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ADI Trinamics精密电机经过优化,可配合我们先进的电机控制技术一起使用。选择我们的BLDC电机和步进电机,通过其先进的特性组合为您带来出色的应用性能。我们还提供背面安装高分辨率电机编码器的精密电机,以配合闭环驱动器使用。

ADI Trinamics精密电机经过优化,可配合我们先进的电机控制技术一起使用。选择我们的BLDC电机和步进电机,通过其先进的特性组合为您带来出色的应用性能。我们还提供背面安装高分辨率电机编码器的精密电机,以配合闭环驱动器使用。


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无刷直流(BLDC)电机具有耐用、高效且可控的优势。BLDC驱动器广泛用于各种应用,可提供相对较高的扭矩和良好的速度响应性能。特别是利用ADI Trinamic先进IC和模块构成伺服驱动器时,这些BLDC电机将带来使用寿命更长的稳健解决方案。

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Popular for their high torque at low speeds and stand still, stepper motors are the drive of choice when precise positioning is needed. Combined with ADI Trinamic's industry-leading technologies turning stepper motor characteristics to your advantage, they transform digital information into perfect physical motion using up to 51,200 microsteps per full revolution.

We Transform Digital Information into Physical Motion

Transforming digital information into physical motion is not as simple as just translating data into movement. Motion control technology must be flexible to support evolving device capabilities, efficient to satisfy space constraints of shrinking footprints, and of course, easy to implement, whether it’s driving advanced robotics and automation, battery-powered medical devices, IoT, or any other application. ADI Trinamic™ motion control technology elevates essential motor characteristics into competitive advantages by transforming digital information into perfect physical motion.

We Transform Digital Information into Physical Motion

Transforming digital information into physical motion is not as simple as just translating data into movement. Motion control technology must be flexible to support evolving device capabilities, efficient to satisfy space constraints of shrinking footprints, and of course, easy to implement, whether it’s driving advanced robotics and automation, battery-powered medical devices, IoT, or any other application. ADI Trinamic™ motion control technology elevates essential motor characteristics into competitive advantages by transforming digital information into perfect physical motion.