

SigmaStudio for SHARC features:

  • Faster time to market due to user interface (UI) programming features such as
    – Optimized algorithms (in excess of 100 in existence)
    – Block and sample processing.
  • Efficient Floating-Point Algorithm Library using SIMD with support for extended precision.
  • Processor Agnostic Solutions with abstracted algorithms that can be used with other ADI processors.
  • Intuitive UI for schematic tuning.
  • Supports proprietary code custom algorithm designs which permits conversion into a SigmaStudio Plug-In library.
  • Differential schematic loading to support changes in them at runtime.

SHARC Audio Toolbox supported functions:

  • Spectral Domain Processing, FFT/IFFT(standard DFT), Short-Time FFT/iFFT (DFT with Windowing and overlap).
  • FIR and IIR filters.
  • Delay modules.
  • Signal Generators.
  • Reverberation Effect.
  • Bit-stream detector for feeding audio bit-stream decoders.


SigmaStudio™ for SHARC® is a programming, development, and tuning software environment that allows an audio designer to graphically design and program audio applications utilizing an extensive set of pre-built audio algorithms.

SigmaStudio for SHARC allows audio engineers to wire together familiar audio processing blocks in a schematic-like layout, while a compiler generates DSP-ready code and a "control surface" for setting and tuning all parameters in real time, directly on the production system. The SigmaStudio for SHARC tool is powerful enough to satisfy the demands of experienced DSP engineers, while allowing audio developers with little or no DSP code writing experience to easily implement a SHARC audio processor in their design. . SigmaStudio for SHARC links with both Analog Devices evaluation boards and production designs to provide full in-circuit real-time IC control.

SigmaStudio for SHARC includes an extensive library of over 100 algorithms to perform audio processing such as filtering, mixing, and dynamics processing, as well as basic low-level DSP functions and control blocks. Plug-in algorithms from Analog Devices and 3rd party partners can be added to SigmaStudio's drag-and-drop library. SigmaStudio for SHARC also contains the Algorithm Designer, which can be used to turn any CrossCore® Embedded Studio for Analog Devices Processors object library into a drag-and-drop module accessible through the SigmaStudio GUI.

SigmaStudio for SHARC is a SigmaStudio plug-in module that uses and supports signal processing functions provided by the SHARC Audio Toolbox software (SATBX) module. All the algorithms contained in the SATBX are block processing modules that can be used in the schematic as any other SigmaStudio processing cell.

SigmaStudio for SHARC is a free download, and requires a Windows PC with CrossCore Embedded Studio IDE and the original SigmaStudio Graphical Development Tool installed, a supported SHARC EZ-Board and USB adaptor cables.



CrossCore® Embedded Studio

CrossCore Embedded Studio是针对Blackfin和SHARC处理器系列的世界一流集成开发环境(IDE)。


图形开发工具,用于ADI DSP音频处理器和A2B®收发器的编程、开发和调试软件。



针对SHARC处理器的Dirac Dimensions库是Dirac Research为提供高品质汽车环绕声而规定的音频后处理模块方案。


DTS 5.1 Decoder for SHARC

SHARC DTS Surround解码器

用于SHARC处理器的数字影院系统(DTS) Surround Sensation解码器库是一款音频后处理模块,旨在增强多声道环绕声源的立体声效果。


用于SHARC处理器的数字影院系统(DTS) Neo:X解码器库通过模拟/数字输入通道或解码器模块(例如DTS 5.1解码器)接收PCM数据进行操作。

SHARC DTS Boost解码器

用于SHARC处理器的数字影院系统(DTS) Neo:X解码器库是一款音频后处理模块,可在不引起声频失真的前提下较大限度地提高立体声源的感知音量。

SHARC DTS Enhance解码器

用于SHARC处理器的数字影院系统(DTS) Enhance解码器库可动态均衡立体声音频,在所有音量水平下都提供改进的明亮度。


用于SHARC处理器的数字影院系统(DTS) Neural Upmix解码器库支持立体声(227模式)或5.1(527模式)声源素材提供5.1或7.1多声道环绕声输出。

SRS TruVolume, SHARC

用于SHARC处理器的SRS TruVolume®库采用自动音量控制后处理技术,可调整立体声音频信号幅度,从而在输入音频材料的任何电平变化下保持恒定的感知音量。


  • Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit only).
  • Windows Vista Business/Enterprise/Ultimate SP2 (32-bit only). It is recommended to install the software in a non-UAC-protected location.
  • Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate (32 and 64-bit). It is recommended to install the software in a non-UAC-protected location.
  • Minimum of 2 GHz single core processor, 3.3 GHz dual core is recommended.

  • Minimum of 1 GB memory (RAM), 4 GB is recommended.
  • Minimum of 2 GB hard disk (HDD) space is required.
  • CrossCore® Embedded Studio for Analog Devices Processors.
  • SigmaStudio™ Graphical Development Tool.

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