PowerPath, Ideal Diodes, and Load Switches
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PowerPath, Ideal Diodes, and Load Switches

Analog Devices’ PowerPath, ideal diode controllers, and load switches protect power supplies by minimizing reverse currents back into the supply and shoot-through currents between supplies. Selection of the power source can be either by the highest voltage or highest priority. For highest voltage selections, ideal diodes are employed in a diode-OR configuration. Applications include redundant supply ORing, supply holdup during input brownout, and reverse battery protection. For selection by highest priority, a prioritized PowerPath controller provides the most general-purpose and flexible solution. A prioritizer powers the system from the highest priority input that is within its valid voltage window. Applications occur in battery-equipped portable products, memory modules with capacitive holdup, and server subsystems with main and auxiliary supplies. Load switches provide reverse current flow protection for space constrained designs.
Analog Devices’ PowerPath, ideal diode controllers, and load switches protect power supplies by minimizing reverse currents back into the supply and shoot-through currents between supplies. Selection of the power source can be either by the highest voltage or highest priority. For highest voltage selections, ideal diodes are employed in a diode-OR configuration. Applications include redundant supply ORing, supply holdup during input brownout, and reverse battery protection. For selection by highest priority, a prioritized PowerPath controller provides the most general-purpose and flexible solution. A prioritizer powers the system from the highest priority input that is within its valid voltage window. Applications occur in battery-equipped portable products, memory modules with capacitive holdup, and server subsystems with main and auxiliary supplies. Load switches provide reverse current flow protection for space constrained designs.