






  • 软件可配置的四通道输入/输出电路
  • 可承受 ±40 V 直流电压的螺纹端子
  • 阻止电力从螺纹端子流向电源的线路保护装置
  • 用户可配置的模式
    • 电压输入
    • 电流输入
    • 电压输出
    • 电流输出
    • 数字输入
    • RTD 测量
  • 具有可选 50 Hz 和 60 Hz 抑制性能的内部 16 位 Σ-∆ ADC
  • 13 位单调 DAC
  • 可实现真正零电压输出的电荷泵
  • 兼容 HART
  • 内部温度传感器,精度为 ±5°C
  • 片内诊断,包括开路和短路检测
  • 兼容 SPI
  • 温度范围:−40°C 至 +105°C
  • 64 引脚 LFCSP
AD74413R Functional Block Diagram AD74413R Pin Configuration
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部分模型 产品周期 描述
HART 接口解决方案 2
AD5700 量产 低功耗HART调制解调器
AD5700-1 量产 集成精密振荡器的低功耗HART调制解调器
isoPower 1
ADP1032 推荐新设计使用 具有七个数字隔离器的两通道隔离式微功耗管理单元
标准数字隔离器 3
ADuM250N 推荐新设计使用 集成故障安全和0个反向通道的鲁棒5.0 kVrms五通道数字隔离器
ADuM251N 推荐新设计使用 集成故障安全和1个反向的鲁棒5.0 kVrms五通道数字隔离器
ADuM252N 推荐新设计使用 集成故障安全和2个反向的鲁棒5.0 kVrms五通道数字隔离器
串联基准电压源 1
ADR4525 量产 超低噪声、高精度2.5V基准电压源
反激、正向和隔离式控制器 2
LT8301 推荐新设计使用 集成65V/1.2A开关的42VIN微功耗非光学隔离反激式转换器
LT3001 推荐新设计使用 36V 4W No-Opto 隔离型反激式转换器
内部电源开关降压稳压器 1
ADP2360 推荐新设计使用 50 mA、60 V、高效率降压稳压器
正线性稳压器(LDO) 2
ADP124 推荐新设计使用 5.5 V输入、500 mA、低静态电流、CMOS线性调节器,31种固定输出电压选项
ADP1720 量产 50 mA、高压、微功耗线性稳压器
Modal heading
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IBIS 模型 1


eval board

AD74413R 评估板


  • 适用于 AD74413R 的全功能评估板
  • 板载 2.5 V ADR4525 基准电压源
  • 兼容 SPI
  • 基于 PC 的控制软件


EV-AD74413RSDZ 是一款功能完备的评估板,可用于评估 AD74413R 的特性。AD74413R 是一款软件可配置的四通道输入/输出套件。该套件具有用于模拟输出、模拟输入、数字输入和电阻温度检测器 (RTD) 测量的功能。这些功能集成在一个带串行外设接口 (SPI) 的单芯片解决方案中。

EV-AD74413RSDZ 可通过系统演示平台 (SDP) 进行控制。SDP-S 使用 AD74413R 评估软件,通过 PC 的 USB 端口来控制 EV-AD74413RSDZ。

EV-AD74413RSDZ 需要一个 14 V 至 28.8 V 的 AVDD 工作电源。当 EV-AD74413RSDZ 连接到 PC 时,PC 为 SDP-S 提供电源。

有关 AD74413R 的更多信息,请参阅 AD74413R 数据手册。在使用 EV-AD74413RSDZ 时,必须同时参阅该数据手册和本用户指南。

eval board

Evaluating the AD74413R-DIOZ Quad-Channel Software Configurable Input and Output


  • Quad-channel, software configurable input and output functionality for the AD74413R and the MAX14906
  • Single, 24 V external supply
  • On-board MAX14483, 6-channel, low power, 3.75 kV RMS SPI digital isolator
  • On-board MAX17552, 60 V, 100 mA, ultrasmall, high-efficiency, synchronous step-down DC-to-DC converter
  • Windows GUI for control


The EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ (see Figure 1 in the user guide) is an evaluation board used to demonstrate and evaluate the full software configurable input and output (SWIO) features that the AD74413R and the MAX14906 provide when working together. The board has functionality for digital input, digital output, analog input, and analog output. The EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ is controlled with a USB2PMB2 adapter board. The USB2PMB2 board controls the EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ board via the USB port of a PC using the AD74413R-DIOZ demo software.

The EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ requires an analog power (AVDD) operating supply of 14 V to 28.8 V. The USB2PMB2 board is supplied from the PC.

See the AD74413R data sheet for more information about the AD74413R, and see the MAX14906 data sheet for more information about the MAX14906. Users must consult both data sheets in conjunction with the user guide when using the EVAL-AD74413RDIOZ.

eval board

Software-configurable Analog and Digital I/O with 10BASE-T1L Evaluation and Development Platform


  • Allows prototyping of intelligent, secure, and connected process control devices
  • Ultimate flexibility in I/O interface configurability through software
  • Embedded processing for implementing self-capable edge devices
  • Long-range single-pair 10BASE-T1L Ethernet interface
  • Power delivery via the 10BASE-T1L interface or from a field supply enabling both low and high power applications
  • Fully isolated design for safe operation
  • Industry standard form factor compatible with DIN rail mounts


The AD-SWIOT1L-SL provides a complete software and hardware platform for prototyping intelligent, secure, network capable field devices.

The design incorporates the AD74413R Quad-Channel, Software Configurable Input and Output and the MAX14906 Quad-Channel Industrial Digital Output/Digital Input ICs, allowing the multiplexing of several analog and digital functions on four channels which can be independently configurable through software to act as:

  • voltage output / input
  • current output / input
  • digital input / output
  • RTD measurement

A 10 Mbps single-pair Ethernet link, using the ADIN1110 10BASE-T1L MAC/PHY, enables remote data acquisition and device configuration. The 10BASE-T1L interface can also be used for powering the system via the Single-pair Power over Ethernet (SPoE) technology using the LTC9111 Powered Device (PD) controller. This way, power and data for the system is provided over the same cable to significantly simplify the cabling infrastructure and cost.

For applications requiring high current capabilities, the system can be powered from an external 24 V supply and up to 1.2 A can be output on any of the channels configured as digital outputs. The power supply solution also includes the ADP1032 high performance, isolated micropower management unit (PMU) to provide power and digital control for software configurable I/O devices in one of the most compact formats. The LT8304 Micropower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter completes the power tree to provide isolated power to the digital part of the design.

The on-board MAX32650 Ultralow Power ARM® Cortex®-M4 Microcontroller exposes all the necessary debug and programming features to enable a complete software development experience with the system. It is coupled with a 1 Gb (128 MB) external RAM and a 64 Mb (8 MB) external flash memory to meet the most demanding applications and provide the flexibility to implement any protocol stack. Security features are enabled by the MAXQ1065 security coprocessor.

The system is accompanied by an open-source software stack and associated collateral, enabling a complete experience from evaluation and prototyping all the way to production firmware and applications development. An external programmer such as the MAX32625PICO MAXDAP Programming Adapter, or any other similar programmer supporting the SWD interface, is required to enable firmware programming and debug. The system’s firmware is based on Analog Devices’ open-source no-OS framework which includes all the tools required for embedded code development and debugging as well as libraries enabling host-side connectivity for system configuration and data transfer over the UART or the 10BASE-T1L interfaces. A PC application with a user-friendly graphical interface is provided to enable easy system configuration and displaying the acquired data in different ways.

Channels 4 Software Configurable IO channels
Digital input Type 1 and 3, or Type 2
Digital output High-Side (HS) Switch or Push-Pull (PP) Driver
Analog input Voltage (0 V to 10 V), Current (0 mA to 25 mA)
Analog output Voltage (0 V to 11 V), Current (0 mA to 25 mA)
RTD measurements 2-wire RTD (0 Ω to 1 MΩ)
Computing Resources
CPU MAX32650 Ultra-Low-Power Arm Cortex-M4
with FPU-Based Microcontroller (MCU) with 3 MB Flash and 1MB SRAM
Memory 1 Gb RAM
Storage 64 Mb QSPI Flash
Ethernet 10BASE-T1L
Power Supply
External power 24 DC @ 6A
Power over Ethernet SPoE class 12
Operating Conditions
Temperature range -25°C to 60°C

AD74413R 评估板
AD74413R Evaluation Board AD74413R Evaluation Board - Bottom View AD74413R Evaluation Board - Top View
Evaluating the AD74413R-DIOZ Quad-Channel Software Configurable Input and Output
EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ Evaluation Board EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ Evaluation Board - Top View EVAL-AD74413R-DIOZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View
Software-configurable Analog and Digital I/O with 10BASE-T1L Evaluation and Development Platform


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