AN-607: Selecting a Low Bandwidth (<15 kSPS) Sigma-Delta ADC


Analog Devices, Inc., has a wide range of low bandwidth, high resolution Σ-Δ ADCs. Along with the ADC, these devices contain current sources, a multiplexer, a PGA, and analog input buffers on-board. This application note identifies some of the applications in which the ADCs are used and also identifies the most suitable ADCs for each application.

Number Of Bits

16-Bit: AD7705, AD7706, AD7707, AD7708, AD7709, AD7715, AD7788, AD7790, AD7792, AD7795, AD7796, AD7798

24-Bit: AD7710, AD7711, AD7711A, AD7712, AD7713, AD7714, AD7718, AD7719, AD7730, AD7730L, AD7731, AD7732, AD7734, AD7738, AD7739, AD7782, AD7783, AD7787, AD7789, AD7791, AD7793, AD7794, AD7797, AD7799

Multichannel Applications

High Throughput: AD7731, AD7734, AD7738, AD7739

Low Throughput: AD7708/AD7718, AD7714, AD7794/AD7795s

Temperature Measurement

For thermal diode and RTD applications, current sources are required.

Thermocouple: AD7714, AD7719, AD7792/AD7793, AD7794/AD7795

Thermal Diode: AD7709

RTD: AD7711, AD7719, AD7783, AD7792/AD7793, AD7794/AD7795

Pressure Measurement

Requirements: Low level differential analog inputs with a high level differential reference input for ratiometric operation. Optional features include an auxiliary ADC that can be used for temperature compensation.

AD7710, AD7714, AD7719, AD7730, AD7798/AD7799

Weigh Scale Measurement

Requirements: Low level differential analog inputs with a high level differential reference input for ratiometric operation. Optional features include an auxiliary ADC that can be used for temperature compensation, fast-step, ac excitation, a reference detect circuit, and increased filter rejection in the out-of-band region.

AD7714, AD7719, AD7730, AD7730L, AD7796/AD7797, AD7798/AD7799

Low Power

AD7705/AD7706, AD7714, AD7715, AD7719, AD7787, AD7788/AD7789, AD7790, AD7791, AD7792/AD7793, AD7794/AD7795, AD7796/AD7797, AD7798/AD7799

High Analog Input Voltages (±10 V)

AD7707, AD7712, AD7732, AD7734

Rail-To-Rail On-Chip Buffers

AD7708/AD7718, AD7709, AD7719, AD7782, AD7783, AD7787, AD7790, AD7791

Bipolar Inputs (±2.5 V)

AD7710, AD7711, AD7712

Pin Configurable

AD7782, AD7783

Table 1. Summary of Low Bandwidth Σ-Δ ADCs
Part No. Bits p-p Resolution @ Max Range (Bits) p-p Resolution @ Data Rate (Hz) AIN Channels On-Chip PGA On-Chip AIN Buffer On-Chip Current Source AVDD/DVDD (V) Power Supply Current (mA) Price ($/1k) Comments
AD7701 16 16 4000 1 5 5 15.70 10 Hz bandwidth
AD7703 20 17 4000 1 5 5 13.26 10 Hz bandwidth
AD7705 16 16 60 2 Y Y 3/5 0.3 4.12
AD7706 16 16 60 3 Y Y 3/5 0.3 4.12
AD7707 16 16 60 3 Y Y 3/5 0.28 4.46
AD7708 16 16 20 10 Y Y 3/5 1.28 3.98
AD7709 16 16 20 4 Y Y Y 3/5 1.25 3.89
AD7710 24 17.5 60 2 Y 5 5 14.45
AD7711 24 17.5 60 2 Y Y 5 5 15.30 Two current sources
AD7711A 24 17.5 60 2 Y Y 5 5 15.30 One current source
AD7712 24 17.5 60 2 Y 5 5 13.20
AD7713 24 16 20 3 Y Y 5 0.7 16.15
AD7714 24 17.5 60 5 Y Y 3/5 0.35 8.28
AD7715 16 16 60 1 Y Y 3/5 0.35 5.65
AD7718 24 18.5 20 10 Y Y 3/5 1.28 5.24
AD7719 24 18.5 20 5 Y Y Y 3/5 1.5 8.76 Dual ADC
AD7730 24 17 200 2 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
13 11.60 Weigh scale
AD7730L 24 17 200 2 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
13 9.55 Weigh scale
AD7731 24 17 800 5 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
13.5 9.86
AD7732 24 16 2000 2 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
18 8.50 Fast channel switching
AD7734 24 16 2000 4 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
18 8.50 Fast channel switching
AD7738 24 16 8500 8 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
18 7.77 Fast channel switching
AD7739 24 16 4000 8 Y Y AVDD: 5
DVDD: 3/5
14 7.65 Fast channel switching
AD7782 24 18.5 20 2 Y Y 3/5 1.3 4.25 Read-only
AD7783 24 18.5 20 1 Y 3/5 1.3 4.25 Read-only
AD7787 24 19 16.6 2 Y 3/5 0.13 3.80 Low power
AD7788 16 16 16.6 1 3/5 0.065 1.99 Low power
AD7789 24 19 16.6 1 3/5 0.065 2.95 Low power
AD7790 16 16 16.6 1 Y 3/5 0.13 2.96 Low power
AD7791 24 19 16.6 1 Y 3/5 0.13 3.83 Low power
AD7792 16 16 16.6 3 Y Y Y 3/5 0.40 3.99 On-chip reference
AD7793 24 19 16.6 3 Y Y Y 3/5 0.40 5.10 On-chip reference
AD7794 24 19 16.6 6 Y Y Y 3/5 0.40 4.80 High channel count
AD7795 16 16 16.6 6 Y Y Y 3/5 0.40 4.40 High channel count
AD7796 16 15.5 16.6 1 Y Y 3/5 0.25 2.75 Weigh scale
AD7797 24 15.5 16.6 1 Y Y 3/5 0.25 3.35 Weigh scale
AD7798 16 16 16.6 3 Y Y 3/5 0.30 3.80 Weigh scale/pressure
AD7799 24 19 16.6 3 Y Y 3/5 0.38 4.35 Weigh scale/pressure


Mary McCarthy

Mary McCarthy

Mary McCarthy是ADI公司应用工程师。她于1991年加入ADI公司,就职于爱尔兰科克市的线性与精密技术应用部,专注于精密Σ-Δ转换器产品。她于1991年从科克大学毕业,获得电子与电气工程学士学位。