

4 × 24車載LEDマトリクス・ドライバ、ASIL B機能対応

業界初のマトリクスLEDドライバ、車載アプリケーション用、ASIL B対応







  • CRCを備えたSPIインターフェースを使用する柔軟な構成
    • プログラム可能な多重化比:4:1~1:1
    • カラム・ドライバ内蔵
    • プログラム可能なディザによって分解能を強化
    • オプションの個別にプログラム可能な遅延
    • オプションの各出力の疑似ランダム微小遅延
  • 24のロー・ドライバ
    • ピーク出力電流:最大72mA
    • 各LEDゾーンに対する個別の電流制御
    • 非常に狭い最小電流パルスによって最大の調光比を実現
    • ゴースト除去機能
  • ASIL Bに対応する広範な診断機能
    • 短絡またはオープンLED
    • フラグを備えたプログラム可能なVLED低電圧/過電圧検出
    • 隣接するSNK_ / SNK_間の短絡検出
    • SNK_またはSRC_のGNDへの短絡
    • ISET範囲外
    • 内部クロック範囲外検出
    • バンドギャップ・リファレンス範囲外
    • SPIトランザクションのCRC
    • 内部メモリ内容のCRC
    • 全電源の低電圧/過電圧検出
    • 過熱警告/サーマル・シャットダウン
  • 外部DC/DCコンバータを制御するためのFB出力
  • 高速デイジーチェーン/スターSPIインターフェース
  • VSYNC同期入力(プログラム可能なアクティブ・ハイ/ロー)
  • 48ピンTQFNおよびTSSOPパッケージ
  • AEC-Q100グレード1認定
4 × 24車載LEDマトリクス・ドライバ、ASIL B機能対応





データシート 1







ソフトウェア開発 1



Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501


  • SPI Programmability
  • Dedicated GUI
  • Proven PCB and Thermal Design
  • Fully Assembled and Tested.

Complete documentation is available upon completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To request an NDA, click here.


The MAX25500 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX25500 and the MAX25501, 4x24-channel modular matrix backlight drivers with ASIL B features (MAX25501 only) for use with local-dimming automotive displays.

The EV kit operates from a DC supply voltage between 3V and 5V (VCC) while the on-board 4x48 LED matrix can be powered either from the on-board MAX20077 buck converter, the on-board MAX20048 buck-boost converter or from an external power supply connected to VLED. The EV kit can be configured to operate alone or with other MAX25500 EV kits in a daisy-chain or star connection.

The EV kit also demonstrates short-LED (this includes SNK_ to SNK_, SRC_ to VLED, SRC_ to GND shorts), open-LED, VLED Undervoltage and Overvoltage and overtemperature-fault protection.

The EV kit provides an SPI interface that can operate in conjunction with the MINIQUSB+ adapter board or a thirdparty SPI master. The EV kit also includes Windows®- compatible software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC.

Note: Eight different EV kit versions exist, each designed to accommodate one of the two available MAX25500/ MAX25501 IC packages (TQFN and TSSOP), featuring one of the two available SPI control interfaces (Daisychain and Star). The instructions given in the following paragraphs equally apply to all the EV kit versions. See the Ordering Information table at the end of this document for details on the different EV kits.


Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501


  • SPI Programmability
  • Dedicated GUI
  • Proven PCB and Thermal Design
  • Fully Assembled and Tested.

Complete documentation is available upon completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To request an NDA, click here.


The MAX25500 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX25500 and the MAX25501, 4x24-channel modular matrix backlight drivers with ASIL B features (MAX25501 only) for use with local-dimming automotive displays.

The EV kit operates from a DC supply voltage between 3V and 5V (VCC) while the on-board 4x48 LED matrix can be powered either from the on-board MAX20077 buck converter, the on-board MAX20048 buck-boost converter or from an external power supply connected to VLED. The EV kit can be configured to operate alone or with other MAX25500 EV kits in a daisy-chain or star connection.

The EV kit also demonstrates short-LED (this includes SNK_ to SNK_, SRC_ to VLED, SRC_ to GND shorts), open-LED, VLED Undervoltage and Overvoltage and overtemperature-fault protection.

The EV kit provides an SPI interface that can operate in conjunction with the MINIQUSB+ adapter board or a thirdparty SPI master. The EV kit also includes Windows®- compatible software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC.

Note: Eight different EV kit versions exist, each designed to accommodate one of the two available MAX25500/ MAX25501 IC packages (TQFN and TSSOP), featuring one of the two available SPI control interfaces (Daisychain and Star). The instructions given in the following paragraphs equally apply to all the EV kit versions. See the Ordering Information table at the end of this document for details on the different EV kits.


Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501


  • SPI Programmability
  • Dedicated GUI
  • Proven PCB and Thermal Design
  • Fully Assembled and Tested.

Complete documentation is available upon completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To request an NDA, click here.


The MAX25500 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX25500 and the MAX25501, 4x24-channel modular matrix backlight drivers with ASIL B features (MAX25501 only) for use with local-dimming automotive displays.

The EV kit operates from a DC supply voltage between 3V and 5V (VCC) while the on-board 4x48 LED matrix can be powered either from the on-board MAX20077 buck converter, the on-board MAX20048 buck-boost converter or from an external power supply connected to VLED. The EV kit can be configured to operate alone or with other MAX25500 EV kits in a daisy-chain or star connection.

The EV kit also demonstrates short-LED (this includes SNK_ to SNK_, SRC_ to VLED, SRC_ to GND shorts), open-LED, VLED Undervoltage and Overvoltage and overtemperature-fault protection.

The EV kit provides an SPI interface that can operate in conjunction with the MINIQUSB+ adapter board or a thirdparty SPI master. The EV kit also includes Windows®- compatible software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC.

Note: Eight different EV kit versions exist, each designed to accommodate one of the two available MAX25500/ MAX25501 IC packages (TQFN and TSSOP), featuring one of the two available SPI control interfaces (Daisychain and Star). The instructions given in the following paragraphs equally apply to all the EV kit versions. See the Ordering Information table at the end of this document for details on the different EV kits.

Complete documentation is available upon completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To request an NDA, click here.


Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501


  • SPI Programmability
  • Dedicated GUI
  • Proven PCB and Thermal Design
  • Fully Assembled and Tested.

Complete documentation is available upon completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To request an NDA, click here.


The MAX25500 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX25500 and the MAX25501, 4x24-channel modular matrix backlight drivers with ASIL B features (MAX25501 only) for use with local-dimming automotive displays.

The EV kit operates from a DC supply voltage between 3V and 5V (VCC) while the on-board 4x48 LED matrix can be powered either from the on-board MAX20077 buck converter, the on-board MAX20048 buck-boost converter or from an external power supply connected to VLED. The EV kit can be configured to operate alone or with other MAX25500 EV kits in a daisy-chain or star connection.

The EV kit also demonstrates short-LED (this includes SNK_ to SNK_, SRC_ to VLED, SRC_ to GND shorts), open-LED, VLED Undervoltage and Overvoltage and overtemperature-fault protection.

The EV kit provides an SPI interface that can operate in conjunction with the MINIQUSB+ adapter board or a thirdparty SPI master. The EV kit also includes Windows®- compatible software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC.

Note: Eight different EV kit versions exist, each designed to accommodate one of the two available MAX25500/ MAX25501 IC packages (TQFN and TSSOP), featuring one of the two available SPI control interfaces (Daisychain and Star). The instructions given in the following paragraphs equally apply to all the EV kit versions. See the Ordering Information table at the end of this document for details on the different EV kits.


Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501


  • SPI Programmability
  • Dedicated GUI
  • Proven PCB and Thermal Design
  • Fully Assembled and Tested.

Complete documentation is available upon completion of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To request an NDA, click here.


The MAX25500 evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX25500 and the MAX25501, 4x24-channel modular matrix backlight drivers with ASIL B features (MAX25501 only) for use with local-dimming automotive displays.

The EV kit operates from a DC supply voltage between 3V and 5V (VCC) while the on-board 4x48 LED matrix can be powered either from the on-board MAX20077 buck converter, the on-board MAX20048 buck-boost converter or from an external power supply connected to VLED. The EV kit can be configured to operate alone or with other MAX25500 EV kits in a daisy-chain or star connection.

The EV kit also demonstrates short-LED (this includes SNK_ to SNK_, SRC_ to VLED, SRC_ to GND shorts), open-LED, VLED Undervoltage and Overvoltage and overtemperature-fault protection.

The EV kit provides an SPI interface that can operate in conjunction with the MINIQUSB+ adapter board or a thirdparty SPI master. The EV kit also includes Windows®- compatible software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC.

Note: Eight different EV kit versions exist, each designed to accommodate one of the two available MAX25500/ MAX25501 IC packages (TQFN and TSSOP), featuring one of the two available SPI control interfaces (Daisychain and Star). The instructions given in the following paragraphs equally apply to all the EV kit versions. See the Ordering Information table at the end of this document for details on the different EV kits.

Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501
Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501
Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501
Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501
Evaluation Kit for the MAX25500/MAX25501



