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无刷直流(BLDC)电机具有耐用、高效且可控的优势。BLDC驱动器广泛用于各种应用,可提供相对较高的扭矩和良好的速度响应性能。特别是利用ADI Trinamic先进IC和模块构成伺服驱动器时,这些BLDC电机将带来使用寿命更长的稳健解决方案。

无刷直流(BLDC)电机具有耐用、高效且可控的优势。BLDC驱动器广泛用于各种应用,可提供相对较高的扭矩和良好的速度响应性能。特别是利用ADI Trinamic先进IC和模块构成伺服驱动器时,这些BLDC电机将带来使用寿命更长的稳健解决方案。

FOC Servo Out of the Box

Field oriented control (FOC) is the most efficient way to drive motors. It transforms actual phase currents from stator-fixed to field-synchronous coordinate systems by using two mathematical transformations. The resulting coordinate system has only two dimensions (magnetic flux and torque), which are orthogonal components and can be visualized as a vector; hence FOC may sometimes be called vector control. FOC was originally developed for high end applications and has traditionally been difficult to implement. ADI Trinamic™ technology offers FOC as an easy-to-use hardware building block.

FOC Servo Out of the Box

Field oriented control (FOC) is the most efficient way to drive motors. It transforms actual phase currents from stator-fixed to field-synchronous coordinate systems by using two mathematical transformations. The resulting coordinate system has only two dimensions (magnetic flux and torque), which are orthogonal components and can be visualized as a vector; hence FOC may sometimes be called vector control. FOC was originally developed for high end applications and has traditionally been difficult to implement. ADI Trinamic™ technology offers FOC as an easy-to-use hardware building block.