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ADI Trinamic运动控制模块是基于ADI Trinamic IC的完整板级解决方案。经过验证的设计为实验室自动化、制造、工业自动化、医疗和机器人等应用设定了性能标准。可以对运动控制模块轻松编程,使用TMCL实现独立操作,或使用CANopen快速集成到系统设计中。

ADI Trinamic运动控制模块是基于ADI Trinamic IC的完整板级解决方案。经过验证的设计为实验室自动化、制造、工业自动化、医疗和机器人等应用设定了性能标准。可以对运动控制模块轻松编程,使用TMCL实现独立操作,或使用CANopen快速集成到系统设计中。


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适用于BLDC电机的ADI Trinamic单轴伺服模块是灵活且经济高效的解决方案,可对BLDC或BLAC电机进行分散协调控制。伺服控制器模块配备使用编码器信号的磁场定向控制功能,可针对应用提供精确的动态定位,同时降低管理成本。

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这些单轴步进电机模块高度集成且节能,采用ADI Trinamic的cDriver™ IC,适合处理要求苛刻的任务。就像多轴电路板一样,适用于步进电机的单轴cDriver模块通过处理实时关键功能来保持较低的系统通信流量。

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ADI Trinamic先进的多轴步进电机模块可提供高度集成的多电机驱动解决方案。通过在电路板上处理所有实时关键功能,通信流量可保持在较低水平。结合ADI Trinamic面向步进电机提供的特性组合,这些模块非常适合任何多轴应用。

Build vs Buy: Why Developing Your Motor Drive with Smart Microsystems May Be Your Best Option

Highly integrated microsystems offer a balance between making your own motor drive and buying one. Design engineers have flexibility and options during the new motor drive specification process, as well as access to advanced motion control expertise and functionality without the tradeoffs in features and specifications that accompany building your own. With cost and time restrictions ever present, highly integrated microsystems enable fast, lean, and easy design.

Build vs Buy: Why Developing Your Motor Drive with Smart Microsystems May Be Your Best Option

Highly integrated microsystems offer a balance between making your own motor drive and buying one. Design engineers have flexibility and options during the new motor drive specification process, as well as access to advanced motion control expertise and functionality without the tradeoffs in features and specifications that accompany building your own. With cost and time restrictions ever present, highly integrated microsystems enable fast, lean, and easy design.