

デュアル・チャネル、6A、20V モノリシック同期整流式降圧レギュレータ







  • 広い入力電圧範囲:3.1V~20V
  • 広い出力電圧範囲:
    • 0.6V~5V(LTC3636)
    • 1.8V~12V(LTC3636-1)
  • 1チャネル当たりの出力電流:6A
  • 高効率:最大95%
  • ダイ温度モニタ
  • 調整可能なスイッチング周波数:500kHz~4MHz
  • 外部周波数同期
  • 電流モード動作による優れた入力および負荷トランジェント応答
  • 0.6Vのリファレンスにより、低出力電圧が可能
  • Burst Mode®動作または強制連続動作をユーザーが選択可能
  • 出力電圧トラッキング機能とソフトスタート機能
  • 短絡保護
  • 過電圧入力保護と過熱保護
  • パワーグッド状態出力
  • 高さの低い4mm×5mm 28ピンQFN パッケージ
デュアル・チャネル、6A、20V モノリシック同期整流式降圧レギュレータ
Typical Application 1 Efficiency vs Load Current Package Image 1









製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
PowerPath、理想ダイオード(Ideal Diodes)、負荷スイッチ 1
LTC4417 新規設計に推奨 優先順位付け PowerPath コントローラ
デジタル・パワー・システム・マネージメント(PSM) 1
LTC2975 新規設計に推奨 入力電流とエネルギーの 正確な測定を特長とする 4チャネルPMBusパワーシステム・マネージャ
Modal heading










eval board

LTC3636EUFD デモ用ボード | 3.1V~20Vの入力で、最大6Aまでの3.1V~20VのVOUT1 範囲と最大6Aまでの5V~20VのVOUT2 範囲



LTC3636EUFD デモ用ボード | 3.1V~20Vの入力で、最大6Aまでの3.1V~20VのVOUT1 範囲と最大6Aまでの5V~20VのVOUT2 範囲
DC2335A Evaluation Board DC2335A Evaluation Board - Top View DC2335A Evaluation Board - Bottom View DC2335A


Blaize<sup>&reg;</sup> Xplorer X1600E EDSFF Accelerator Card​
Blaize Xplorer Circuits from the Lab®

X1600E EDSFF Accelerator


The X1600E is an Enterprise and Datacenter Storage Form Factor (EDSFF), power-efficient module hosting a Blaize X1600 SoC for AI workloads.

Analog Devices, Inc. supports end to end power delivery solutions for Blaize Pathfinder Xplorer 1600E ESDFF Accelerator. Analog Devices uses discrete power solutions to enable Blaize to deliver high compute with optimized with most TOPS/Watt performance.

These regulators are highly integrated discrete solutions optimized for cost, efficiency and foot print.

ADI provides supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner® and applicable LTpowerPlay® configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.

Key Power for full management devices are used as follows:

  • LTC7150S
  • LTC3636
Blaize<sup>&reg;</sup> Pathfinder P1600 Embedded System on Module
Blaize Pathfinder Circuits from the Lab®

Pathfinder P1600 SOM Module


Blaize® Pathfinder P1600 small form factor embedded SoM brings the programmability and efficiency benefits of the Blaize GSP® architecture, ideal for AI inferencing workloads at the edge, to embedded systems.

Analog Devices, Inc. supports end to end power delivery solutions for Blaize Pathfinder P1600 SOM. Blaize uses Analog Devices discrete power solutions to enable their System on Chip (SoC) to deliver high compute with optimized with most TOPS/Watt performance for datacenter and Artificial Intelligence.

ADI provides supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner® and applicable LTpowerPlay® configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.

Key Power for full management devices are used as follows:

  • LTC7151S
  • LT8609S
  • LTC3636
  • ADP1752
  • ADP1755
Versal AI Core Board
Versal AI Core XCVC1902 Circuits from the Lab®

Edge Core FPGA Power Delivery Reference Design


The ADI Versal AI Core Power Reference Design Board has been tested and proven to power the key rails for the Xilinx Versal AI Core ACAP series. Using a PMBUs Multi Phase DC/DC controller coupled with ADI SilentMOS (ADI version of DrMOS) to deliver up to 240A of output current.

The ADI LTC3888-1 is an 8 Phase PMBUs DC/DC controller that is coupled with the LTC7051 ADI SilentMOS to provide a flexible and scalable design that can be tailored as needed for both higher and lower power applications by adding or subtracting the LTC7051 ADI SilentMOS.

Request schematic for ADI power used on the board.

Contact ADI if you have questions about the ADI power management solutions used on this board.

Versal PRIME Circuits from the Lab®

AI XCXM1802 for Full Management Mid to High Voltage


ADI Key Power Management Features for Versal ACAP XCXM1802 for Mid to High Voltage

  • Proposed Solution implements new LTC3887-1/LTC7051 combo
  • LTC3887-1 is a PMBus 2-phase, 2 loop, current mode controller. PMBus commands allow Vin, Vout, current, temperature, and fault status read back.
  • LTC7051 is new Silent Switcher 2 ADI MOS capable of delivering increased DC load while switching at higher frequencies. Increased DC load allows for decreased phase count and higher current density. Increased Fsw allows for increase bandwidth and excellent transient response.
  • LTC3636 is dual 6A, controlled on-time current mode monolithic (integrated FETs). Provides high performance compact solution for auxiliary rails.
  • LTC3644 is a quad 1.25A output, high efficiency synchronous monolithic capable of switching up to 2.25MHz.
  • LTC3634 is a single chip solution for DDR rails providing VDD, VTT, and Vref in a monolithic solution.
XCXM1802 Low Voltage
Versal PRIME Circuits from the Lab®

AI XCXM1802 for Low Voltage


ADI Key Power Management Features for Versal PRIME XCXM1802 for Low Voltage

  • Proposed Solution implements new LTC3887-1/LTC7051 combo
  • LTC3887-1 is a PMBus 2-phase, 2 loop, current mode controller. PMBus commands allow Vin, Vout, current, temperature, and fault status read back.
  • LTC7051 is new Silent Switcher 2 ADI MOS capable of delivering increased DC load while switching at higher frequencies. Increased DC load allows for decreased phase count and higher current density. Increased Fsw allows for increase bandwidth and excellent transient response.
  • LTC3636 is dual 6A, controlled on-time current mode monolithic (integrated FETs). Provides high performance compact solution for auxiliary rails.
  • LTC3644 is a quad 1.25A output, high efficiency synchronous monolithic capable of switching up to 2.25MHz.
  • LTC3634 is a single chip solution for DDR rails providing VDD, VTT, and Vref in a monolithic solution.
Versal PRIME Circuits from the Lab®

AI XCXM1902 Minimum Rails and PL Performance


ADI Key Power Management Features for Versal PRIME XCXM1802 for Minimum Rails / PL Performance

  • Proposed Solution implements new LTC3887-1/LTC7051 combo
  • LTC3887-1 is a PMBus 2-phase, 2 loop, current mode controller. PMBus commands allow Vin, Vout, current, temperature, and fault status read back.
  • LTC7051 is new Silent Switcher 2 ADI MOS capable of delivering increased DC load while switching at higher frequencies. Increased DC load allows for decreased phase count and higher current density. Increased Fsw allows for increase bandwidth and excellent transient response.
  • LTC3636 is dual 6A, controlled on-time current mode monolithic (integrated FETs). Provides high performance compact solution for auxiliary rails.
  • LT8607 is a compact, high efficiency, high speed 750mA synchronous monolithic.
  • LTC3634 is a single chip solution for DDR rails providing VDD, VTT, and Vref in a monolithic solution.
Versal PRIME Circuits from the Lab®

AI XCXM1802 for Optimized Efficiency


ADI Key Power Management Features for Versal ACAP XCXM1802 for Optimized Efficiency

  • Proposed Solution implements new LTC3887-1/LTC7051 combo
  • LTC3887-1 is a PMBus 2-phase, 2 loop, current mode controller. PMBus commands allow Vin, Vout, current, temperature, and fault status read back.
  • LTC7051 is new Silent Switcher 2 ADI MOS capable of delivering increased DC load while switching at higher frequencies. Increased DC load allows for decreased phase count and higher current density. Increased Fsw allows for increase bandwidth and excellent transient response.
  • LTC3636 is dual 6A, controlled on-time current mode monolithic (integrated FETs). Provides high performance compact solution for auxiliary rails.
  • LTC3634 is a single chip solution for DDR rails providing VDD, VTT, and Vref in a monolithic solution.
  • LTC3634 is a single chip solution for DDR rails providing VDD, VTT, and Vref in a monolithic solution.
Blaize Xplorer
X1600E EDSFF Accelerator
Blaize<sup>&reg;</sup> Xplorer X1600E EDSFF Accelerator Card​
Blaize<sup>&reg;</sup> Xplorer X1600E EDSFF Accelerator​ Power Tree
Blaize Pathfinder
Pathfinder P1600 SOM Module
Blaize<sup>&reg;</sup> Pathfinder P1600 Embedded System on Module
Blaize<sup>&reg;</sup> Pathfinder P1600 SOM Power Tree
Versal AI Core XCVC1902
Edge Core FPGA Power Delivery Reference Design
Versal AI Core Board
Versal AI Core Board
Versal AI Core XCVC1902 Power Tree
Versal PRIME
AI XCXM1802 for Full Management Mid to High Voltage
Versal PRIME
AI XCXM1802 for Low Voltage
XCXM1802 Low Voltage
XCXM1802 Low Voltage Efficiency
Versal PRIME
AI XCXM1902 Minimum Rails and PL Performance
Versal PRIME
AI XCXM1802 for Optimized Efficiency

