

デュアル13Aまたはシングル26A DC/DC µModuleレギュレータ







  • 完全な独立型デュアル出力電源
  • デュアル13A出力またはシングル26A出力
  • 広い入力電圧範囲:4.5V~16V
  • 出力電圧範囲:0.6V~2.5V
  • 全DC出力電圧誤差:最大±1.5%
  • 複数のLTM4620によるマルチフェーズ電流分担:最大100A
  • 差動リモート検出アンプ
  • 電流モード制御/高速トランジェント応答
  • 調整可能なスイッチング周波数
  • 過電流フォールドバック保護
  • 周波数同期
  • 内部温度モニタ
  • 出力過電圧保護
  • SnPb仕上げまたはRoHS準拠の仕上げ
  • 熱特性が改善された(15mm × 15mm × 4.41mm)LGAパッケージおよび(15mm × 15mm × 5.01mm)BGAパッケージ
デュアル13Aまたはシングル26A DC/DC µModuleレギュレータ
26A, 1.2V Output DC/DC μModule® Regulator 1.2V Efficiency vs IOUT Product Package 1 Product Package 2











製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
µModule 降圧レギュレータ 1
LTM4630 新規設計に推奨 デュアル18Aまたはシングル36A DC/DC µModule(パワー・モジュール)レギュレータ
PowerPath、理想ダイオード(Ideal Diodes)、負荷スイッチ 1
LTC4370 新規設計に推奨 2電源ダイオードOR電流平衡コントローラ
シリコン発振器 1
LTC6908 スペクトル拡散変調付き抵抗設定SOT-23発振器
デジタル・パワー・システム・マネージメント(PSM) 1
LTC2974 新規設計に推奨 正確な出力電流測定を特長とする4チャンネルPMBusパワーシステム・マネージャ
デジタル・パワー・システム・マネージメント機能を備えた µModule レギュレータ 1
LTM4676 製造中止 パワーシステム・マネージメント機能を備えたデュアル13A/シングル26A μModuleレギュレータ
Modal heading










eval board

LTM4620EV Demo Board | LTM4620 (x4) PolyPhase µModule Buck, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1.0V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V @ 100A


Demonstration circuit 1780A-C features poly phase design using the LTM4620EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 13A, switch mode step-down power module regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 16V. The output voltage is jumper selectable from 1.0V to 2.5V. DC1780A-C can deliver nominal 100A output current with 4× LTM4620s in parallel. Output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions.

eval board

LTM4620EV Demo Board | LTM4620 (x2) PolyPhase µModule Buck, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1.0V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V @ 50A


Demonstration circuit 1780A-A features PolyPhase® design using the LTM4620EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 13A, switch mode step-down power module regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 16V. The output voltage is jumper selectable from 1.0V to 2.5V. DC1780A-A can deliver nominal 50A output current with 2× LTM4620s in parallel. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions.

eval board

LTM4620EV Demo Board | LTM4620 (x3) PolyPhase µModule Buck, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1.0V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V @ 75A


Demonstration circuit 1780A-B features PolyPhase® design using the LTM4620EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 13A, switch mode step-down power module regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 16V. The output voltage is jumper selectable from 1.0V to 2.5V. DC1780A-B can deliver nominal 75A output current with 3× LTM4620s in parallel. Output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions.

eval board

LTM4620EV Demo Board | Dual 16V, 13A Step-Down µModule Regulator


DC1498A features the LTM4620EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 13A, switch mode step-down power module regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 16V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 2.5V. DC1498A can deliver nominal 12A output current and up to 13A maximum in each channel. Output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions.

LTM4620EV Demo Board | LTM4620 (x4) PolyPhase µModule Buck, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1.0V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V @ 100A
DC1780A-C - Schematic
LTM4620EV Demo Board | LTM4620 (x2) PolyPhase µModule Buck, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1.0V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V @ 50A
DC1780A-A - Schematic
LTM4620EV Demo Board | LTM4620 (x3) PolyPhase µModule Buck, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1.0V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V @ 75A
DC1780A-B - Schematic
LTM4620EV Demo Board | Dual 16V, 13A Step-Down µModule Regulator
DC1498A - Schematic


Arria 10 (Rev E3- Linear Technology) Dev Kit
Altera Arria 10 FPGA Development Kit Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile) Circuits from the Lab®

Altera FPGA


  • Intel Agilex 7 F-Series devices target a wide range of applications across many markets. This series offers transceiver rates up to 58 Gbps, advanced DSP blocks supporting multiple precisions of fixed-point and floating-point operations, and high-performance crypto blocks.
  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. Our team can provide samples and/or evaluation boards for quick validation that can speed time to market in the most complex applications.
  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Kintex UltraScale Board
Xilinx Kintex UltraScale PCI Express Platform Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Virtex 7 PCI Express Gen 3 /100Gig Networking Card - Top View
Xilinx Virtex 7 PCI Express Gen 3/100Gig Networking Card Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Virtex UltraScale Development Platform
Xilinx Virtex UltraScale Development Platform Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
HTG-9100 900 Gb Optical Networking Platform
Xilinx Virtex UltraScale Multi 100 Gig Optical Networking Platform Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Virtex-7™  10G/40G/100G Optical Interface FPGA Platform
Xilinx Virtex-7 10G/40G/100G Optical Interface FPGA Platform Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
HTG-V7-PCIE-FF Block Diagram
Xilinx Virtex-7 High-End Networking Card with Samtec FireFly Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Virtex™ -7 V2000T PCI Express Dev Board
Xilinx Virtex-7 V2000T PCI Express Development Board Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Virtex™ -7 High-End Networking Card With Dual CXP Ports
Xilinx Virtex™ -7 High-End Networking Card With Dual CXP Ports Circuits from the Lab®


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera Arria 10 FPGA Development Kit
Arria 10 (Rev E3- Linear Technology) Dev Kit
Arria 10 FPGA Development Kit (Power Tree Representative of Actual Components Used on Board)
Simplied Power Tree that directly steps down 12V to required I/O voltage
Arria 10 (Rev E3- Linear Technology) Dev Kit Block Diagram
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
Altera FPGA
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board Block Diagram
Stratix V Advanced Systems Development Board Power Tree
Xilinx Kintex UltraScale PCI Express Platform
Kintex UltraScale Board
UltraScale Board Block Diagram
HTG-K800 Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex 7 PCI Express Gen 3/100Gig Networking Card
Virtex 7 PCI Express Gen 3 /100Gig Networking Card - Top View
Virtex 7 PCI Express Gen 3 /100Gig Networking Card - Bottom View
HTG-V7-G3PCIE Block Diagram
HTG-V7-G3PCIE Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex UltraScale Development Platform
Virtex UltraScale Development Platform
HTG-830 Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex UltraScale Multi 100 Gig Optical Networking Platform
HTG-9100 900 Gb Optical Networking Platform
HTG-9100 Block Diagram
HTG-9100 Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex-7 10G/40G/100G Optical Interface FPGA Platform
Virtex-7™  10G/40G/100G Optical Interface FPGA Platform
HTG-V7-OPTIC Block Diagram
HTG-V7-OPTIC Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex-7 High-End Networking Card with Samtec FireFly
HTG-V7-PCIE-FF Block Diagram
HTG-712 Networking Card with Samtec Firefly
HTG-712 Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex-7 V2000T PCI Express Development Board
Virtex™ -7 V2000T PCI Express Dev Board
HTG-V7-PCIE Block Diagram
HTG-V7-PCIE Power Tree
Xilinx Virtex™ -7 High-End Networking Card With Dual CXP Ports
Virtex™ -7 High-End Networking Card With Dual CXP Ports
HTG-V7-PCIE-CXP Block Diagram
HTG-V7-PCIE-CXP Power Tree

