

用于SPI接口的5 kV专用隔离器(1/2辅助通道方向性)





  • 支持最高17 MHz的SPI时钟速度
  • 4个高速、低传播延迟、SPI信号隔离通道
  • 三个250 kbps数据通道
  • 20引脚SOIC_IC封装,爬电距离为8.3 mm
  • 工作温度高达:125°C
  • 高共模瞬变抗扰度:>25 kV/µs
  • 安全和法规认证
    • UL认证符合UL 1577标准
      • 1分钟5000 V rms,SOIC长封装
    • CSA元件验收通知5A
    • VDE合格证书
      • DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-12
      • 最大工作绝缘电压(VIORM):849 V峰值
用于SPI接口的5 kV专用隔离器(1/2辅助通道方向性)
ADuM4152 Functional Block Diagram ADuM4152 Pin Diagram
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eval board

Power Quality Monitor Development Platform


  • Allows prototyping of high performance, polyphase energy meters
  • Modular hardware design:
    • Metering & compute base board
    • Add-on board for COMMS and HMI
  • The base board offers flexibility in input/output (I/O) interfacing through custom add-on boards
  • Industrial connectivity: 10BASE-T1L (ADIN1110), RS-485 (ADM2587E), Ethernet (WIZ82)
  • Long time data logging (SD card)
  • Standalone interface (display, LEDs, buttons)
  • I/O prototyping area (external control signals, GPS / GNSS)
  • Publicly available software for evaluation and prototyping
  • Embedded processing implementing the complete IEC 61000-4-30 class S power quality standard (using ADI proprietary ADSW-PQ-CLS library)
  • Open-source GUI (Scopy – Cross-platform Qt application)
  • Fully isolated design for safe operation
  • Industry standard form factor compatible with DIN rail mounts


The AD-PQMON-SL provides a complete software and hardware platform for prototyping and evaluating high performance class S polyphase energy quality monitors. The design incorporates the ADE9430 high performance, polyphase energy monitoring IC that has an advanced metrology feature set (total and fundamental active power, volt amperes reactive (VAR), volt amperes (VA), watthour, VAR hour, VA hour, total and fundamental IRMS and VRMS, power factor) and the MAX32650 ultralow power ARM cortex-M4 with FPU-based microcontroller with 3 MB flash and 1 MB SRAM. The ADE9430 enables accurate energy monitoring over a wide dynamic range through its superior analog performance and digital signal processing (DSP) core. The ADE9430 simplifies the implementation and certification of energy and power quality monitoring systems by providing tight integration of acquisition and calculation engines. This solution can be used on a 3-phase system or up to three single-phase systems.

The design also features the MAX32650, which is a part of a new breed of low-power microcontrollers built to thrive in the rapidly evolving Internet of Things (IoT) named DARWIN. These MCUs are smart, with the biggest memories in their class and a massively scalable memory architecture. The MCU exposes all the necessary debug and programming features to enable a complete software development experience with the system. It is coupled with 512 Mb RAM and 64 Mb flash external memories to provide flexibility. The system's firmware is based on ADI's open-source no-OS framework and ADI proprietary ADSW-PQ-CLS library.

The solution has an on-board ADuM6424A Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter. This DC-DC converter is used to supply all the components on the high voltage side. The ADUM6424A and the ADUM4152, which is a 5 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator™ Digital Isolator for SPI (with 1/2 Aux channel directionality), are used to isolate the connection between the ADE9430 and MAX32650.

The board can be supplied from the AC input through an isolated AC/DC converter or from the USB through the LTC3306, a 1.75 A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator. A logic based on several MAX40203, an Ultra-Tiny nanoPower, 1 A Ideal Diodes with Ultra-Low-Voltage Drop, selects based on availability the supply input with priority to the AC input.

The other 1.1 V and 1.8 V voltage rails needed by the MCU are converted from the 3.3 V input by the ADP225, a Dual, 300 mA Adjustable Output, Quick Output Discharge, Low Noise, High PSRR Voltage Regulator.

For high accuracy time keeping, the MAX31343 ±5 ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock with Integrated MEMS Oscillator is used.

The add-on board includes a standalone interface (a 64 x 4 display, 2 LEDs, and 5 buttons), an SD card for long time data logging, several industrial connectivity ports, and exposes an I/O prototyping area for I2C, SPI, GPIO, UART, 3V3, GND. The prototyping area can be also used for GPS / GNSS (e.g., Accurate Synchrophasor Measurement) or for external control signals.

For industrial connectivity, these are the following possibilities:

  • T1L through the ADIN1110, an ultralow power, single port, 10BASE-T1L transceiver design for industrial Ethernet applications
  • RS-485 implemented using the ADM2587E, a 2.5 kV Signal and Power Isolated, ±15 kV ESD Protected, Full/Half Duplex RS-485 Transceiver (500 kbps)
  • Ethernet


  • Energy and power monitoring
  • Standards compliant power quality monitoring
  • Protective devices
  • Smart power distribution units
  • Polyphase energy meters
  • Intelligent buildings

eval board



  • 可访问所有7个数据通道
  • 多个连接选项
  • 支持Tektronix有源探头
  • 采用电缆端接
  • 支持PCB边缘安装型同轴连接器
  • 轻松配置
  • 安装的SPIsolator®数字隔离器: 采用20引脚SSOP封装的ADuM3151BRSZ


EVAL-ADuM3151Z支持的器件如受支持型号部分所列,它们均为7通道、数据方向变异SPIsolator®隔离器并针对SPI应用进行了优化。 它们包括3个用于非时序关键型辅助功能的低速通道。 该评估板提供JEDEC标准20引脚SSOP焊盘布局,支持信号分配、回送和以VDDx或GNDx为参考的负载,以及最优旁路电容。 信号源可连接至电路板,也可通过边缘安装型SMA连接器(单独出售)或端子板连接电路板,实现电源连接。 电路板集成200密耳接头位置,可兼容Tektronix有源探头。

该板遵循印刷电路板(PCB)的4层板最佳设计实践,隔离栅两侧分别集成全电源和接地层。 该板没有其他抗电磁辐射或削减噪声的设计特性。 在极高的工作速度下,或者需要超低辐射时,请参考AN-1109应用笔记,了解其他电路板布局技巧。


  • ADuM3151ARSZ
  • ADuM3151BRSZ
  • ADuM3152ARSZ
  • ADuM3152BRSZ
  • ADuM3153ARSZ
  • ADuM3153BRSZ
  • ADuM4151ARIZ
  • ADuM4151BRIZ
  • ADuM4152ARIZ
  • ADuM4152BRIZ
  • ADuM4153ARIZ
  • ADuM4153BRIZ

Power Quality Monitor Development Platform
AD-PQMON-SL Board Photo Angle View AD-PQMON-SL Board Photo Top View AD-PQMON-SL Board Photo Bottom View AD-PQMON-SL Block Diagram


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