

Closed Loop Stepper motor controller/driver module 10 to 30V, 5.7A, 256 µSteps, S-Shaped and SixPoint ramp controller, with USB, RS485 and S/D Interface, StallGuard, CoolStep, StealthChop





  • Single axis controller/driver for 2-phase bipolar stepper motor
  • S-shaped ramps + SixPoint ramps + linear ramps
  • Closed-loop operation with external encoder
  • +10 to 30V DC supply voltage
  • Up to 5.7A RMS motor current
  • RS485 & USB interface
  • Multi-purpose inputs and outputs
Closed Loop Stepper motor controller/driver module 10 to 30V, 5.7A, 256 µSteps, S-Shaped and SixPoint ramp controller, with USB, RS485 and S/D Interface, StallGuard, CoolStep, StealthChop
tmcm-1316 tmcm-1316_blockdiagram
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Evaluation Software 1


Short for Trinamic Motion Control Language-Integrated Development Environment, the TMCL-IDE is an integrated development environment made for developing applications using ADI Trinamic™ modules and chips. The GUI provides tools for easily setting parameters, for visualizing data in real-time, and for developing and debugging stand-alone applications with TMCL.



eval board

Evaluation Board for TMC5160


  • CoolStep™
  • Passive Braking
  • SpreadCycle™
  • Stall Detection
  • Short Detection
  • StallGuard2™
  • StealthChop2™
  • Microstep Table
  • MicroPlyer™
  • Motion Controller
  • Position Mode
  • Velocity Mode
  • SixPoint™ Ramp
  • ABN Encoder Interface
  • 1 to 256 Microsteps
  • 2.8ARMS, 36V


The TMC5160 breakout board is a development board with the dedicated TMC5160 chip. It is designed to give users the chance to rapidly prototype their applications - making it possible to immediately check how the motor performs with TMC chips while developing the application's software.

eval board

Evaluation Board for TMC5160


  • CoolStep™
  • Passive Braking
  • SpreadCycle™
  • Stall Detection
  • Short Detection
  • StallGuard2™
  • StealthChop2™
  • MicroPlyer™
  • Motion Controller
  • Position Mode
  • Velocity Mode
  • SixPoint™ Ramp
  • ABN Encoder Interface
  • 4.7A RMS, 60V


The TMC5160-EVAL allows you to explore all functions of the TMC5160-TA.

The TMC5160-EVAL-KIT is a set of one MCU board Landungsbruecke, an Eselsbruecke bridge board and one TMC5160-EVAL driver board. It allows for a quick and simple start within only minutes to make your motor turning, while still providing full access to all registers and full functionality and diagnostics.

For diagnosis, all signals between MCU and TMC5160 are accessible with probes on the Eselsbruecke bridge board. To simplify the transfer to your own processor platform the MCU board can be disconnected.

All you need to get started is a power supply and ADI Trinamic's free and easy to use TMCL-IDE. This graphical user interface allows quick setup and supports the use of commands in direct mode, monitors real-time behavior visualized in graphs, and logs and stores data. All settings can simply be exported for your own firmware project.

More about the TMCL-IDE

eval board

Evaluation Board for TMC4361A


  • DcStep™
  • ChopSync™
  • Closed Loop Control
  • Motion Controller
  • Position Mode
  • Velocity Mode
  • S-Shape Ramps
  • SixPoint™ Ramps
  • Motion Pipeline


The TMC4361A-EVAL allows you to explore all functions of the TMC4361A-LA motion controller. Used in the TMC4361A-EVAL-KIT, which is a set of one Landungsbruecke interface board, an Eselsbruecke connector board and one TMC4361A-EVAL board, it allows for a quick and simple start to make your motor turning, while still providing full access to all registers and full functionality and diagnostics.

For diagnosis, all signals between MCU and TMC4361A are accessible with probes on the Eselsbruecke bridge board. To simplify the transfer to your own processor platform the MCU board can be disconnected. For use with an encoder, please connect VIO to encoder supply, as visualized in the schematics.

As the TMC4361A-EVAL uses the SPI interface of the Eselsbruecke and Landungsbruecke, it's best to combine this motion controller with one of the driver evaluation boards like the TMC23x, TMC24x, TMC26x, or TMC21x0-EVAL for quick testing and setup.

All you need to get started is a power supply and ADI Trinamic's free and easy to use TMCL-IDE. This graphical user interface allows quick setup and supports the use of commands in direct mode, monitors real-time behavior visualized in graphs, and logs and stores data. All settings can simply be exported for your own firmware project.

More about the TMCL-IDE

eval board

Evaluation Board for TMC4361A


  • DcStep™
  • ChopSync™
  • Closed Loop Control
  • Motion Controller
  • Position Mode
  • Velocity Mode
  • S-Shape Ramps
  • SixPoint™ Ramps
  • Motion Pipeline


The TMC4361A breakout board is a development board with the dedicated TMC4361A chip. It is designed to give users the chance to rapidly prototype their applications - making it possible to immediately check how the motor performs with TMC chips while developing the application's software. Further information on the chip can be found here

The TMC4361A is a stepper motor servo controller with S-shaped ramps for laboratory automation, 3D-printing, scanners and other automated equipment applications. The device is usable as a trapezoidal and advanced SixPoint™ ramp generator. Furthermore the TMC4361A is powered by ADI Trinamic DcStep™, closed loop control and ChopSync™ technology. The device is designed for an operating voltage of 3.3V. The TMC4361A provides a SPI controller and SPI, S/D driver interface. Additionally it has an a/b/n incremental, SPI and SSI encoder interface.

Evaluation Board for TMC5160
Evaluation Board for TMC5160
Evaluation Board for TMC4361A
Evaluation Board for TMC4361A


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