









  • 外付け部品数および総コストを削減
    • ショットキー不要の同期整流式動作
    • 内部ループ補償
    • 全セラミック・コンデンサ、小型レイアウト
  • DC/DCレギュレータの在庫数を削減
    • 広い入力電圧範囲:4.5V~60V
    • 可変出力電圧範囲:0.9V~VINの90%
    • 外部クロック同期を備えた可変周波数:100kHz~2.2MHz
  • 消費電力を低減
    • ピーク効率:95.4%(VIN = 12V、VOUT = 5V、スイッチング周波数:500kHz)
    • MAX17574とピン・コンパチブル、MAX17574と比較して優れたスイッチング性能により効率を向上
    • PFMおよびDCMモードにより軽負荷効率の向上
    • 補助ブートストラップ電源(EXTVCC)により効率を向上
    • シャットダウン電流:2.8µA
  • 過酷な産業環境で信頼性の高い動作
    • ヒカップ・モード過負荷保護内蔵
    • 出力電圧監視内蔵(RESET
    • 設定可能なEN/UVLO閾値
    • 出力電圧へのプリバイアスでの可変かつ単調な起動
    • 過熱保護
MAX17573 Circuit Diagram









EE-Sim® パワー・ツール 1

EE-Sim DC/DC変換ツールは、ユーザの条件を利用し、回路図、市販部品を含む部品表、時間および周波数領域のシミュレーションなどを完備した電源設計を短時間で作成します。SIMPLISおよびSIMetrix SPICEエンジンを使った、スタンドアロンのEE-Sim OASISシミュレータで、カスタマイズした回路図をダウンロードし、さらなる分析が可能です。



eval board

FPGA-based 8x GMSL to 10 Gb Ethernet Adapter


  • Edge compute platform for machine vision and real-time sensor fusion for autonomous robots and vehicles applications
  • 8 x GMSL2 camera interfaces with up to 6 Gbps/channel
  • 10 Gbps SFP+ Ethernet interface
  • IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol for synchronization with host systems and other edge devices
  • Advanced embedded processing capabilities
  • ROS2 compliant
  • Advanced camera triggering functions and control features
  • Open-source software stack and FPGA design to enable custom applications development


The AD-GMSL2ETH-SL is an edge compute platform enabling low-latency data transfer from eight Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link™ (GMSL) interfaces on to a 10 Gb Ethernet link. The target applications include autonomous robots and vehicles where machine vision and real-time sensor fusion is critical.

The system includes two MAX96724 Quad Tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 Deserializers, enabling connectivity to eight GMSL cameras. The video data from the cameras is transferred from the MAX96724 deserializers via MIPI CSI2 interfaces to an AMD KV26 System on Module which implements the logic to aggregate the video data from all the GMSL cameras into a 10 Gb Ethernet link, so that it can be sent to a central processing unit.

The IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) with hardware timestamping is supported, enabling accurate synchronization with host systems and other edge devices. The AD9545 Quad Input, 10-Output, Dual DPLL/IEEE 1588, 1 pps Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner is used to generate the required clocks for the 10 Gb Ethernet interface and the PTP logic.

A software networking stack can be used to realize the communication over the 10 Gb Ethernet link. Since the system runs Linux tools like gstreamer can be used to send the video data to a host and remote connection into the system is possible via ssh. The software network stack has limitations in terms of the maximum achievable transfer rate, and for this reason there is also the option to have an FPGA accelerated UDP or TCP implementation with Real Time Transfer (RTP) protocol for data packetization, which can get up to the maximum achievable data rate on the 10 Gb ethernet interface.

Accurate camera triggering control is achieved through dedicated FPGA logic, with configurable frequency and phase as well as selecting the trigger source between the internal logic and external signals.

Sixteen (16) general purpose I/O pins are available with software configurable functionality, operating at 3.3 V voltage level. A RS232 dedicated interface can be used to connect UART peripherals such as GNSS devices.

The design is accompanied by an open-source software stack and FPGA design, and reference applications, enabling custom software development to start from a proven implementation.


  • Autonomous robots and vehicles


Evaluation Kit for the MAX17573 in 5V and 3.3V Output- Voltage Applications


  • Operates over a Wide Input Range
    • MAX17573EVKITA#: VOUT1 = 3.3V, IOUT1 = 3.5A, VIN1 Range = 4.5V to 60V
    • MAX17573EVKITB#: VOUT2 = 5V, IOUT2 = 3.5A, VIN2 Range = 6.5V to 60V
  • Enable/UVLO Input, Resistor-Programmable UVLO Threshold
  • Selectable PWM, PFM, and DCM Modes of Operation
  • Adjustable Soft-Start Time
  • Active-Low RESET Output with a Pullup Resistor to an External Supply
  • External Clock Synchronization
  • Overcurrent and Overtemperature Protection
  • Proven PCB Layout
  • Fully Assembled and Tested
  • Complies with CISPR 32 (EN55032) Class B Conducted and Radiated Emissions


The MAX17573 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides proven 3.3V and 5V designs to evaluate the MAX17573 high-efficiency, wide input voltage Himalaya synchronous DC-DC converter. The 3.3V application circuit delivers load current up to 3.5A from a wide 4.5V to 60V input supply and operates at a 500kHz switching frequency. The 5V application circuit delivers load current up to 3.5A from a wide 6.5V to 60V input supply and operates at a 500kHz switching frequency.

Each application circuit on the EV kit features programmable enable and input Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO), soft-start, open-drain active-low RESET signal, and external clock synchronization. The EV kit’s layout is optimized for conducted and radiated EMI and thermal performance. For more details, refer to the Product Highlights section in the MAX17573 IC data sheet.


Evaluation Kit for the MAX17573 in 5V and 3.3V Output- Voltage Applications


  • Operates over a Wide Input Range
    • MAX17573EVKITA#: VOUT1 = 3.3V, IOUT1 = 3.5A, VIN1 Range = 4.5V to 60V
    • MAX17573EVKITB#: VOUT2 = 5V, IOUT2 = 3.5A, VIN2 Range = 6.5V to 60V
  • Enable/UVLO Input, Resistor-Programmable UVLO Threshold
  • Selectable PWM, PFM, and DCM Modes of Operation
  • Adjustable Soft-Start Time
  • Active-Low RESET Output with a Pullup Resistor to an External Supply
  • External Clock Synchronization
  • Overcurrent and Overtemperature Protection
  • Proven PCB Layout
  • Fully Assembled and Tested
  • Complies with CISPR 32 (EN55032) Class B Conducted and Radiated Emissions


The MAX17573 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides proven 3.3V and 5V designs to evaluate the MAX17573 high-efficiency, wide input voltage Himalaya synchronous DC-DC converter. The 3.3V application circuit delivers load current up to 3.5A from a wide 4.5V to 60V input supply and operates at a 500kHz switching frequency. The 5V application circuit delivers load current up to 3.5A from a wide 6.5V to 60V input supply and operates at a 500kHz switching frequency.

Each application circuit on the EV kit features programmable enable and input Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO), soft-start, open-drain active-low RESET signal, and external clock synchronization. The EV kit’s layout is optimized for conducted and radiated EMI and thermal performance. For more details, refer to the Product Highlights section in the MAX17573 IC data sheet.

FPGA-based 8x GMSL to 10 Gb Ethernet Adapter
AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Board Photo Angle View AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Board Photo Top View AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Board Photo Bottom View AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Block Diagram
Evaluation Kit for the MAX17573 in 5V and 3.3V Output- Voltage Applications
Evaluation Kit for the MAX17573 in 5V and 3.3V Output- Voltage Applications



