新規設計に推奨2 GHz to 18 GHz Single Beam/4 Channel Broadband Transmit True Time Delay Unit
- 2 GHz to 18 GHz frequency range
- Programmable gain: 6-bit resolution
- 31.1 dB adjustment range
- 0.5 dB step size
- Programmable Time Delay: 7-bit resolution
- Programmable Time Delay Modes
- TD_Mode0 : 0 to 508ps range, 4ps resolution
- TD_Mode1 : 0 to 254ps range, 2ps resolution
- Programmable amplifier bias settings
- 3-wire and 4-wire SPI
- Package: 6mm × 6mm LFCSP
ADAR4000 is a 2 to 18 GHz transmit that contains a true time delay unit (TDU) and a digital step attenuator (DSA). Each of the 4 RF paths provide a 31.8 dB gain adjustment range and up to 508 ps of time delay, with resolution of less than 0.5 dB and as little as 2 ps, respectively, via DSA and TDU blocks. The TDU has two programmable operating modes. TD_Mode0 offers 508ps of time delay range and 4ps resolution, while TD_Mode1 offers 254ps of time delay range and 2ps resolution. Control of all the on-chip registers is through a simple 3-wire or 4-wire serial port interface (SPI). In addition, four address pins allow SPI control of up to 16 devices on the same serial lines. The random access memory (RAM) has storage for up to 64 beamstates and the on-chip sequencer selects and advances the beamstate being sourced from either the RAM or the FIFO.
ADAR4000 is available in a 36-lead 6mm × 6mm LFCSP package and is specified from −40°C to +85°C.
- Multi-Function Arrays
- Data Links
- Test Equipment