製造中止GaAs MMIC Triple Balanced Mixer Chip, 26 - 32 GHz
- Passive: No DC Bias Required
- High Input IP3: 20 dBm
- High LO/RF Isolation: 45 dB
- High 2LO/IF Isolation: 50 dB
- Wide IF Bandwidth: 16 - 22 GHz
- Upconversion & Downconversion Applications
- Die Size: 1.14 x 1.1 x 0.1 mm
The HMC1015 is a general purpose triple balanced mixer chip that can be used as a frequency converter with 16 to 22 GHz at the IF port and 26 to 32 GHz at the RF port. This mixer requires no external components or matching circuitry. The HMC1015 provides excellent LO/RF, LO/IF and 2LO/IF isolation due to optimized balun structures. The mixer operates with LO drive levels from +9 dBm to +15 dBm. The HMC1015 wideband mixer exhibits consistent conversion gain and compression across its bandwidth.
- Point-to-Point Radios
- Point-to-Multi-Point Radios & VSAT
- Test Equipment & Sensors
- Military End-Use
製造中止品のデータシート 1