

5.7 kV RMS全双工25 Mbps信号和电源隔离RS-485收发器,提供±15 kV IEC ESD保护





  • 5.7 kV rms隔离RS-485/RS-422收发器
  • 集成低辐射的隔离式DC-DC转换器
  • 符合EN55032 B类标准,在2层PCB上具有裕量
  • 电缆反相智能特性
    • 校正A、B、Y和Z总线引脚上的反向电缆连接,同时保持完整的接收器故障安全特性
  • RS-485 A、B、Y和Z引脚提供ESD保护
    • IEC61000-4-2接触放电:≥±12 kV
    • IEC61000-4-2空气放电:≥±15 kV
  • 高速数据速率:25 Mbps (ADM2865E/ADM2867E)
  • 用于EMI控制的低速500 kbps数据速率(ADM2861E/ADM2863E)
  • 灵活的电源
    • 输入VCC电源电压范围:3 V至5.5 V
    • 逻辑VIO电源电压范围:1.7 V至5.5 V
    • VSEL引脚用于选择5 V(VCC > 4.5 V)或3.3 V的VISO电源电压
  • 宽工作温度范围:−40°C至+105°C
  • 高共模瞬变抗扰度:250 kV/μs
  • 短路、开路和输入悬空接收器故障安全
  • 支持196总线节点(接收器输入阻抗:72 kΩ)
  • 完全支持热插拔(无毛刺上电/关断)
  • 安全和法规认证(申请中)
  • CSA元件验收通知5A、DIN V VDE V 0884-11、UL 1577、CQC11-471543-2012、IEC 61010-1
  • 28引脚、细间距SOIC_W封装(10.15 mm × 10.05 mm),超过8.0 mm的爬电距离和电气间隙
5.7 kV RMS全双工25 Mbps信号和电源隔离RS-485收发器,提供±15 kV IEC ESD保护
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部分模型 产品周期 描述
超低功耗微控制器 1
ADuCM4050 推荐新设计使用

集成电源管理的超低功耗ARM Cortex-M4F MCU

单通道模数转换器 3
AD4000 量产 16 位 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS 精密伪差分 SAR ADC
AD4004 推荐新设计使用 16 位 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS 精密伪差分 SAR ADC
AD4008 推荐新设计使用 16 位 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS 精密伪差分 SAR ADC
精密微控制器 2
ADuCM3027 推荐新设计使用

集成电源管理和128Kb嵌入式闪存的超低功耗ARM Cortex-M3 MCU

ADuCM3029 推荐新设计使用

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内部电源开关降压稳压器 1
ADP2384 推荐新设计使用 20 V、4 A、同步降压DC-DC稳压器
Modal heading
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IBIS 模型 1


eval board

ADM2867E Evaluation Board


  • Simplified evaluation of the 25 Mbps ADM2867E RS-485 transceiver
  • 2-layer PCB compliant to EN 55032 Class B radiated emissions
  • Footprint for 10.15 mm × 10.05 mm, 28-lead SOIC_W_FP package with >8.0 mm creepage and clearance
  • On-board ADP7104 LDO regulator with jumper options for simplified evaluation in 5 V or 3.3 V configuration
  • Flexible, low voltage VIO supply rail to interface with I/O nodes as low as 1.7 V
  • Selectable 3.3 V or 5 V isolated supply voltage options available
  • IEC 61000-4-2 ESD protection on the A, B, Y, and Z pins
  • ±12 kV contact discharge and ±15 kV air discharge
  • SMA connector for high speed 25 Mbps TxD input signal
  • Optional on-board LTC6900 oscillator to provide TxD input signal
  • Screw terminal blocks for power connections, digital signals, and RS-485 signals
  • Jumper-selectable enable and disable for digital input signals
  • Resistors and footprints for termination and loopback test
  • Test points to measure all signals


The EVAL-ADM2867EEBZ allows the simplified, efficient evaluation of the 5.7 kV rms ADM2867E signal and power isolated RS-485 transceiver.

The ADM2867E features an integrated, isolated, dc-to-dc converter that provides power to the isolated side of the device with no additional ICs required.

An on-board ADP7104 low dropout (LDO) regulator accepts an input voltage of 3.3 V to 20 V and regulates the voltage to a selectable 3.3 V or 5 V supply for the VCC pin of the ADM2867E. The LDO regulator can be bypassed to power the VCC pin of the ADM2867E directly.

A flexible logic VIO supply allows the device to operate with a digital input/output (I/O) voltage from 1.7 V to 5.5 V, which enables communication with modern nodes using either a 1.8 V or 2.5 V power supply. The VIO pin can also be supplied from the ADP7104 regulated supply.

The EVAL-ADM2867EEBZ comes with options to evaluate the ADM2867E in an individual system. Digital and RS-485 bus signals are accessible via the screw terminal blocks on the EVALADM2867EEBZ. Each digital input can be configured via the on-board jumper options.

Alternative methods can provide the transmit data input (TxD) signal to the device. An optional LTC6900 oscillator is included on the EVAL-ADM2867EEBZ and can be configured to provide a clock signal as the TxD digital input within a 1 kHz to 20 MHz range. For optimal signal integrity, use the on-board Subminiature Version A (SMA) connector to connect an external TxD signal at high data rates up to 25 Mbps.

The EVAL-ADM2867EEBZ has a footprint for the full duplex, isolated, RS-485 transceiver in a 10.15 mm × 10.05 mm, 28-lead, small outline, wide body with fine pitch (SOIC_W_FP) package. The EVAL-ADM2867EEBZ is populated with the ADM2867E 5.7 kV rms, isolated RS-485 transceiver.

For full details on the ADM2867E, see the ADM2867E data sheet, which must be used in conjunction with this user guide when using the EVAL-ADM2867EEBZ.

ADM2867E Evaluation Board
ADM2867E Evaluation Board ADM2867E Evaluation Board ADM2867E Evaluation Board

