








  • 低ノイズ:
    • LTC6655-2.5では0.25ppmP-P  (0.1Hz~10Hz、625nVP-P )
    • LTC6655LNでは0.21ppmRMS (10Hz~1kHz、CNR = 100µF)
  • 低ドリフト:2ppm/℃(最大)
  • 高精度:±0.025%(最大)
  • 湿度の影響を受けない(LS8パッケージ)
  • 熱ヒステリシス(LS8):30ppm(–40℃~85℃)
  • 長期ドリフト(LS8):20ppm/√kHr
  • –40℃、25℃、125℃で全数テスト済み
  • 負荷レギュレーション:<10ppm/mA
  • シンク電流およびソース電流:±5mA
  • 低ドロップアウト電圧:500mV
  • 最大電源電圧:13.2V
  • 低消費電力のシャットダウン:<20μA(最大)
  • 供給可能な出力電圧の種類:1.25V、2.048V、2.5V、3V、3.3V、4.096V、5V
  • 8ピンMSOPパッケージおよび安定性の高い気密封止の5mm × 5mm LS8パッケージで供給可能
LTC6655 - Application Circuit LTC6655LN - Application Circuit LTC6655/LTC6655LN - Performance Graph LTC6655/LTC6655LN - Pin Configuration LTC6655/LTC6655LN - Pin Configuration LTC6655/LTC6655LN - Pin Configuration LTC6655/LTC6655LN - Pin Configuration





データシート 2

信頼性データ 1

ユーザ・ガイド 7

アプリケーション・ノート 2

デザイン・ノート 2

技術記事 9





製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
シングル・チャンネルA/Dコンバータ 1
LTC2378-20 製造中 INLが0.5ppmの20ビット、1Msps、低消費電力SAR A/Dコンバータ
高精度抵抗ネットワーク 1
LT5400 新規設計に推奨 整合したクワッド抵抗ネットワーク
正電圧のリニア電圧レギュレータ(LDO) 1
LT3040 新規設計に推奨 20V、200mA、超低ノイズ、超高PSRR高精度DAC/リファレンス・バッファ
電流出力 DAC 1
LTC2756 製造中 シリアル18ビットSoftSpan電流出力DAC
Modal heading




LTspice 6


  • LTC6655-1.25
  • LTC6655-2.048
  • LTC6655-2.5
  • LTC6655-3
  • LTC6655-3.3
  • LTC6655-4.096
  • LTC6655-5
  • LTC6655LN-2.5
  • LTC6655LN-5

シグナル・チェーン・デザイナー – BETA版






eval board

Arduino Form-factor Development Platform Based on MAX32690 ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller


  • Allows prototyping of intelligent, secure, and connected industrial field devices
  • Arduino Mega-compatible form factor
  • Two Pmod™-compatible connectors
  • ARM Cortex-M4 Ultra Efficient Microcontroller with integrated Bluetooth 5.2 LE
  • WiFi connectivity
  • Long-range, single-pair 10BASE-T1L Ethernet interface
  • Built-in security for root-of-trust, mutual authentication, data confidentiality and integrity, secure boot, and secure communications
  • Open-source software stack


The AD-APARD32690-SL is a platform for prototyping intelligent, secure, and connected field devices. It has an Arduino Mega-compatible form factor and two Pmod™-compatible connectors.

The system includes the MAX32690 ARM Cortex-M4 with FPU-Based Microcontroller and Bluetooth LE 5.2. The MCU is coupled with external RAM (2 x 512 Mb) and Flash (64 Mb) memories to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications. The MAXQ1065 security coprocessor enables state of the art security features such as for root-of-trust, mutual authentication, data confidentiality and integrity, secure boot, and secure communications.

A 10 Mbps single-pair Ethernet link using the ADIN1110 10BASE-T1L MAC/PHY, enables remote data acquisition and system configuration. The 10BASE-T1L interface also supports Single-pair Power over Ethernet (SPoE) and be used for powering the system via an Arduino shield implementing the required power circuitry.

WiFi connectivity is provided via the on-board NINA-W102 multiradio wireless MCU module with internal antenna.

Power can be supplied either via the USB-C connector or via a 2-pin terminal block. The supported input voltage range is 5 V to 28 V.

The system is accompanied by an open-source software stack and associated collateral, enabling a complete experience from evaluation, and prototyping, all the way to production firmware and application development. The open-source software stack also includes drivers and example applications for a wide variety of ADCs, DACs, sensors, and other devices commonly used in industrial applications, further accelerating the development process. An external programmer such as the MAX32625PICO DAPLink, or any other similar programmer supporting the SWD interface, enables firmware programming and debug. The system’s firmware is based on Analog Devices’ open-source no-OS framework which includes all the tools required for embedded code development and debugging as well as libraries, enabling host-side connectivity for system configuration and data transfer over the UART, USB, WiFi, and 10BASE-T1L interfaces.


  • Factory automation
  • Process control
  • Intelligent buildings
  • Secure field instruments
  • Internet of Things

eval board



  • 超低歪み、高解像度ソース
    • 周波数範囲:DC 、50Hz~40kHz
    • 独自のデジタル・プリディストーション(DPD)アルゴリズム
    • −130dBc THD(1kHz(代表値)の時)
    • 内蔵パターン・メモリを用いた任意波形発生(AWG)
    • 差動(バランス型)出力:最大3.6VRMS
  • 複数の記憶された波形間の高速パターン・スイッチング
  • スモール・フォーム・ファクタ(60mm × 40mm)
  • 低消費電力:1W(自己消費、代表値)
  • SPIインターフェースをテストおよび測定システムに統合




  • ハイエンド・オーディオのテスト
  • A/Dコンバータの特性評価およびテスト
  • センサーおよびトランスジューサのテスト
  • 周波数応答およびネットワークの解析
  • ATE(自動試験装置)

eval board

LTC6362 with 500ksps 18-bit LTC2377-18 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

LTC2367-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board |16-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-C Demo Board for:
LTC2367-16 16-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo- Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nVrtHz Noise, Low Power Op Amps
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References


eval board

LTC2379-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1.6Msps, SAR ADC with 101dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC6362 with 1.6Msps 18-bit LTC2379-18 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

LTC2368-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-B Demo Board for:
LTC2368-16 16-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo- Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nVrtHz Noise, Low Power Op Amps
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References


eval board

LTC6362 with 2Msps 16-bit LTC2380-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


DC1805A-A Demo Board for:
LTC2380-16 16-Bit, 2Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 96dB SNR
LTC6362 Precision, Low Power Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Differential Op Amp/SAR ADC Driver
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References

eval board

LTC6362 with 500ksps 16-bit LTC2377-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

LTC6362 with 250ksps 16-bit LTC2376-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

LTC2370-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 2Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-A Demo Board for:
LTC2370-16 16-Bit, 2Msps, Pseudo- Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94dB SNR
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nVrtHz Noise, Low Power Op Amps


eval board

LTC2377-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC2369-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1.6Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 96.5dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-E Demo Board for:
LTC2369 18 18-Bit, 1.6Msps, Pseudo- Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 96.5dB SNR
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nVrtHz Noise, Low Power Op Amps


eval board

LTC2378-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 1Msps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026


The LTC2378-20, LTC2377-20 and LTC2376-20 are 20‑bit, low power, low noise SAR ADCs with serial outputs that operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2378-20 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rate. The LTC2378-20 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 104dB SNR, consumes only 21mW and achieves ±2ppm INL max with no missing codes at 20 bits. The DC1925A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2378-20 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC890 PScope data collection boards. Use the DC590 to demonstrate DC performance such as peak-to-peak noise and DC linearity.

eval board

LTC2376-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC6362 with 1Msps 16-bit LTC2378-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

LTC2377-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC with 102dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC6655BHLS8-5V Demo Board | Ultra Low Noise, 5V Precision Voltage Reference in Ceramic Package


Demonstration circuit 2095A features the LTC6655, a precision low drift reference packaged in a hermetic LS8. The demonstration circuit is available with the 2.5V, 4.096V or 5V output voltage option parts.

eval board

LTC6362 with 1Msps 18-bit LTC2378-18 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

AD4030-24評価用ボード、高精度シングル・チャンネル24ビットSAR ADC


  • 電圧リファレンス、クロック源、およびADCドライバを内蔵
  • 汎用アナログ信号コンディショニング回路
  • FMC-LPCシステム・ボード・コネクタ
  • 設定およびデータ解析(時間領域および周波数領域)のためのACE PCソフトウェア
  • 他の市販コントローラ・ボードに適合



AD4030-24 は、最大2MSPSに対応可能な低消費電力の24ビット精度SAR ADCです。この評価用ボードは、AD4030-24の性能を実証し、様々なシステム・アプリケーション向けに設定可能なアナログ・フロント・エンド(AFE)を提供します。

EVAL-AD4030-24FMCZ評価用ボードは、Digilent ZedBoardを使用するよう設計されています。ZedBoardはデータ・キャプチャやバッファリングの制御に使用されます。この評価用ボードは、FPGA(フィールド・プログラマブル・ゲート・アレイ)メザニン・カード(FMC)のロー・ピン・カウント(LPC)コネクタを介してZedBoardボードに接続されます。ZedBoardは、プログラマブルなFPGAファブリックと2個のプロセッサ・コアを備えたXilinx Zynq7000 SoCをホストしています。ZedBoardとPCはUSBケーブルで接続します。


  • 高精度のバッファリングされたバンド・ギャップ5Vリファレンス(LTC6655)。
  • AD4030-24のシグナル・コンディショニングとドライブを行うアナログ・フロント・エンド(AFE)。AFEは、デュアル・バッファ構成のADA4896-2、または完全差動アンプのADA4945-1のいずれかを使用するように構成できます。
  • FPGAおよびADCのリファレンス・クロックを提供するオプションの100MHzクロック源。
  • FMCコネクタを介してZedBoardから供給される12Vの電源から必要なすべての電圧レールを供給するフル機能電源ソリューション。



  • ATE(自動試験装置)
  • デジタル制御ループ
  • 医療用計測機器
  • 地震計測
  • 半導体製造
  • 科学計測

eval board

LTC2376-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 102dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC6655BHLS8-4V Demo Board | Ultra Low Noise, 4.096V Precision Voltage Reference in Ceramic Package


Demonstration circuit 2095A features the LTC6655, a precision low drift reference packaged in a hermetic LS8. The demonstration circuit is available with the 2.5V, 4.096V or 5V output voltage option parts.

eval board

LTC2364-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-H Demo Board for:
LTC2364-18 18-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nVrtHz Noise, Low Power Op Amps
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References


eval board

LTC2380-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 2Msps, SAR ADC with 96dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026A


DC1783A-A Demo Board for:
LTC2380-16 16-Bit, 2Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 96dB SNR
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References
LT6350 Low Noise Single-Ended to Differential Converter/ADC Driver


eval board

LTC2377-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026


The LTC2378-20, LTC2377-20 and LTC2376-20 are 20‑bit, low power, low noise SAR ADCs with serial outputs that operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2378-20 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rate. The LTC2378-20 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 104dB SNR, consumes only 21mW and achieves ±2ppm INL max with no missing codes at 20 bits. The DC1925A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2378-20 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC890 PScope data collection boards. Use the DC590 to demonstrate DC performance such as peak-to-peak noise and DC linearity.

eval board

LTC2376-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026


The LTC2378-20, LTC2377-20 and LTC2376-20 are 20‑bit, low power, low noise SAR ADCs with serial outputs that operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2378-20 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rate. The LTC2378-20 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 104dB SNR, consumes only 21mW and achieves ±2ppm INL max with no missing codes at 20 bits. The DC1925A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2378-20 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC890 PScope data collection boards. Use the DC590 to demonstrate DC performance such as peak-to-peak noise and DC linearity.

eval board

LTC2389-16 with LTC6655/LT6201, 16-Bit, 2.5Msps, Serial/Parallel SAR ADC with 96dB SNR. Requires DC718


DC1826A-E Demo Board for:

LTC2389-16 16-Bit, 2.5Msps SAR ADC with Pin-Configurable Analog Input Range and 96dB SNR

LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References

LT6201 Dual 165MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 0.95nV/√Hz Low Noise, Op Amp Family


eval board

LTC2367-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-G Demo Board for:
LTC2367-18 18-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nVrtHz Noise, Low Power Op Amps


eval board

LTC2378-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1Msps, SAR ADC with 102dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC6362 with 250ksps 18-bit LTC2376-18 SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC6362 is a low power, low noise differential op amp with rail-to-rail input and output swing that has been optimized to drive low power SAR ADCs. The amplifier may be configured to buffer a fully differential input signal or convert a single-ended input signal to a differential output signal.

eval board

LTC6655BHLS8-2.5V Demo Board | Ultra Low Noise, 2.5V Precision Voltage Reference in Ceramic Package


Demonstration circuit 2095A features the LTC6655, a precision low drift reference packaged in a hermetic LS8. The demonstration circuit is available with the 2.5V, 4.096V or 5V output voltage option parts.

eval board

LTC2368-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-F Demo Board for:
LTC2368-18 18-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR
LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References
LT6202 Single 100MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, Ultralow 1.9nV√Hz Noise, Low Power Op Amps

eval board

LTC2378-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 1Msps, SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026


The LTC2380/LTC2379/LTC2378/LTC2377/LTC2376 are low power, low noise ADCs with serial outputs that can operate from a single 2.5V supply. The demo manual refers to the LTC2379-18 but applies to all parts in the family, the only difference being the maximum sample rates and the number of bits. The LTC2379-18 supports a ±5V fully differential input range with a 101dB SNR, consumes only 18mW and achieves ±2LSB INL max with no missing codes at 18-bits. The DC1783A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of the LTC2379-18 in conjunction with the DC590 QuikEval and DC718 PScope data collection boards.

eval board

LTC2364-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590


DC1813A-D: Demo Board for the LTC2364-16 16-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR.


eval board

LTC2389-18 with LTC6655/LT6201, 18-Bit, 2.5Msps, Serial/Parallel SAR ADC with 99.8dB SNR. Requires DC718


DC1826A-A Demo Board for:

LTC2389-18 18-Bit, 2.5Msps SAR ADC with Pin-Configurable Analog Input Range and 99.8dB SNR

LTC6655 0.25ppm Noise, Low Drift Precision References

LT6201 Dual 165MHz, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 0.95nV/√Hz Low Noise, Op Amp Family


eval board



  • 超低歪み、高分解能ソース
    • DC、50Hz~40kHzの周波数範囲
    • 独自のデジタル・プリディストーション(DPD)アルゴリズム
    • THD:−130dBc THD(1kHz時の代表値)
    • オンボード・パターン・メモリを用いた任意波形発生(AWG)
    • 差動(バランス)出力:最大3.5VRMS
    • 保存された複数の波形間の高速パターン切り替え
  • 完全差動入力アクイジション・チャンネル
  • スモール・フォーム・ファクタ(60mm × 40mm)
  • 低消費電力:1W(代表値、自己消費電力)
  • テストおよび測定システムに統合するためのSPIインターフェース




  • ハイエンド・オーディオのテスト
  • A/Dコンバータの特性評価およびテスト
  • センサーおよびトランスデューサーのテスト
  • 周波数応答とネットワーク解析
  • 自動試験装置(ATE)

eval board

AD4630-24 SAR ADC評価用ボード


  • 内蔵の電圧リファレンス、クロック源、およびADCドライバ
  • 汎用アナログ信号コンディショニング回路
  • FMC-LPCシステム・ボード・コネクタ
  • 設定およびデータ解析(時間領域および周波数領域)のためのACE PCソフトウェア
  • 市販の他のコントローラ・ボードに適合



AD4630-24 は、低消費電力、24ビット、2チャンネル、24ビット精度のSAR ADCで、1チャンネルあたり最大2MSPSをサポートしています。この評価用ボードは、AD4630-24の性能を実証し、様々なシステム・アプリケーション向けに設定しやすいアナログ・フロント・エンド(AFE)を提供します。

EVAL-AD4630-24FMCZ評価用ボードは、Digilent ZedBoardと一緒に使用するように設計されています。ZedBoardはデータ・キャプチャやバッファリングの制御に使用されます。この評価用ボードを、FPGA(フィールド・プログラマブル・ゲート・アレイ)メザニン・カード(FMC)のロー・ピン・カウント(LPC)コネクタを介してZedBoardボードに接続します。ZedBoardが提供するXilinx Zynq7000 SoCは、プログラマブルFPGAファブリックと2個のプロセッサ・コアを備えています。ZedBoardとPCはUSBケーブルで接続します。


  • ATE(自動試験装置)
  • デジタル制御ループ
  • 医療用計測機器
  • 地震計測
  • 半導体製造
  • 科学計測

Arduino Form-factor Development Platform Based on MAX32690 ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller
AD-APARD32690-SL Block Diagram EVAL-MAX32690 ARDZ Angle EVAL-MAX32690-ARDZ Top EVAL-MAX32690-ARDZ Bottom
EVAL-ADMX100X-FMCZKIT - Angle View EVAL-ADMX100X-FMCZKIT - Top View ADMX1002 - Angle View ADMX1002 - Top View ADMX1002 - Bottom View
LTC6362 with 500ksps 18-bit LTC2377-18 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC2367-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board |16-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2379-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1.6Msps, SAR ADC with 101dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC6362 with 1.6Msps 18-bit LTC2379-18 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC2368-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC6362 with 2Msps 16-bit LTC2380-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC6362 with 500ksps 16-bit LTC2377-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC6362 with 250ksps 16-bit LTC2376-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC2370-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 2Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2377-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC2369-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1.6Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 96.5dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2378-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 1Msps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026
DC1925A-A Demo Board DC1925A-A Demo Board DC1925A-A Demo Board DC1925A-A Demo Board DC1925A-A - Schematic
LTC2376-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC6362 with 1Msps 16-bit LTC2378-16 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC2377-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC with 102dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC6655BHLS8-5V Demo Board | Ultra Low Noise, 5V Precision Voltage Reference in Ceramic Package
DC2095A-C Demo Board DC2095A-C Demo Board DC2095A-C Demo Board DC2095A-C Demo Board DC2095A - SChematic
LTC6362 with 1Msps 18-bit LTC2378-18 Demo Board | SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
AD4030-24評価用ボード、高精度シングル・チャンネル24ビットSAR ADC
EVAL-AD4030-24 Evaluation Board EVAL-AD4030-24 Evaluation Board - Top View EVAL-AD4030-24 Evaluation Board - Bottom View
LTC2376-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 102dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC6655BHLS8-4V Demo Board | Ultra Low Noise, 4.096V Precision Voltage Reference in Ceramic Package
DC2095A - SChematic
LTC2364-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2380-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 2Msps, SAR ADC with 96dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026A
DC1783A-A Demo Board DC1783A-A Demo Board DC1783A-A Demo Board DC1783A-A Demo Board DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC2377-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 500ksps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026
DC1925A-A - Schematic
LTC2376-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026
DC1925A-A - Schematic
LTC2389-16 with LTC6655/LT6201, 16-Bit, 2.5Msps, Serial/Parallel SAR ADC with 96dB SNR. Requires DC718
DC1826A-E Demo Board DC1826A-E Demo Board DC1826A-E Demo Board DC1826A-E Demo Board DC1826A-A - Schematic
LTC2367-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2378-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1Msps, SAR ADC with 102dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-F Demo Board DC1783A-F Demo Board DC1783A-F Demo Board DC1783A-F Demo Board DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC6362 with 250ksps 18-bit LTC2376-18 SAR ADC, LTC6655-5. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1805A-A - Schematic
LTC6655BHLS8-2.5V Demo Board | Ultra Low Noise, 2.5V Precision Voltage Reference in Ceramic Package
DC2095A-A Demo Board DC2095A-A Demo Board DC2095A-A Demo Board DC2095A-A Demo Board DC2095A - SChematic
LTC2368-18 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 18-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2378-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6350 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 1Msps, SAR ADC with 97dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC2026
DC1783A-E - Schematic
LTC2364-16 with LTC6655-5/LT6202 Demo Board | 16-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR. Requires DC718 or DC590
DC1813A-A - Schematic
LTC2389-18 with LTC6655/LT6201, 18-Bit, 2.5Msps, Serial/Parallel SAR ADC with 99.8dB SNR. Requires DC718
DC1826A-A - Schematic
ADMX1001 - Top View ADMX1001 - Bottom View ADMX1001 - Angle View ADMX1001FMCZ - Top View ADMX1001FMCZ - Bottom View ADMX1001FMCZ - Angle View EVAL-ADMX100X-FMCZKIT - Angle View EVAL-ADMX100X-FMCZKIT - Top View
AD4630-24 SAR ADC評価用ボード
EVAL-AD4630-24FMCZ Evaluation Board EVAL-AD4630-24FMCZ Evaluation Board - Top View EVAL-AD4630-24FMCZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View


Figure 1. EVAL-CN0560-FMCZ Simplified Block Diagram
CN0560 Circuits from the Lab®

高精度・広帯域幅の電流測定シグナル・チェーン ※Rev.0 を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。


  • 保護機能付きの電流入力レンジが選択可能
  • 測定レンジは10A、10mA、10uAの3つ
  • オーバーサンプリングにより、ダイナミック・レンジは111dBまで可能
EVAL-CN0531-PMDZ Simplified Block Diagram
CN0531 Circuits from the Lab®

プログラマブルな、20 ビット、リニア、高精度、バイポーラ±5V DC 電圧源 ※Rev.0 を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。


  • 出力範囲:+/-5V
  • 20ビットの信号生成制御
  • オンボードの高精度5Vリファレンス
  • 3.3V単電源を使用して全ての電源レールを生成





  • lazy blur
    VIDEO · 2021-09-09 01:00
    ADI's CN0531: Programmable 20-Bit Precision DC Voltage Source
  • lazy blur
    VIDEO · 2022-01-25
  • lazy blur
    VIDEO · 2022-03-23 02:09
    Precision Narrow Bandwidth Signal Chain Solutions
  • lazy blur
    VIDEO · 2022-06-15
Figure 1. CN0585 Simplified Block Diagram
CN0585 Circuits from the Lab®

Quad Channel, Low Latency, Data Acquisition and Signal Generation Module


  • 4 Analog Input Channels with Configurable Voltage Ranges
  • 4 Analog Output Channels with Configurable Voltage Ranges
  • 200 ns Latency between ADC Measurement and DAC Settling
  • Analog Front End Interface Connector
  • Modeling and Simulation Compatible with MATLAB and Python
  • FMC Connector Interface to FPGA
高精度・広帯域幅の電流測定シグナル・チェーン ※Rev.0 を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。
Figure 1. EVAL-CN0560-FMCZ Simplified Block Diagram
EVAL-CN0560-FMCZ Evaluation Board
EVAL-CN0560-FMCZ Evaluation Board - Top View
EVAL-CN0560-FMCZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View
CN-0560 and SDP-H1
プログラマブルな、20 ビット、リニア、高精度、バイポーラ±5V DC 電圧源 ※Rev.0 を翻訳したものです。最新版は英語資料をご覧ください。
EVAL-CN0531-PMDZ Simplified Block Diagram
Quad Channel, Low Latency, Data Acquisition and Signal Generation Module
Figure 1. CN0585 Simplified Block Diagram
EVAL-CN0585-FMCZ Angle View
EVAL-CN0585-FMCZ Bottom View
EVAL-CN0585-FMCZ Top View

