

24-Bit, 250 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with 20 µs Settling and True Rail-to-Rail Buffers

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Starting From $13.95

Part Details

  • Fast and flexible output rate: 5 SPS to 250 kSPS
  • Channel scan data rate of 50 kSPS/channel (20 µs settling)
  • Performance specifications
    • 17.2 noise free bits at 250 kSPS
    • 20 noise free bits at 2.5 kSPS
    • 24 noise free bits at 20 SPS
    • INL: ±1 ppm of FSR
  • 85 dB rejection of 50 Hz and 60 Hz with 50 ms settling
  • User configurable input channels
    • 2 fully differential channels or 4 single-ended channels
    • Crosspoint multiplexer
  • On-chip 2.5 V reference (±2 ppm/°C drift)
  • True rail-to-rail analog and reference input buffers
  • Internal or external clock
  • Power supply: AVDD1 = 5 V, AVDD2 = IOVDD = 2 V to 5 V
    • Split supply with AVDD1/AVSS at ±2.5 V
  • ADC current: 8.4 mA
  • Temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
  • 3- or 4-wire serial digital interface (Schmitt trigger on SCLK)
    • Serial port interface (SPI), QSPI, MICROWIRE, and DSP compatible
24-Bit, 250 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with 20 µs Settling and True Rail-to-Rail Buffers
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Tools & Simulations

Virtual Eval - BETA

Virtual Eval is a web application to assist designers in product evaluation of ADCs, DACs, and other ADI products. Using detailed models on Analog’s servers, Virtual Eval simulates crucial part performance characteristics within seconds. Configure operating conditions such as input tones and external jitter, as well as device features like gain or digital down-conversion. Performance characteristics include noise, distortion, and resolution, FFTs, timing diagrams, response plots, and more.

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Design Tool 1

Signal Chain Designer - BETA

Signal Chain Designer is a web-based tool designed to create and simulate complex precision signal chains. See your circuit’s performance before you commit to your PCB: transfer function, noise, power consumption, input range, and DC error. Quickly experiment with different parts and architectures. Signal chains can be exported to LTspice for further analysis.

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IBIS Model 1

Evaluation Kits

eval board

AD7175-2 Evaluation Board

Product Details

The EVAL-AD7175-2SDZ is a fully featured evaluation kit for the AD7175-2. This board operates in stand alone mode or in conjunction with the System Development Platform, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z . When operated with the System Development Platform software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the System Development Platform . When operated in standalone mode the ADZS-BRKOUT-EX3 break out board is recommended for access to various control pins.

The SDP Controller board is a separate list item in the ordering guide below (EVAL-SDP-CB1Z). If you have not previously purchased an SDP Controller board, please do so to ensure a full evaluation setup.

AD7175-2 Evaluation Board

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