新規設計には非推奨E-Band Upconverter SiP 81 - 86 GHz
- 製品モデル
- 1
- 1Ku当たりの価格
- 価格は未定
- Conversion Gain: 32 dB typical
- Gain Control Range: 40 dB typical
- Saturated Output Power (PSAT): 24 dBm typical
- Output Third-Order Intercept (IP3): 30 dBm typical
- Output Power for P1dB Compression: 23 dBm
- Built-in Power Detector
- Built-in Envelope Detector for I/Q Mismatch Correction
- Fully Integrated In Surface Mount 50-Lead 16 mm x 14 mm Package
The HMC7585LG is fully integrated System in Package (SiP) in phase/quadrature (I/Q) upconverter that operates from 81 GHz to 86 GHz. The device uses an image rejection mixer that is driven by a 6 × LO multiplier. A variable gain amplifier followed by a medium power amplifier are added to the mixer outputs to provide a small signal conversion gain of 32 dB typical. Differential I and Q mixer inputs are provided and can be driven with differential I and Q baseband waveforms for direct conversion applications. Alternatively, the inputs can be driven using an external 90° hybrid and two external 180° hybrids for single-sideband applications.
- E-Band Communication Systems
- High Capacity Wireless Backhaul
- Test & Measurement
製品選択ガイド 1
Analog Dialogue 1
製品モデル | ピン/パッケージ図 | 資料 | CADシンボル、フットプリント、および3Dモデル |
HMC7585LG | 50-Lead LGA_CAV (16mm x 14mm x 3.07 mm) |
製品モデル | 製品ライフサイクル | PCN |
6 15, 2020 - 20_0036 Product Discontinuance Notification for HMC7584, HMC7585, HMC8326, HMC8327 |
HMC7585LG | 最終販売 |
製品モデル | 製品ライフサイクル | 詳細 |
ADMV7320 | 新規設計に推奨 | Eバンド・アップコンバータSiP、81GHz~86GHz |