

The EVAL-AD2437B1NZ is an evaluation board to evaluate various peripherals of the AD2437 A2B (Audio Bus) transceiver. Refer to the datasheet/manual to get more details about the AD2437.

The EVAL-AD2437B1NZ is configured to be a Bus-Powered Sub (BPS) node. The EVAL-AD2437B1NZ can be connected to a Main node, Local-Powered Sub (LPS) or a Bus-Powered Sub (BPS) node. These evaluation boards are intended to be used with the SigmaStudio+® graphical development tool.

A PC host controls the AD2437 A2B main transceiver I2C/SPI signals over the USB-to- I2C/SPI bridge; USBi(EVAL-ADUSB2EB). This allows SigmaStudio+ to directly discover and control an A2B network as well as to read back registers and monitor performance.

The SigmaStudio+® graphical development tool is the programming, development, and tuning software for the SigmaDSP, A2B, and Sharc processors. Familiar audio processing blocks can be wired together as in a schematic, and the compiler generates DSP-ready code and a control surface for setting and tuning parameters. This tool allows engineers with no DSP code writing experience to easily implement a DSP into their design and yet is still powerful enough to satisfy the demands of experienced DSP designers. SigmaStudio+ links with both Analog Devices evaluation boards and production designs to provide full in-circuit real-time IC control.

SigmaStudio+ includes an extensive library of algorithms to perform audio processing such as filtering, mixing, and dynamics processing, as well as basic low-level DSP functions and control blocks. Advanced record-side processing algorithms such as Enhanced Stereo Capture and wind noise detection are included in the standard libraries. Plug-in algorithms from Analog Devices and 3rd party partners can be added to SigmaStudio+'s drag-and-drop library.

Along with its graphical DSP signal flow development, SigmaStudio+ also includes other features to speed up the design cycle from product concept to release. SigmaStudio+ includes tools for intuitively setting control registers, calculating tables of filter coefficients, visualizing filter magnitude and phase responses, generating C header files, and sequencing a series of controls to ease your transition from SigmaStudio+ to system implementation on your microcontroller.

Evaluation Board Comparison Guide
AD2437 Evaluation Board Main/Subordinate Power Supply Connector
EVAL-AD2437A1MZ Main/Sub (Main/LPS) Local RJ45
EVAL-AD2437B1MZ Sub (BPS) Bus RJ45
EVAL-AD2437A1NZ Main/Sub (Main/LPS) Local XLR



A2B 网络设计工具和嵌入式软件堆栈使音频网络设计人员能够以图形方式设计A2B网络,并将其部署到嵌入式平台中