

具 PLL、输出跟踪和裕度调节功能的 12A µModule 稳压器





  • 完整的开关模式电源
  • 宽输入电压范围:4.5V 至 20V
  • 12A DC (典型值)、14A 峰值输出电流
  • 0.6V 至 5V 输出电压
  • 输出电压跟踪和裕量调节
  • 多个 µModule 稳压器以实现均流
  • 采用差分远程检测以实现精准稳压 (仅 LTM4601)
  • PLL 频率同步
  • ±1.5% 稳压
  • 电流折返保护 (在启动时停用)
  • 符合 SnPb 或 RoHS 标准的涂层 
  • 超快 (UltraFast) 速瞬态响应
  • 电流模式控制
  • 在 5VIN、3.3VOUT 时的效率高达 95%
  • 可编程软起动
  • 输出过压保护
  • 小占板面积、扁平 (15mm x 15mm x 2.82mm) 表面贴装型 LGA 和 (15mm x 15mm x 3.42mm) BGA 封装

具 PLL、输出跟踪和裕度调节功能的 12A µModule 稳压器
1.5V/12A Power Supply with 4.5V to 20V Input Efficiency and Power Loss vs Load Current Product Package 1 Product Package 2
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部分模型 产品周期 描述
µModule降压稳压器 1
LTM4620A 量产 双通道 13A 或单通道 26A DC/DC μModule 稳压器
高压热插拔控制器 1
LTC4364 推荐新设计使用 具理想二极管的浪涌抑制器
硅振荡器 1
LTC6908 具扩频调制功能、采用电阻器设定频率的 SOT-23 封装振荡器
数字电源系统管理器 1
LTC2974 推荐新设计使用 具有精确输出电流的4通道PMBus电源系统管理器
双电源监控器 1
LTC2960 推荐新设计使用 36V、纳安级电流、两输入电压监视器
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eval board

LTM4601EV Demo Board | LTM4601(x2), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT1 = 3.3V @ 10A, VOUT2 = 2.5V @ 12A


Demonstration circuit 1118A-A features two independent LTM4601EV high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules. The input voltage range is from 5V to 20V. The output voltages are 3.3V and 2.5V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load currents are 10A for the 3.3V output and 12A for the 2.5V output, while derating is necessary for certain VIN and thermal conditions. The output of U2 is set to coincidentally track with the 3.3V output. Margining function is provided for the user who wants to stress their system by varying supply voltages during testing. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout. Only bulk input and output capacitors are needed.


eval board

LTM4601 Demo Board | 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 5V @ 12A


Demonstration circuit DC1041A-A features the LTM4601EV, a 12A high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down converter. The input voltage range is from 4.5V to 20V. The output voltage is jumper selectable for popular voltages from 0.6V to 5V. The PLLIN pin supports synchronizing the μModule® regulator to an external clock. The TRACK/SS pin allows the user to program output ramp-up and ramp-down rates which may coincidentally or ratiometrically track with another supply’s output if desired. Output voltage margining of ±5% from the nominal value is available via the margin control pins MARG0 and MARG1.

eval board

LTM4601 Demo Board | LTM4601(×4), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 40A


Demonstration circuit DC1043A-C features four LTM4601EV high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules in parallel (the LTM4601-1 can be substituted for the slave devices). The input voltage range is from 5.0V to 20V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 3.3V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load current is 40A, while de-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. Master module U1 provides differential remote sensing to accurately regulate output voltage independent of load current. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout. Only bulk input and output capacitors are needed externally.

eval board

LTM4601EV Demo Board | LTM4601(x4), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT1 = 3.3V @ 10A, VOUT2 = 2.5V @ 12A, VOUT3 = 1.8V @ 12A, VOUT4 = 1.5V @ 12A


Demonstration circuit 1118A-C features four independent LTM4601EV high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules. The input voltage range is from 5V to 20V. The output voltages are 3.3V, 2.5V,1.8V and 1.5V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load currents are 10A for the 3.3V output, and 12A for the 2.5V, 1.8V and 1.5V outputs, while derating is necessary for certain VIN and thermal conditions. The output of U2 is set to coincidentally track with the 3.3V output. Margining function is provided for the user who wants to stress their system by varying supply voltages during testing. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout; only bulk input and output capacitors are needed.


eval board

LTM4601EV Demo Board | LTM4601(x3), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT1 = 3.3V @ 10A, VOUT2 = 2.5V @ 12A, VOUT3 = 1.8V @ 12A


Demonstration circuit 1118A-B features three independent LTM4601EV high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules. The input voltage range is from 5V to 20V. The output voltages are 3.3V, 2.5V and 1.8V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load currents are 10A for the 3.3V output, 12A for the 2.5V output and 12A for the 1.8V output, while derating is necessary for certain VIN and thermal conditions. The output of U2 is set to coincidentally track with the 3.3V output. Margining function is provided for the user who wants to stress their system by varying supply voltages during testing. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout; only bulk input and output capacitors are needed.

eval board

LTM4601 Demo Board | LTM4601(×3), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 30A


Demonstration circuit DC1043A-B features three LTM4601EV high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules in parallel (the LTM4601-1 can be substituted for the slave devices). The input voltage range is from 5.0V to 20V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 3.3V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load current is 30A, while de-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. Master module U1 provides differential remote sensing to accurately regulate output voltage independent of load current. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout. Only bulk input and output capacitors are needed externally.

eval board

LTM4601 Demo Board | LTM4601(×2), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 20A


Demonstration circuit DC1043A-A features the LTM4601EV and LTM4601-1EV, the high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules. The input voltage range is from 5.0V to 20V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 3.3V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load current is 20A, while de-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. 24A load current can be achieved by applying forced airflow convection or attaching heatsinks. Master module U1 provides differential remote sensing to accurately regulate output voltage independent of load current. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout. Only bulk input and output capacitors are needed externally. The DC1043A-A has on-board 180 degree interleaving clock generator.

LTM4601EV Demo Board | LTM4601(x2), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT1 = 3.3V @ 10A, VOUT2 = 2.5V @ 12A
DC1118A-A - Schematic
LTM4601 Demo Board | 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 5V @ 12A
DC1041A-A - Schematic
LTM4601 Demo Board | LTM4601(×4), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 40A
DC1043A-A - Schematic
LTM4601EV Demo Board | LTM4601(x4), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT1 = 3.3V @ 10A, VOUT2 = 2.5V @ 12A, VOUT3 = 1.8V @ 12A, VOUT4 = 1.5V @ 12A
DC1118A-C - Schematic
LTM4601EV Demo Board | LTM4601(x3), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT1 = 3.3V @ 10A, VOUT2 = 2.5V @ 12A, VOUT3 = 1.8V @ 12A
DC1118A-B - Schematic
LTM4601 Demo Board | LTM4601(×3), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 30A
DC1043A-A - Schematic
LTM4601 Demo Board | LTM4601(×2), 5V ≤ VIN ≤ 20V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 20A
DC1043A-A - Schematic


DK-100G-5SGXEA7N Dev Kit
Altera 100G Development Kit, Stratix V Edition 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera Arria V GT FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera Arria V GX FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera Audio Video Development Kit, Stratix IV GX Edition 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DK-DEV-3C120N Dev Kit
Altera Cyclone III FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DK-DSP-3C120N Dev Kit
Altera DSP Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DK-EMB-3C120N Dev Kit
Altera Embedded Systems Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DK-DEV-4SE530N Dev Kit
Altera Stratix IV E FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DK-DEV-4SGX230N Dev Kit
Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DK-SI-4SGX230N Kit
Altera Transceiver Signal Integrity Kit, Stratix IV GX Edition 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DE4 Dev Kit
Terasic DE4 Development and Education Board 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DE5-Net Dev Kit
Terasic DE5-Net Stratix V Board 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
TR4 Stratix IV Board
Terasic TR4 Stratix IV Board 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
TR5-F40W Dev Kit
Terasic TR5-F40W Stratix V GX FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera 100G Development Kit, Stratix V Edition
DK-100G-5SGXEA7N Dev Kit
DK-100G-5SGXEA7N Parts List
DK-100G-5SGXEA7N Block Diagram
DK-100G-5SGXEA7N Block Diagram
DK-100G-5SGXEA7N Power Tree
Altera Arria V GT FPGA Development Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DEV-5AGTD7N Block Diagram
DK-DEV-5AGTD7N Block Diagram
DK-DEV-5AGTD7N Power Tree
Altera Arria V GX FPGA Development Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DEV-5AGXB3NES Block Diagram
Altera Audio Video Development Kit, Stratix IV GX Edition
LTC Parts List
DK-VIDEO-4SGX230N Block Diagram
DK-VIDEO-4SGX230N Power Tree
Altera Cyclone III FPGA Development Kit
DK-DEV-3C120N Dev Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DEV-3C120N Block Diagram
DK-DEV-3C120N Power Tree
Altera DSP Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition
DK-DSP-3C120N Dev Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DSP-3C120N Block Diagram
DK-DSP-3C120N Power Tree
Altera Embedded Systems Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition
DK-EMB-3C120N Dev Kit
DK-EMB-3C120N Block Diagram
DK-EMB-3C120N Power Tree
Altera Stratix IV E FPGA Development Kit
DK-DEV-4SE530N Dev Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DEV-4SE530N Block Diagram
DK-DEV-4SE530N Block Diagram
Altera Stratix IV GX FPGA Development Kit
DK-DEV-4SGX230N Dev Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DEV-4SGX230N Block Diagram
DK-DEV-4SGX230N Power Tree
Altera Transceiver Signal Integrity Kit, Stratix IV GX Edition
DK-SI-4SGX230N Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-SI-4SGX230N Block Diagram
DK-SI-4SGX230N Power Tree
Terasic DE4 Development and Education Board
DE4 Dev Kit
DE4 Block Diagram
DE4 Power Tree
Terasic DE5-Net Stratix V Board
DE5-Net Dev Kit
LTC Parts List
DE5-Net Block Diagram
DE5-Net Power Tree
Terasic TR4 Stratix IV Board
TR4 Stratix IV Board
LTC Parts List
TR4 Stratix IV Block Diagram
TR4 Stratix IV Power Tree
Terasic TR5-F40W Stratix V GX FPGA Development Kit
TR5-F40W Dev Kit
TR5-F40W Block Diagram
TR5-F40W Power Tree

