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具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道 50A 或单通道 100A µModule 稳压器




  • 双通道 50A 或单通道 100A 数字可调输出,具有用于控制、补偿和监视的数字接口
  • 宽输入电压范围:4.5V 至 16V
  • 输出电压范围:0.5V 至 1.8V
  • 在 100A 时,从 12VIN 到 1VOUT 具有约 90% 满载效率
  • 整个温度范围内的最大 DC 输出误差为 ±0.5%
  • 电流回读精度为 ± 3% (在 25°C 至 125°C 的温度范围内)
  • 集成输入电流检测放大器
  • 符合 PMBus 标准的 400kHz I2C 串行接口
  • 支持高达 125Hz 的遥测轮询频率
  • 集成式 16 位 ∆Σ ADC
  • 恒频电流模式控制
  • 可实现多个模块的并联和均流
  • 15mm × 22mm × 7.87mm BGA 封装
  • 可读数据:
    • 输入和输出电压、电流和温度
    • 运行峰值、正常运行时间、故障和警告
    • 内部 EEPROM 和 ECC 故障记录
  • 可写数据和可配置参数:
    • 输出电压、电压排序和裕度调节
    • 数字软启 / 停止斜坡
    • 优化模拟环路补偿
    • 过压 (OV) / 欠压 (UV) / 过温 (OT)、欠压闭锁 (UVLO)、频率和调相
具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道 50A 或单通道 100A µModule 稳压器


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eval board

停产:LTM4700演示板 | 具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道50A或单通道100A µModule稳压器



演示电路2702A-B是一款单路输出、双相、高效率、高密度、µModule稳压器,具有4.5V至16V输入电压范围。输出电压可在0.5V至1.8V范围内调整并可提供最大100A负载电流。演示板集成了LTM4700 µModule稳压器,它是一款具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道50A或单通道100A降压型稳压器。有关更多详细信息,请参见LTM4700数据手册。


eval board

已停产:LTM4700 具数字电源系统管理功能的高电流、多相降压型 µModule 电源,3×LTM4700,300A


该评估板已过时,不再推荐使用。 替换板是 DC2784B-B(即将推出)。

演示电路 2784A-B 是高效率、高密度 µModule 稳压器,具有 4.5V 至 16V 的输入范围。输出电压可在 0.5V 至 1.8V 范围内调节,能提供 300A 的最大负载电流。该演示板具有三个 LTM4700 µModule 稳压器,LTM4700 是一款具有数字电源系统管理功能的双路 50A 或单路 100A 降压型稳压器。更多详细信息请参见 LTM4700 数据手册。

DC2784A-B 上电至默认设置,并根据配置电阻器产生功率,无需任何串行总线通信。这实现了 DC/DC 转换器的简易评估。如需充分发掘该器件丰富齐全的电源系统管理功能,请将 GUI 软件 LTpowerPlay®下载到 PC 上,并使用 ADI 的 I2C/ SMBus/PMBus接口转换板 DC1613A 连接到电路板。LTpowerPlay 使用户能在运行当中重新配置器件并将配置存储在 EEPROM 中,查看电压、电流、温度和故障状态的遥测数据。

eval board

LTM4700 具数字电源系统管理功能的高电流、多相降压型 µModule 电源,4×LTM4700,400A


演示电路 2784A-C 是高效率、高密度 µModule 稳压器,具有 4.5V 至 16V 的输入范围。输出电压可在 0.5V 至 1.8V 范围内调节,能提供 400A 的最大负载电流。该演示板具有四个 LTM4700 µModule 稳压器,LTM4700 是一款具有数字电源系统管理功能的双路 50A 或单路 100A 降压型稳压器。更多详细信息请参见 LTM4700 数据手册。

DC2784A-C 上电至默认设置,并根据配置电阻器产生功率,无需任何串行总线通信。这实现了 DC/DC 转换器的简易评估。如需充分发掘该器件丰富齐全的电源系统管理功能,请将 GUI 软件 LTpowerPlay® 下载到 PC 上,并使用 ADI 的 I2C/ SMBus/PMBus 接口转换板 DC1613A 连接到电路板。LTpowerPlay 使用户能在运行当中重新配置器件并将配置存储在 EEPROM 中,查看电压、电流、温度和故障状态的遥测数据。

eval board

停产:LTM4700 具数字电源系统管理功能的高电流、多相降压型 µModule 电源,2×LTM4700,200A



演示电路2784A-A是一款高效率、高密度、µModule稳压器,具有4.5V至16V输入电压范围。输出电压可在0.5V至1.8V范围内调整并可提供最大200A负载电流。演示板集成了两个LTM4700 µModule稳压器,它是一款具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道50A或单通道100A降压型稳压器。有关更多详细信息,请参见LTM4700数据手册。


eval board

停产:带数字电源系统管理功能的双路50A或单路100A µModule稳压器LTM4700EY


演示电路 2702A-A 是一款具 4.5V 至 16V 输入范围的双输出、高效率、高密度 µModule稳压器。每个输出可提供 50A 的最大负载电流。该演示板具有一个 LTM4700 µModule 稳压器,这是一款双输出 50A 或单输出 100A 降压型稳压器,具有数字电源系统管理功能。如需了解更多详细信息,请参阅 LTM4700 数据手册。

DC2702A-A 上电至默认设置,并根据配置电阻产生功率,无需任何串行总线通信。这实现了 DC/DC 转换器的简易评估。如需全面了解该器件的众多电源系统管理功能,请将 GUI 软件 LTpowerPlay 下载到 PC 上,并通过 LTC 的 I2C/ SMBus/PMBus 接口转换板 DC1613A 连接到电路板。LTpowerPlay 使用户能在运行当中重新配置该器件,并将配置存储在 EEPROM 中,还可查看电压、电流、温度和故障状态的遥测数据。

eval board

LTM4700 | High Current, PolyPhase® Step-Down Power μModule Supply with Digital Power System Management 4 × LTM4700, 400A


Demonstration circuit 2784B-C is a high-efficiency, high-density, μModule® regulator with a 4.5V to 16V input range. The output voltage is adjustable from 0.5V to 1.8V, and it can supply 400A maximum load current. The demo board has four LTM®4700 μModule regulators, which is a dual 50A or single 100A step-down regulator with digital power system management. See the LTM4700 data sheet for more detailed information.

The DC2784B-C powers up to default settings and produces power based on configuration resistors without the need for any serial bus communication. This allows easy evaluation of the DC/DC converter. To fully explore the extensive power system management features of the All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. part, download the GUI software LTpowerPlay® onto a PC and use ADI’s I2C/SMBus/PMBus dongle DC1613A to connect to the board. LTpowerPlay allows on-the-fly reconfiguration of the part and stores the configuration in EEPROM, view telemetry of voltage, current, temperature and fault status.

GUI Download

Download software from LTpowerPlay.

For more details and instructions of LTpowerPlay, refer to LTpowerPlay GUI for LTM4700 Quick Start Guide.

Design files for this circuit board are available.

eval board

High Current, PolyPhase® Step-Down Power μModule Supply with Digital Power System Management 3 × LTM4700, 300A


Demonstration circuit 2784B-B is a high efficiency, high density, μModule® regulator with 4.5V to 16V input range. The output voltage is adjustable from 0.5V to 1.8V and it can supply 300A maximum load current. The demo board has three LTM®4700 μModule regulators, which is a dual 50A or single 100A step-down regulator with digital power system management. Please see LTM4700 data sheet for more detailed information.

DC2784B-B powers up to default settings and produces power based on configuration resistors without the need for any serial bus communication. This allows easy evaluation of the DC/DC converter. To fully explore the extensive power system management features of the part, download All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. the GUI software LTpowerPlay® onto your PC and use ADI’s I2C/SMBus/PMBus dongle DC1613A to connect to the board. LTpowerPlay allows the user to reconfigure the part on-the-fly and store the configuration in EEPROM, view telemetry of voltage, current, temperature and fault status.

GUI Download

The software can be downloaded from LTpowerPlay.

For more details and instructions of LTpowerPlay, please refer to LTpowerPlay GUI for LTM4700 Quick Start Guide.

eval board

LTM4700 | 具有数字电源系统管理功能的单路 100A μModule 模块稳压器


演示电路 2702B-B 是一款单输出、双相、高效率、高密度 μModule® 稳压器,其输入范围为 4.5V 至 16V。输出电压可在 0.5V 至 1.8V 范围内调节,可提供 100A 的最大负载电流。DC2702B-B 演示板具有 LTM4700 μModule 稳压器,这是一款双输出 50A 或单输出 100A 降压型稳压器,具有数字电源系统管理功能。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 LTM4700 数据手册。

DC2702B-B 上电至默认设置,并根据配置电阻产生功率,无需串行总线通信。利用此功能可轻松评估 DC/DC 转换器。如需全面了解 LTM4700 的更多电源系统管理特性,请在 PC 上下载 LTpowerPlay® 的 GUI 软件,并使用 ADI 公司的 I2C/SMBus/PMBus 加密狗 DC1613A 连接到电路板上。凭借 LTpowerPlay,用户可在运行当中重新配置套件,并将配置存储在 EEPROM 中,查看电压、电流、温度和故障状态的遥测数据。

eval board

LTM4700EY | 具有数字电源系统管理功能的双路 50A 或单路 100A μModule 稳压器


演示电路 2702B-A 是一款双输出、高效率、高密度 μModule® 稳压器,其输入范围为 4.5V 至 16V。每个输出可提供最大 50A 的加载电流。该演示板具有 LTM4700 μModule 稳压器,这是一款双输出 50A 或单输出 100A 的降压型稳压器,具有数字电源系统管理功能。有关更多信息,请参见 LTM4700 数据手册。

DC2702B-A 上电至默认设置,并根据配置电阻器产生功率,无需任何串行总线通信。这样就可以轻松评估 DC/DC 转换器。如需全面了解该套件的电源系统更多管理特性,请将 GUI 软件 LTpowerPlay® 下载到 PC,并通过 ADI 公司的 I2C/SMBus/PMBus 加密狗 DC1613A 连接到电路板上。LTpowerPlay 支持在运行当中重新配置零件,并将配置存储在 EEPROM 中,并使能查看电压、电流、温度和故障状态的遥测数据。

eval board

LTM4700 | 高电流 PolyPhase® 降压型电源 µModule,具有数字电源系统管理功能 2 × LTM4700,200A


演示电路 2784B-A 是一款高效率、高密度 μ模块® 调节器,输入范围为 4.5V 至 16V。输出电压可在 0.5V 至 1.8V 范围内调节,可提供 200A 的最大加载电流。演示板具有两个 LTM®4700 μModule 稳压器,这是一款双路 50A 或单路 100A 降压型稳压器,具有数字电源系统管理功能。有关更多详细信息,请参见 LTM4700 数据手册。

DC2784B-A 上电至默认设置,并根据配置电阻器产生功率,无需任何串行总线通信。这样就可以轻松评估 DC/DC 转换器。如需全面了解该部件的更多电源系统管理特性,请在您电脑上下载 LTpowerPlay® 的 GUI 软件,并使用 ADI 公司的 I2C/SMBus/PMBus 加密狗 DC1613A连接到电路板上。LTpowerPlay 使用户可在运行当中重新配置器件,并将配置存储在 EEPROM 中,查看电压、电流、温度和故障状态的遥测数据。

下载 GUI

LTpowerPlay 该软件可从以下网址下载。

有关 LTpowerPlay 的更多详细信息和说明,请参阅 LTpowerPlay GUI 中的 LTM4700 快速入门指南。


停产:LTM4700演示板 | 具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道50A或单通道100A µModule稳压器
已停产:LTM4700 具数字电源系统管理功能的高电流、多相降压型 µModule 电源,3×LTM4700,300A
LTM4700 具数字电源系统管理功能的高电流、多相降压型 µModule 电源,4×LTM4700,400A
停产:LTM4700 具数字电源系统管理功能的高电流、多相降压型 µModule 电源,2×LTM4700,200A
停产:带数字电源系统管理功能的双路50A或单路100A µModule稳压器LTM4700EY
LTM4700 | High Current, PolyPhase® Step-Down Power μModule Supply with Digital Power System Management 4 × LTM4700, 400A
High Current, PolyPhase® Step-Down Power μModule Supply with Digital Power System Management 3 × LTM4700, 300A
LTM4700 | 具有数字电源系统管理功能的单路 100A μModule 模块稳压器
LTM4700EY | 具有数字电源系统管理功能的双路 50A 或单路 100A μModule 稳压器
LTM4700 | 高电流 PolyPhase® 降压型电源 µModule,具有数字电源系统管理功能 2 × LTM4700,200A


Xilinx VU37P Board
HTG-937: Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ ™ VU37P/VU47P HBM Development Board 参考设计


The HTG-937 provides access to large FPGA gate density and 8GB/16GB of high bandwidth memory. It is populated with the Xilinx Zynq Virtex Ultrascale VU37P, or VU47P. Analog Devices power solution on this platform is fully validated to meet the requirements of Xilinx Zynq Virtex Ultrascale FPGAs to ensure a robust power delivery solution.

DC/DC μModule regulators are used on the HTG-937 to power Xilinx FPGA and/or SoC rails as well as other system rails. These regulators are highly integrated solutions with built in controller, power FETs, inductors, and capacitors that simplify layout and provide robust power delivery performance.

We provide supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

HTG-AI & Prime PCIe Express Platform - Top View
HTG-VSL1 参考设计

Versal PRIME /AI PCI Express Platform


  • Xilinx Versal AI Core and Prime series solves a broad range of industry-specific problems with performance and flexibility. Core use cases  include storage acceleration,  data center network acceleration, 5G xHaul and Passive optical networks.

  • The HTG-VSL1 AI Core and Prime PCIe express platform allows easy and versatile functional expansion through two Vita 57.4 compliant High-Pin-Count  FMC+ ports and one high-speed AcceleRate® port.

  • Analog Devices, Inc. supports power delivery solutions for the HTG-VSL1 for the Versal AI Core and Versal Prime PCIe express platform. DC/DC μModule regulators are used on the HTG-VSL1 to power Xilinx FPGA and/or SoC rails as well as other system rails. These regulators are highly integrated solutions with built in controller, power FETs, inductors, and capacitors that simplify layout and provide robust power delivery performance.

  • ADI provides supporting documentation including power schematics, layout, LTpowerPlanner® and applicable LTpowerPlay® configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly.

  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.

  • Key Power DC DC Modules include:
    • LTM4700 is a Dual 50A or Single 100A μModule Regulator with Digital Power System Management, PMBus
    • LTM4638 is a 15A Step-Down DC/DC μModule Regulator
    • LTM4625 is a 5A Step-Down DC/DC μModule Regulator
    • LTM4632 is a Triple Output, Step-Down μModule Regulator for DDR-QDR4 Memory
    • LTC2937 is a Programmable Six Channel Sequencer and Voltage Supervisor with EEPROM
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX PCIe development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations an alternate power tree that allow for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX SI development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations for an alternate power tree that allows for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
agilex7 alternative umodule
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (Alternative µModule) 参考设计

Altera FPGA


  • Intel Agilex 7 F-Series devices target a wide range of applications across many markets. This series offers transceiver rates up to 58 Gbps, advanced DSP blocks supporting multiple precisions of fixed-point and floating-point operations, and high-performance crypto blocks.
  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. Our team can provide samples and/or evaluation boards for quick validation that can speed time to market in the most complex applications.
  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.
HTG-937: Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ ™ VU37P/VU47P HBM Development Board
Versal PRIME /AI PCI Express Platform
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (Alternative µModule)
Altera FPGA

