RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNSMicropower, 3-Axis, ±2 g/±4 g/±8 g Digital Output MEMS Accelerometer
- Part Models
- 4
- 1ku List Price
- Starting From $3.42
Part Details
- Ultralow power
- Power can be derived from coin cell battery
- 1.8 μA at 100 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
- 3.0 μA at 400 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
- 270 nA motion activated wake-up mode
- 10 nA standby current
- High resolution: 1 mg/LSB
- Built-in features for system-level power savings:
- Adjustable threshold sleep/wake modes for motion activation
- Autonomous interrupt processing, without need for microcontroller intervention, to allow the rest of the system to be turned off completely
- Deep embedded FIFO minimizes host processor load
- Awake state output enables implementation of standalone, motion activated switch
- Low noise down to 175 μg/√Hz
- Wide supply and I/O voltage ranges: 1.6 V to 3.5 V
- Operates off 1.8 V to 3.3 V rails
- Acceleration sample synchronization via external trigger
- On-chip temperature sensor
- SPI digital interface
- Measurement ranges selectable via SPI command
- Small and thin 3 mm × 3.25 mm × 1.06 mm package
The ADXL362 is an ultralow power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer that consumes less than 2 μA at a 100 Hz output data rate and 270 nA when in motion triggered wake-up mode. Unlike accelerometers that use power duty cycling to achieve low power consumption, the ADXL362 does not alias input signals by undersampling; it samples the full bandwidth of the sensor at all data rates.
The ADXL362 always provides 12-bit output resolution; 8-bit formatted data is also provided for more efficient single-byte transfers when a lower resolution is sufficient. Measurement ranges of ±2 g, ±4 g, and ±8 g are available, with a resolution of 1 mg/LSB on the ±2 g range. For applications where a noise level lower than the normal 550 μg/√Hz of the ADXL362 is desired, either of two lower noise modes (down to 175 μg/√Hz typical) can be selected at minimal increase in supply current.
In addition to its ultralow power consumption, the ADXL362 has many features to enable true system level power reduction. It includes a deep multimode output FIFO, a built-in micropower temperature sensor, and several activity detection modes including adjustable threshold sleep and wake-up operation that can run as low as 270 nA at a 6 Hz (approximate) measurement rate. A pin output is provided to directly control an external switch when activity is detected, if desired. In addition, the ADXL362 has provisions for external control of sampling time and/or an external clock.
The ADXL362 operates on a wide 1.6 V to 3.5 V supply range, and can interface, if necessary, to a host operating on a separate, lower supply voltage. The ADXL362 is available in a 3 mm × 3.25 mm × 1.06 mm package.
- Hearing aids
- Home healthcare devices
- Motion enabled power save switches
- Wireless sensors
- Motion enabled metering devices
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ADI has always placed the highest emphasis on delivering products that meet the maximum levels of quality and reliability. We achieve this by incorporating quality and reliability checks in every scope of product and process design, and in the manufacturing process as well. "Zero defects" for shipped products is always our goal. View our quality and reliability program and certifications for more information.
Part Model | Pin/Package Drawing | Documentation | CAD Symbols, Footprints, and 3D Models |
ADXL362BCCZ-R2 | 16-Lead LGA (3mm x 3.25mm) | ||
ADXL362BCCZ-RL | 16-Lead LGA (3mm x 3.25mm) | ||
ADXL362BCCZ-RL7 | 16-Lead LGA (3mm x 3.25mm) | ||
ADXL362WBCCZ-RL | 16-Lead LGA (3mm x 3.25mm) |
Part Models | Product Lifecycle | PCN |
Dec 20, 2023 - 23_0149 Qualification of Alternate Wafer Fab Site for MEMS Products ADXL362 and ADXL367 |
Apr 21, 2019 - 19_0095 ADXL362 Data Sheet Specification Change |
Apr 2, 2015 - 15_0062 Qualification of Alternate Fab Site at TSMC for ADXL362, ADXL363 Sensor Die |
Apr 14, 2020 - 20_0016 ADXL362W Sensor Wafer Site and Trim Transfer |
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
Software Resources
Device Drivers 2
Evaluation Software 1
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