
Features and Benefits

  • Complex impedance measurements
    • DC, 0.2Hz to 10MHz
  • 0.05% Basic Relative Accuracy
  • Wide measurement range
    • Resistance from 100μΩ to 20MΩ
    • Capacitance from 100aF to 160F
    • Inductance from 1nH to 1600H
  • Programmable test signal
    • 16-bit amplitude adjustment up to 2.25Vpk
    • Frequency resolution of 0.2Hz
    • 16-bit DC bias setting up to ±2.5V
  • DC resistance measurements
  • 18 impedance measurement formats for C, R, L, Z and Y
  • Automated multi-point and parametric sweeps
  • Calibration and fixture compensation functions
    • Automated calibration routines for measurement traceability
    • Calibration coefficient storage in non-volatile memory
    • Compensation eliminates the effect of fixture parasitics

For a complete evaluation solution, both boards must be purchased:

  • ADMX2001B

Product Details

The ADMX2001 is a measurement module that simplifies the development of impedance measurement systems or can be used to enhance the capabilities of existing test platforms. Using high-performance mixed-signal and processing algorithms, the ADMX2001 can measure changes in capacitance as small as 0.1fF and resistance values up to 20MΩ, often required to test semiconductor devices, electronic components, and sensors. Moreover, built-in measurement algorithms enable the ADMX2001 to deliver fully calibrated complex impedance or admittance measurement results in various formats, including parallel and series combinations of resistance, capacitance, and inductance.


  • Automated test equipment
  • Semiconductor characterization
  • Wafer acceptance test
  • Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
  • Impedance network analysis
  • Battery test

Getting Started

There are five simple steps to start evaluating the ADMX2001:

  1. VCP Driver Installation
  2. Terminal Emulator Installation – Tera Term
  3. Basic hardware setup
  4. Open a session through the terminal emulator
  5. Perform basic measurements
  6. See the Quick Start section of the Wiki for additional details

System Requirements

  • ADMX2001B board
  • EVAL-ADMX2001EBZ board (Includes test clips, power adapter, and TTL-232R-RPi)
  • PC running Windows 7 or newer
  • VCP Drivers
  • TeraTerm, PuTTY, or an equivalent terminal emulator


Mbed Support

This page gives an overview of using the ARM Mbed platform supported firmware example with Analog Devices' ADMX2001 evaluation board.
Learn how to get started with Mbed
Mbed is an open source, development environment for ARM microcontrollers.

Evaluation Software

VCP Drivers - FTDI (ftdichip.com)
Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC.
PuTTY Open Source Software
PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers.