

2 A/1.2 A DC-to-DC Switching Regulator with Independent Positive and Negative Outputs

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1ku List Price
Starting From $3.07

Part Details

  • Wide input supply voltage range: 2.85 V to 15 V
  • Generates well regulated, independently resistor programmable VPOS and VNEG outputs
  • Boost regulator to generate VPOS output
    • Adjustable positive output to 39 V
    • Integrated 2.0 A main switch
    • Optional single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC) configuration for automatic step-up/step-down
  • Inverting regulator to generate VNEG output
    • Adjustable negative output to VIN − 39 V
    • Integrated 1.2 A main switch
  • True shutdown for both positive and negative outputs
  • 1.2 MHz/2.4 MHz switching frequency with optional external frequency synchronization from 1.0 MHz to 2.6 MHz
  • Resistor programmable soft start timer
  • Slew rate control for lower system noise
  • Individual precision enable and flexible start-up sequence control for symmetric start, VPOS first, or VNEG first
  • Out-of-phase operation
  • UVLO, OCP, OVP, and TSD protection
  • 4 mm × 4 mm, 20-lead LFCSP and 20-lead TSSOP
  • −40°C to +125°C junction temperature range
2 A/1.2 A DC-to-DC Switching Regulator with Independent Positive and Negative Outputs
ADP5071_CDL ADP5071 Pin Configuration ADP5071 Pin Configuration
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LTspice 1

Models for the following parts are available in LTspice:

  • ADP5071

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ADP507x Design Tool

Microsoft Excel download tool from ADIsimPower to generate a power supply design complete with a schematic, bill of materials, and performance specifications.

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LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.

Evaluation Kits

eval board

3D Time of Flight Development Platform

Features and Benefits

The ADI ToF system uses a VGA CCD that enables the user to capture a 640x480 depth map of an image, providing up to 4x higher resolution than many other TOF systems on the market. This enables users to detect and measure the distance to smaller and thinner objects that would otherwise be invisible to other ToF systems. More information is included in our ToF technology page.

  • Range: <6m
  • FoV: 90° x 69.2°
  • Wavelength 940nm
  • Near: 25cm – 80cm
  • Medium: 30cm – 4.5m
  • Far: 3m – 6m
  • Accuracy < 2% for all ranges
  • Frame Rate: 30 fps max (dependent on application processor, OS and interface to host computer)
  • Resolution: 640 x 480 pixels 
  • Multiple interface options to PC (USB, ETH, WiFi)
  • ToF specific API for system control & data acquisition
  • Operating system for Linux, Windows, Mac
  • Complete open source software framework: wrappers for MATLAB®, Python, RobotOS
  • Platform allows for software/algorithm development while hardware can be optimized
  • 3rd Party network to help modify platform for individual production needs

Product Details

The AD-96TOF1-EBZ is a proven hardware platform for depth perception. When paired with processor board from the 96Boards eco system, it can be used for 3D software and algorithm development. While the software and algorithms are being developed, the hardware design can be leveraged for productization. ADI can suggest 3rd party developers to help customize the platform to meet individual application needs.

Depending on customer preferences and development experience, different 96Boards processor boards can be used for overall system evaluation and custom development. There is also a Raspberry Pi interface available on the Mezzanine board for extra customer flexibility.

This solution offers the ability to be very small and low power while measuring depth at up to 6m distances, good outdoor and indoor performance and VGA resolution.

It can be used for applications like:

  • Robotics
  • Industrial automation
  • SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • Drones
  • Automotive sensing

eval board

Smart Camera for 3D & 2D sensing

Features and Benefits

  • 3D and 2D sensing
  • AI Edge processing capability
  • WiFi and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity
  • Open Source SDK with Windows and Linux support 

Product Details

The AD-3DSMARTCAM1-PRZ is a 2D & 3D machine vision solution with AI edge processing capabilities. It can be used for implementing advanced machine vision applications for different industry segments including logistics, robotics, agriculture and people activity monitoring.

An open-source SDK that accompanies the hardware platform enables configuring the camera and extracting depth, IR and RGB data from the camera on the host system of your choice. Windows and Linux support are built into the SDK as well as sample code and wrappers for various languages including Python, C/C++ and MATLAB. The SDK also integrates with 3rd party technologies like OpenCV, Open3D and RoS.


  • Logistics
  • Robotics
  • Agriculture
  • Building Management 
  • People Activity Monitoring
Specification Table
3D ToF sensor FoV 90x60, Range: 4m, Resolution 640x480 @ 30fps
RGB sensor FoV 128x68, Range 6m, Resolution 1920x1080 @ 30fps
WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, 867Mbps with dual stream in 802.11n, 2x2 Access Points with MIMO standard
Ethernet (optional) 1xRJ45 10M/100M/1G self-adaptive Ethernet port
Bluetooth 5.0 Bluetooth Class 1 or Class2 transmitter operation, Adaptive frequency hopping
Power supply
External power 12V DC @ 2A
Power over Ethernet (optional) PoE+ IEEE802.3-2012, max 20W
Operating Conditions
Temperature Range -25C to 60C
Operating Class IP66
Computing Resources
CPU Quad-core ARM A57 @ 1.43 GHz
GPU 128-core Maxwell
Memory 4 GB 64-bit LPDDR4 25.6 GB/s
Storage 16GB eMMC
Safety, EMC, Environment Eye safe and conforms to necessary regional standards

eval board

ADP5070/ADP5071 Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

  • Input voltage range: 3V to 5.5V
  • Output Voltage: +/- 15V
  • Output Voltage With LDOs: +/-12V

Product Details

The ADP5070CP-EVALZ and ADP5071CP-EVALZ evaluation board are used to demonstrate the functionality of the ADP5070 and ADP5071 dc-to-dc converters, respectively.

Simple device measurements, such as line regulation, load regulation and efficiency, can be evaluated with the board. Device features, including selectable operating frequency, soft start, sequencing and slew rate control, may be demonstrated. The ADP7142 and ADP7182 LDOs are also available on the board as an option for enhanced low noise output.

For more details about dc-to-dc converters, refer to the ADP5070 and ADP5071 datasheets. For further information on the LDOs, refer to the ADP7142 and ADP7182 datasheet.

Additional Equipment Needed

  • DC power supply
  • Multimeters for voltage and current measurements
  • Electronic or resistive loads

Evaluation Kit Contents

  • ADP5070CP-EVALZ or ADP5071CP-EVALZ evaluation board

eval board

AD5767 Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

  • Full featured evaluation board for the AD5767 with the ADP5071 power solution
  • PC control in conjunction with the Analog Devices, Inc., EVAL-SDP-CB1Z system demonstration platform (SDP)
  • Power solution generated from a single 3.3 V supply
  • PC software for control using analysis/control/evaluation (ACE) software

Product Details

The EVAL-AD5766SD2Z/EVAL-AD5767SD2Z are fully featured evaluation boards designed to easily evaluate all features of the AD5766/AD5767 16-channel, 16-bit/12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs).

These evaluation boards integrate a power solution using the ADP5071. The ADP5071 switching regulator offers a power solution by generating a bipolar supply of 8 V and −22 V from a 3.3 V input to create a DAC voltage output range of −20 V to +6 V. Alternatively, supplying the DAC with a linear power supply via the on-board connector, J9, generates all ranges.

The on-board connector, via J10, or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z system demonstration platform (SDP) board, via J1, can control the AD5766/AD5767. The SDP enables the control of evaluation boards through the USB port of a Windows® based PC using the AD5766/AD5767 the evaluation software, ACE.

The AD5766/AD5767 are 16-channel, 16-bit/12-bit, voltage output denseDAC® converters. The DACs generate output ranges from a 2.5 V reference. Output buffers permit the AD5766/AD5767 to source or sink up to 20 mA. The range is software selectable and any channel can be routed to the monitor pin for external monitoring. The integration of the reference and output buffers creates an easy to use universal solution.

The devices require four power supplies. AVDD and AVSS are the positive and negative high voltage power supplies, AVCC is the analog supply for the low voltage DAC circuitry, and a VLOGIC supply pin sets the logic levels for the digital interface pins.

The ACE software of the EVAL-AD5766SD2Z/EVAL-AD5767SD2Z has an intuitive graphic user interface (GUI) for the configuration of AD5766/AD5767 modes of operation through the synchronous serial port (SPORT) interface. Visit the ACE software page to view plug in modules for the evaluation boards and Circuits from the Lab® (CFTL) demo boards of many other Analog Devices devices.

Complete specifications for the AD5766/AD5767 are available in the AD5766/AD5767 data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with theuser guide (UG-1070) when using the EVAL-AD5766SD2Z/EVAL-AD5767SD2Z.

3D Time of Flight Development Platform
Smart Camera for 3D & 2D sensing
ADP5070/ADP5071 Evaluation Board
AD5767 Evaluation Board
EVAL-AD5767SDZ - Angle View EVAL-AD5767SDZ - Bottom View

Reference Designs

Figure 1. CN0582 Simplified System Block Diagram
CN0582 Circuits from the lab

USB 3.0 Quad-Channel IEPE Vibration Sensor Measurement System

Features and Benefits

  • 4-Channels of Analog Input
  • IEPE, 4-20mA Sensor Compatible
  • Frequency Generator Output

Part Used

Design & Integration Tools


  • lazy blur
    VIDEO · 2023-03-07 01:00
    CN0582: USB 3.0 Quad-Channel IEPE Vibration Sensor Measurement System​
USB 3.0 Quad-Channel IEPE Vibration Sensor Measurement System
Figure 1. CN0582 Simplified System Block Diagram
EVAL-CN0582-USBZ - Top View
EVAL-CN0582-USBZ - Bottom View

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