ADI Trinamic高效PANdrive智能步进电机将cDriver模块与坚固耐用的步进驱动器相结合。智能步进电机适用于要求苛刻的任务,通过自行处理实时关键功能,甚至支持独立运行,从而保持较低的系统通信流量。同时提供TMCL协议和行业标准CANopen协议,以便快速集成到设计中。
ADI Trinamic高效PANdrive智能步进电机将cDriver模块与坚固耐用的步进驱动器相结合。智能步进电机适用于要求苛刻的任务,通过自行处理实时关键功能,甚至支持独立运行,从而保持较低的系统通信流量。同时提供TMCL协议和行业标准CANopen协议,以便快速集成到设计中。
Motor and Motion Control Interfaces and Protocols
A motor drive system consists of several functional building blocks. The motion controller receives commands over a selected interface, in a defined protocol. The commands are translated into signals for the motor control and driver part. For this transformation of digital information into perfect physical motion, ADI Trinamic™ products cover a wide range of interfaces and protocols.

Motor and Motion Control Interfaces and Protocols
A motor drive system consists of several functional building blocks. The motion controller receives commands over a selected interface, in a defined protocol. The commands are translated into signals for the motor control and driver part. For this transformation of digital information into perfect physical motion, ADI Trinamic™ products cover a wide range of interfaces and protocols.
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