Frequency Dividers, Prescalers, and Counters
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Frequency Dividers, Prescalers, and Counters

Analog Devices offers an extensive portfolio of frequency divider, prescaler, and counter devices suited to multiple applications and industries. This product line includes features such as programmable divide options, low additive SSB phase noise to help achieve excellent system noise performance, and single-ended inputs and outputs that help reduce component count and cost. Applications: • Satellite communications • Fiber optics • Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radios • Test equipment • Military and space
Analog Devices offers an extensive portfolio of frequency divider, prescaler, and counter devices suited to multiple applications and industries. This product line includes features such as programmable divide options, low additive SSB phase noise to help achieve excellent system noise performance, and single-ended inputs and outputs that help reduce component count and cost. Applications: • Satellite communications • Fiber optics • Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radios • Test equipment • Military and space