Quantic X-Microwave

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InGaP HBT Divide-by-2 SMT, DC - 8 GHz

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Part Details

  • Ultra Low SSB Phase Noise: -148 dBc/Hz
  • Single-Ended I/O’s
  • Output Power: -3 to -9 dBm
  • Single DC Supply: +3V @ 42 mA
  • 9 mm² Ultra Small Package: SOT26
InGaP HBT Divide-by-2 SMT, DC - 8 GHz
HMC432 Functional Block Diagram
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Tools & Simulations

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ADIsimPLL enables the rapid and reliable evaluation of new high performance PLL products from ADI. It is the most comprehensive PLL Synthesizer design and simulation tool available today. Simulations performed include all key non-linear effects that are significant in affecting PLL performance. ADIsimPLL removes at least one iteration from the design process, thereby speeding the design- to-market.

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Evaluation Kits

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HMC432 Evaluation Board

Product Details

This page contains ordering information for evaluating the HMC432.

The design files link includes the BOM, schematics, and Gerber files for the evaluation board.

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Clock Divider/Sine Wave 50Ω to CMOS Level Converter

Product Details

Demonstration circuit 1075B is a divide by 2/4/8 clock divider for use with high speed ADCs. Each assembly includes a clock divider followed by a re-timing stage used to produce sharp clock edges. Functionally, the DC1075B receives a high frequency sine wave which is attenuated and routed into the clock divider. The output of the clock divider is then routed to a D flip flop re-timing stage. This D flip flop is clocked by the original high frequency sine wave. This is critical to ensure signal integrity. The output of this re-timing stage is a CMOS signal suitable to be a clock source for high speed ADCs.

This circuit also is a model for designs involving FPGAs which serve as clock dividers. Whenever this is done, a D flip flop re-timing stage is required to ensure a low jitter clock signal.

HMC432 Evaluation Board
HMC433 Evaluation Board HMC433 Evaluation Board HMC433 Evaluation Board HMC433 Evaluation Board
Clock Divider/Sine Wave 50Ω to CMOS Level Converter

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