

4T4R SoC with DFE, 400 MHz iBW RF Transceiver

Part Details

  • Four differential transmitters (Tx)
  • Four differential receivers (Rx)
  • Two differential observation receivers (ORx)
  • Tunable range: 600 MHz to 6000 MHz
  • Single-band and multiband (N x 2T2R/4T4R) capability
  • Four individual band profiles within tunable range (band profiles define bandwidth and aggregate sampling rate of a channel)
  • ADRV9044BBPZ-WB supports DPD for 400 MHz iBW/OBW
    • Simplifying system thermal solution
    • Power consumption-optimized DFE engines
    • 125°C maximum junction temperature for intermittent operation, 110°C for continuous (operating lifetime impact at >110°C can be offset by operation at <110°C based on acceleration factors)
  • Fully integrated DFE (DPD, CDUC, CDDC, and CFR) engine that reduces FPGAs resources and halves SERDES lane rate
    • DPD adaptation engine for power amplifier linearization
    • CDUC/CDDC—maximum eight component carriers (CCs) per each transmitter/receiver channel
    • Multistage CFR engine
  • Supports DTx (micro sleep) power saving mode in downlink
  • Supports JESD204B and JESD204C digital interface
  • Multichip phase synchronization for all local oscillator (LO) and baseband clocks
  • Dual fully integrated fractional-N RF synthesizers
  • Fully integrated clock synthesizer
4T4R SoC with DFE, 400 MHz iBW RF Transceiver
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Software Resources

API Device Drivers 1

Device Application Programming Interface (API) C code drivers provided as reference code allows the user to quickly configure the product using high-level function calls. The library acts as an abstraction layer between the application and the hardware. The API is developed in C99 to ensure agnostic processor and operating system integration. Customers can port this application layer code to their embedded systems/ Baseband Processor by integrating their platform-specific code base to the API HAL layer. To request this software package, go to the Software Request Form signed in with your MyAnalog account and under “Target Technology option - select “Wireless Communications" and choose processor/SOC as "ADRV9040 or ADRV9044" , select the check box as well and submit the form. You will receive an email notification with a link for software download.

Hardware Ecosystem

Parts Product Life Cycle Description
Clock Generation Devices 1
AD9528 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS JESD204B/JESD204C Clock Generator with 14 LVDS/HSTL Outputs
Clock Synchronization 1
AD9545 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Quad Input, 10-Output, Dual DPLL/IEEE 1588, 1 pps Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner
Gain Blocks 2
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Tools & Simulations

Design Tool 1


ADIsimRF is an easy-to-use RF signal chain calculator. Cascaded gain, noise, distortion and power consumption can be calculated, plotted and exported for signal chains with up to 50 stages. ADIsimRF also includes an extensive data base of device models for ADI’s RF and mixed signal components.

Open Tool

Evaluation Kits

eval board

Product Details


The ADRV904x family evaluation system enables customers to evaluate an ADRV904x device without having to develop custom hardware or software. The system is comprised of an ADRV904x customer evaluation (CE) board and an ADS10-V1EBZ motherboard with accompanying wall adapter power supplies for both. The evaluation software uses the Analysis, Control, Evaluation (ACE) software developed by Analog Devices, Inc., extended by an ADRV904x specific board plugin. This plugin can be run with ACE on a Windows host PC communicating with the ADS10-V1EBZ motherboard using Ethernet. The ADS10-V1EBZ functions as a baseband processor running an application (ADRV904x command server) for controlling and communicating with the ADRV904x device.

This document also serves as a quick startup guide for the ADRV904x configurator, which is built into the ADRV9040 board plugin for ACE. The ADRV904x configurator allows the user to explore various configurations of an ADRV904x device to arrive at a desired use case configuration. The ADRV904x configurator also provides an overview of the frequency responses of the receiver (Rx), transmitter (Tx), and the observation receiver (ORx) datapaths for a chosen configuration.

This user guide details the steps required to install the ADRV904x evaluation software, program an existing use case, and evaluate the ADRV904x transmitter, receiver, and observation receiver datapaths. The configurator sections of this user guide enable the user to generate a new use case and view its corresponding datapath configurations and filter graphs for the ADRV904x. Note that this document updates as the configurator development progresses and as additional functionalities are added to the tool.

eval board

ADS10-V1EBZ Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

Xilinx Virtex Ultrascale+ XCVU35P-3FSHV2892E FPGA.

  • One (1) FMC+ connector.
  • Twenty (24) 32.75Gbps transceivers supported by one (1) FMC+ connector.
  • On-board HBM DRAM in FPGA.
  • Simple USB 3.0 port interface.

Product Details

When connected to a specified Analog Devices high speed converter evaluation board, the ADS10-V1EBZ works as a data capture/transmit board. Designed to support the highest speed JESD204B/C data converters, the FPGA on the ADS10-V1EBZ acts as the data receiver for high speed ADC's, and as the transmitter for high speed DAC's.

ADS10-V1EBZ Evaluation Board

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