

采用5mm x 8mm LQFN封装的SilentMOS智能功率级





  • 140A 峰值输出电流
  • SilentMOS 智能功率级
    • 采用低 EMI/EMC Silent Switcher®2 架构
    • 超低 SW 电压过冲
    • 频率高达 2MHz
  • VIN 高达 14V
  • 1MHz 时效率高达 94%,并具有 1.8VOUT
  • 集成升压二极管和电容器以及电源开关
  • 精确的开关电流监控
  • 功率 MOSFET 过流保护
  • 输入过压和偏置欠压保护
  • 具有过热标志的 3.3V/5V 兼容三态 PWM 输入热监视器
  • 5mm × 8mm LQFN 封装
采用5mm x 8mm LQFN封装的SilentMOS智能功率级
LTC7051 Functional Block Diagram LTC7051 Typical Application Circuit LTC7051 Pin Configuration LTC7051 Performance Graph LTC7051 Performance Graph
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LTspice 1


  • LTC7051



eval board



演示电路 DC3170A‐A/‐B 采用 LTC7883 和 LTC7051 高电流、高效率的四相降压型转换器。LTC7883 本身是一个带有 PSM 接口的 4 通道、4 相、电压模式降压控制器。LTC7051 是一款 SilentMOS™ 智能功率级,集成了高速驱动器和低 RDS(ON) MOSFET。DC3170A-A/-B 有两种不同的组装类型,具体如下:

DC3170A-A: 具有四个输出的 LTC7883 + LTC7051 演示板

  • VOA0 = 0.75V/50A
  • VOA1 = 0.9V/50A
  • VOB0 = 1.0V/50A
  • VOB1 = 1.2V/50A

DC3170A-B:具有单路输出的 LTC7883 + LTC7051 演示板

  • VOUT = 1.0V/200A,4 相

DC3170A-A/-B 的开关频率为 500kHz,输入电压范围为 7V 至 14V。每个 LTC7051 由 LTC7883 的三态 PWM 输出驱动,而 LTC7051 的电流检测和温度输出由 LTC7883 监控。DC3170A-A/-B 不需要外部串行总线通信即可运行。它使用 LTC7883 非易失性存储器中预先编程的设置。

如需全面了解该器件的电源系统广泛管理特性,请用电脑下载 LTC7883 软件 LTpowerPlay®,并通过 ADI 公司的 I2C/SMBus/PMBus 加密狗 DC1613A 连接到电路板上。LTpowerPlay 使用户可在运行当中重新配置 LTC7883,并将配置存储在非易失性存储器中,查看电压、电流、温度、故障状态以及其他方面的遥测数据。有关 LTpowerPlay 的更多详细信息和说明,请参阅本手册的 LTpowerPlay 软件 GUI 部分。LTC7883 和 LTC7051 数据手册提供了完整的 IC 操作和应用信息,必须与本演示手册配合阅读。

eval board

Evaluating the LTC3888/LTC3888-1, 8-Phase, Single Output Synchronous Buck Converter with Power System Management


  • Input voltage range: 7 V to 14 V
  • Output voltage VOUT Max output current: 400 A
  • Number of phases: 8
  • Current sense
  • Temperature monitor
  • PM bus compliant with digital power system management


Demonstration circuit DC2888A-A/DC2888A-B is an 8-phase single- output, high efficiency, high density, synchronous buck converter with 7 V to 14 V input range. The output can supply up to 400 A maximum load current. The demo board showcases one LTC3888/LTC3888-1 working with eight LTC7051. The LTC3888/ LTC3888-1 is a PMBus-compliant dual loop 8-phase step-down DC/DC controller with digital power system management. LTC7051 is an integrated smart power stage with current sense and temperature monitor. Refer to the LTC3888/LTC3888-1 and LTC7051 data sheets for detailed information.

DC2888A-A/DC2888A-B powers up to default settings and produces power based on configuration resistors without the need for any serial bus communication. This allows easy evaluation of the DC/DC converter. To fully explore the extensive power system management features of the part, download the GUI software LTpowerPlay ™ on your PC and use Analog Devices' I2C/SMBus/PMBus dongle DC1613A to connect to the board. LTpowerPlay allows to reconfigure the part on the fly and store the configuration in electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM), and view the telemetry of voltage, current, temperature, and fault status.

DC3170A-A Evaluation Board DC3170A-A Evaluation Board - Top View DC3170A-A Evaluation Board - Bottom View DC3170A-B Evaluation Board DC3170A-B Evaluation Board - Top View DC3170A-B Evaluation Board - Bottom View
Evaluating the LTC3888/LTC3888-1, 8-Phase, Single Output Synchronous Buck Converter with Power System Management
DC2888A-A Evaluation Board Angle DC2888A-A Evaluation Board Top DC2888A-A Evaluation Board Bottom


Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile) 参考设计

Altera FPGA


  • Intel Agilex 7 F-Series devices target a wide range of applications across many markets. This series offers transceiver rates up to 58 Gbps, advanced DSP blocks supporting multiple precisions of fixed-point and floating-point operations, and high-performance crypto blocks.
  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. Our team can provide samples and/or evaluation boards for quick validation that can speed time to market in the most complex applications.
  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (Alternative Monolithic) Power Tree
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (Alternative Monolithic) 参考设计

Altera FPGA


  • Intel Agilex 7 F-Series devices target a wide range of applications across many markets. This series offers transceiver rates up to 58 Gbps, advanced DSP blocks supporting multiple precisions of fixed-point and floating-point operations, and high-performance crypto blocks.
  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. Our team can provide samples and/or evaluation boards for quick validation that can speed time to market in the most complex applications.
  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.



  • lazy blur
    VIDEO · 0001-01-01
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (P-Tile and E-Tile) Power Tree
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (P-Tile and E-Tile) 参考设计

Altera FPGA


  • Intel Agilex 7 F-Series devices target a wide range of applications across many markets. This series offers transceiver rates up to 58 Gbps, advanced DSP blocks supporting multiple precisions of fixed-point and floating-point operations, and high-performance crypto blocks.
  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. Our team can provide samples and/or evaluation boards for quick validation that can speed time to market in the most complex applications.
  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit (P-Tile & E-Tile)
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit (P-Tile & E-Tile) 参考设计

Altera FPGA


  • Intel Agilex 7 F-Series devices target a wide range of applications across many markets. This series offers transceiver rates up to 58 Gbps, advanced DSP blocks supporting multiple precisions of fixed-point and floating-point operations, and high-performance crypto blocks.
  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. Our team can provide samples and/or evaluation boards for quick validation that can speed time to market in the most complex applications.
  • For a complete list power designs and use cases, please contact your local FAE.
Versal HBM Diagram
Versal HBM Non-Hardware Verified Design 参考设计


  • The Versal HBM series features heterogeneous integration of fast memory, secure connectivity, and adaptive compute to eliminate processing and memory bottlenecks for memory-bound, compute-intensive workloads such as machine learning, database acceleration, next-generation firewalls, and advanced network testers. Analog Devices has worked closely AMD to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • ADI provides supporting documentation including LTpowerPlanner and applicable LTpowerPlay configuration files to enable you to validate the power solution for your application seamlessly. For a complete list  power designs and use cases, please contact your local local FAE.
  • ADI has also completed a complete power evaluation report for Mid-High Voltage rails. For a complete report please submit your interest here.

Key power regulators are used for this device as follows:

  • LTC3888-1
  • LTC7051
  • LTC3633A
  • LTC7200S
  • LTC7151S
  • LT8652
  • ADP125
  • LTC3617 (Optional)
  • LTC3618 (Optional)
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
Altera FPGA
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (Alternative Monolithic)
Altera FPGA
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (Alternative Monolithic) Power Tree
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (P-Tile and E-Tile)
Altera FPGA
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Development Kit (P-Tile and E-Tile) Power Tree
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit (P-Tile & E-Tile)
Altera FPGA
Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit (P-Tile & E-Tile)
Versal HBM Non-Hardware Verified Design
Versal HBM Diagram


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