製造中止SiGe Divide-by-4 SMT, DC - 4 GHz
- 製品モデル
- 3
- 1Ku当たりの価格
- 価格は未定
- Ultra Low SSB Phase Noise: -146 dBc/Hz
- Wide Input Power Range: -15 to +10 dBm
- Output Power: +3.5 dBm
- Single DC Supply: +3V @ 13 mA
- MS8 SMT Package
The HMC426MS8(E) is a low noise Divide-by-4 Static Divider utilizing SiGe technology in an 8 lead surface mount plastic package. This device operates from DC (with a square wave input) to 4.0 GHz input frequency while operating from a single +3V supply at only 13 mA. The low additive SSB phase noise of -146 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset helps the user maintain excellent system noise performance.
- DBS/CATV Tuners
- 802.11x & HiperLAN WLAN
- Fixed Wireless & WLL
- Microwave & VSAT Radios
- Cellular & 3G
InGaP HBT 1/4 分周器、SMT、DC ~ 8 GHz
製造中止品のデータシート 1
品質関連資料 3
テープ&リール仕様 1
製品モデル | ピン/パッケージ図 | 資料 | CADシンボル、フットプリント、および3Dモデル |
HMC426MS8 | 8-Lead MSOP | ||
HMC426MS8ETR | 8-Lead MSOP | ||
HMC426MS8TR | 8-Lead MSOP |
製品モデル | 製品ライフサイクル | PCN |
12 14, 2015 - 15_0026 Discontinuance of Select Hittite Microwave Products (HMC) from Analog Devices |
HMC426MS8 | 製造中止 | |
HMC426MS8ETR | 製造中止 | |
HMC426MS8TR | 製造中止 |