUI


  • IAR Embedded Workbench C project
  • Executable Demo Application
  • .NET-based Graphical User Interface (GUI)


eval board



This evaluation board is obsolete and no longer recommended.

The FMCMOTCON2 evaluation kit enables users to:

  • Model and implement motor control algorithms rapidly for high performance servo systems, incorporating system modelling and design concepts using Mathworks model based design
  • Reduce time needed to move a motor control system from concept to production, by providing a prototyping system to verify the hardware and control algorithms before moving to production stage.


This evaluation board is obsolete and no longer recommended.

The AD-FMCMOTCON2-EBZ is a complete high performance servo system on an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) board, the purpose of which is to provide a complete motor drive system demonstrating efficient and high dynamic control of three phase PMSM and induction motors up to 48V and 20A.

Two motors can be driven at the same time, each motor having its separate power supply. The system incorporates high quality power sources; reliable power, control, and feedback signals isolation; accurate measurement of motor current & voltage signals; high speed interfaces for control signals to allow fast controller response; industrial Ethernet high speed interfaces; single ended Hall, differential Hall, encoder and resolver interfaces; digital position sensors interface; flexible control with a FPGA/SoC interface.

The kit consists of two boards: a controller board and a drive board. An optional AD-DYNO2-EBZ dynamometer can also be purchased through Avnet and is intended to be an extension of the drive system.

Controller Board

  • Digital board for interfacing with the low and high voltage drive boards
  • Compatible with all Xilinx FPGA platforms with FMC LPC or HPC connectors
  • FMC signals voltage adaptation interface for seamless operation on all FMC voltage levels
  • Fully isolated digital control and feedback signals
  • Isolated Xilinx XADC interface
  • 2 x Gbit Ethernet PHYs for high speed industrial communication, with 3rd party EtherCAT support
  • Single ended Hall, Differential Hall, Encoder, Resolver interfaces
  • Digital sensors interfaces
    • EnDat
    • BISS Interface

Drive Board

  • Drives motors up to 48V @ 20A
  • Drives 2 motors simultaneously
  • High frequency drive stage implemented with ADI isolated gate drivers
  • Supported motor types
    Brushed DC
    Stepper (bipolar / unipolar)
  • Integrated over current protection
  • Reverse voltage protection
  • Current and Voltage measurement using isolated ADCs
  • BEMF zero cross detection for sensorless control of PMSM or BLDC motors
  • Separate voltage supplies for the 2 motors so that the motors don't influence each other

Dynamometer System with Embedded Control

  • Two BLDC motors connected by a rigid couple in a dyno setup, which can be used to test real-time motor control performance.
  • One BLDC motor acts as an electronically adjustable load and is driven by the embedded control system. This motor can be directly connected to the FMC motor drive to get complex / active loads. The load can be driven also by the AD-FMCMOTCON2-EBZ to implement dynamic load profiles.
  • The other BLDC motor is driven by the FMC motor drive.
  • Measurement and display of load motor current
  • Measurement and display of load motor speed
  • External control using Analog Discovery and MathWorks Instrumentation Control Toolbox


Example reference designs showing how to use the platform with Xilinx® FPGAs or SoCs and high performance control algorithms from Mathworks® are provided together with the hardware. Information on the FMC board, and how to use it, the design package that surrounds it, and the software which can make it work, can be found by clicking the software link.

ADP1621 Evaluation Board
Isolated Inverter Platform Evaluation Board
ADI High Voltage Motor Control Platform ADI High Voltage Motor Control  Platform / CM408 EZ-Kit ADI MC Board LG Single Straight ADI MC Boards Double Straight


CN0328 Top Level Block Diagram
CN0328 Circuits from the Lab®

完全絶縁型の4チャンネル多重化 HARTアナログ出力回路 ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。


  • 4mA~20mAの電流または電圧出力用HART準拠のソリューション 
  • 完全絶縁型 
  • 4つの多重化出力
Simplified Schematic of Flyback Power Supply Circuit
CN0342 Circuits from the Lab®

高安定性の絶縁型エラーアンプを使用した フライバック電源 ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。


  • 絶縁型フライバック電源
  • 絶縁型リニア・エラー・アンプ
  • ADUM4190 と同等な機能を持つ ADUM3190 を使用
Portable Radio Reference Design Block Diagram
CN0412 Circuits from the Lab®

ADRV-PACKRF Robust Portable Radio Design


  • Two Complete Radios
    • 2-Tx, 2-Rx, 2-Observation
  • Multiple Power Options
    • Wall Connected, Power over Ethernet, Battery
  • Built in IMU and GPS for tracking
  • Fully configurable and customizable software
完全絶縁型の4チャンネル多重化 HARTアナログ出力回路 ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。
CN0328 Top Level Block Diagram
高安定性の絶縁型エラーアンプを使用した フライバック電源 ※Rev.0を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。
Simplified Schematic of Flyback Power Supply Circuit
ADRV-PACKRF Robust Portable Radio Design
Portable Radio Reference Design Block Diagram
Final Enclosure of the ADRV-PACKRF

