

CSI-2 to GMSL2 Serializer

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Starting From $5.89

Part Details

  • Automotive Grade High Speed Link
    • 21.0dB at 3GHz (6Gbps) Max Insertion Loss
    • 19.5dB at 1.5GHz (3Gbps) Max Insertion Loss
    • Auto Adapt for Changes in Channel Conditions
    • Operates at -40°C to +105°C Ambient
  • Four-Lane MIPI CSI-2 v1.3 Input Port
    • MIPI D-PHY v1.2 Receivers rated at 2.5Gbps per Lane
    • Supports any CSI-2 Data Type in Tunneling Mode
    • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), and Error Correction Code (ECC)
    • 16 Virtual Channels
    • Polarity Flip and Data Lane Reassignment
  • Full-Duplex Communication Over a Single Wire
  • 3Gbps or 6Gbps Forward-Link Rates, and 187.5Mbps Reverse-Link Rate
  • ASIL-B Compliant
    • End-to-End Data Integrity through CRC in Tunneling Mode
    • R-S Forward-Error Correction (FEC) for Protection of Forward Video and Control-Channel Data
    • CRC Protection of Side-Channel and Video Data
    • Power-on Self Test
  • Concurrent Side Channel for Device Configuration and Communication with Peripherals
    • I2C/UART, Pass-Through I2C/UART, SPI, GPIO, and Register-Programmable GPIO
  • Crystal-Free Operation Using Reference Over Reverse (RoR) Clocking
  • Reference Clock Output for Image Sensor
  • Built-in ADC and Temperature Sensor
  • Compact 5mm x 5mm TQFN Side-Wettable Package with 0.5mm Pitch
CSI-2 to GMSL2 Serializer
MAX96717 Simplified Applications Diagram MAX96717 Pin Configuration
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Hardware Ecosystem

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Tools & Simulations

Evaluation Kits

eval board

GMSL2 Serializer Board for Raspberry Pi Cameras

Features and Benefits

  • Compact form-factor GMSL2 serializer board compatible with cameras having 15-pin MIPI CSI-2 ribbon cable interfaces
  • Allows interfacing of a wide range of cameras, including most of the Raspberry Pi cameras, to systems having GMSL2 receive interfaces
  • Implements Power over Cable (PoC) eliminating the need for external power supplies for the board itself and the connected camera

Product Details

The AD-GMSL717MIPI-EVK allows connecting a wide range of cameras with 15-pin MIPI CSI-2 ribbon cable interfaces to Analog Devices’ MAX96717 GMSL2 serializer, enabling connectivity to processing systems which have GMSL2 receive interfaces. Due to its compact form-factor and mounting holes, the board can be easily and securely integrated into vision systems with various requirements in terms of size, shape, and mobility. A detachable extension allows mounting on tripods with 1/4”-20 mounts.

System Features:

  • 1 x MIPI CSI (2 x lanes) 15-pin ribbon cable connector
  • 4 x MFP pins routed to the ribbon cable connector
  • 1 x FAKRA coaxial cable connector
  • Implements Power over Cable (PoC)
  • Mounting holes for easy and secure attach of all Raspberry Pi cameras form factors
  • Open-source reference software for all supported camera types targeting a range of compute platforms such as Nvidia SoCs, Raspberry Pi, and AMD SoCs


  • High-Resolution Camera Systems
  • Autonomous Guided Vehicles
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

eval board

GMSL EV Kit Adapter Board

Features and Benefits

  • Allows utilization of GMSL serializer EV kits with a wide range of cameras having 15-pin or 22-pin ribbon cable connectors such as the RPI Camera
  • Allows utilization of GMSL deserializer EV kits with various processing platforms supporting the 15-pin or 22-pin ribbon cable camera connector, such as the Raspberry Pi or the Nvidia development platforms

Product Details

The AD-GMSLCAMRPI-ADP# enables connecting GMSL serializer and deserializer EV kits to a wide range of cameras and processing platforms supporting industry standard ribbon cable connectors. The adapter consists of three sections that can be broken apart from each other, having with the following functionalities:

  • Two ribbon cable adapters containing a 15-pin and a 22-pin connector routed to each other. The 15-pin connector supports 2 MIPI lanes, while the 22-pin connector supports 4 MIPI lanes.
  • A GMSL serializer EV kit adapter with two 22-pin ribbon cable connectors, for connecting cameras to either of the input MIPI ports of the GMSL serializers
  • A GMSL deserializer EV kit adapter with a22-pin ribbon cable connector connected to each of the output MIPI ports, for connecting to Raspberry Pi and Nvidia development platforms, or other processing platform supporting the 15-pin or 22-pin ribbon cable connector. A USB Type-A connector is available to supply 5V @ 4A.

For a detailed look at all GMSL-2 features, including information on how to use the parts, see the newest GMSL-2 User Guide found in Analog Devices’ GMSL customer portal folder. For more information on how to design customized hardware with GMSL2 devices, see the newest GMSL2 Hardware Design Guide in Analog Devices’ GMSL customer portal folder. Finally, in the similar folders, evkit documentation and guides can be found.


  • High-Resolution Camera Systems
  • Autonomous Guided Vehicles
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

eval board
MAX96717/F/R EVKit

Evaluation Kit for the MAX96717, MAX96717F, and MAX96717R

Features and Benefits

  • Ability for Serializer to send GMSL data to Deserializer, converting it into MIPI CSI-2
  • Windows 10 or Higher Compatible Software Support
  • USB Controlled Interface (Cable Included)
  • Powerful and Simple GUI for Comprehensive Device Feature Evaluation
  • Board Powered by USB, 12V Wall Adapter or External Power Supply
  • Proven PCB Layout
  • Fully Assembled and Tested

Product Details

The MAX96717 DPHY evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX96717 high-bandwidth gigabit multimedia serial link (GMSL) serializer with spread spectrum and full-duplex control channel using a standard FAKRA coaxial (Coax) or HMTD cable. The EV kit also includes Windows® 7 and Windows® 10 software that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for exercising features of the device. The EV kit comes with a MAX96717, MAX96717F, or MAX96717R IC installed.

For complete GMSL evaluation using a standard FAKRA coaxial cable or HMTD cable, order the MAX96717 Coax EV kit and a companion deserializer board (MAX96716 Coax EV kit referenced in the data sheet).

eval board

GMSL Carrier Board

Features and Benefits

  • GMSL2 prototyping system supporting the NVIDIA Jetson™ SoCs
  • On-board MAX96724 that allows 4x GMSL2/1 camera inputs that allows for camera module bring-up, debug, and video streaming
  • On-board MAX96717 that can be used for camera emulation and head-unit debug
  • Enables development of GMSL applications with NVIDIA Jetson™ SoC
  • SAMTEC connector that allows connection of any GMSL DPHY EV Kit to the NVIDIA Jetson™
  • Additional inputs: USB, Ethernet, PCIe, and microSD card

Product Details

The AD-GMSL522-SL is a GMSL-enabled NVIDIA Jetson Xavier™ NX-based carrier board and software solution that allows for simple camera to display conversion. This solution creates a scalable, user friendly, GMSL platform for receiving and transmitting data over a gigabit multimedia serial link (GMSL). The platform enables demonstrations and ecosystem development by serving as a hardware platform for software development.

The AD-GMSL522-SL supports two forms of camera input -- either straight CSI data coming through a SAMTEC connector, or via camera modules using GMSL2 or GMSL1 technology to connect to the on-board MAX96724 via COAX connectors. GMSL evaluation kits or any camera utilizing the standard 15- or 22-pin Raspberry Pi connector can be connected here using the AD-GMSLCAMRPI-SL adapter board.

The AD-GMSL522-SL package includes software tools to enable customers in their development of GMSL applications. Among these tools are modified L4T kernels that support certain camera modules and documentation that allows any user to update these kernels for their specific hardware needs.

The design incorporates the MAX96724GTN/VY+ Quad tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 deserializer and MAX96717GTJ/VY+ CSI-2 to GMSL2 serializer and provides a reliable platform to evaluate high-bandwidth GMSL.

There are two system options available for purchase: the AD-GMSL522-SL which is the base carrier board and does not include the NVIDIA SoM, and the AD-GMSL522-SOM-SL which is the carrier board including the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier™ NX SoM.


  • ADAS Camera Solutions
  • Sensor Fusion ECU
  • Driver and Occupant Monitoring
  • In-cabin Infotainment

GMSL2 Serializer Board for Raspberry Pi Cameras
AD-GMSL717MIPI-EVK Board Photo Angle View AD-GMSL717MIPI-EVK Board Photo Top View AD-GMSL717MIPI-EVK Board Photo Bottom View AD-GMSL717MIPI-EVK Block Diagram
GMSL EV Kit Adapter Board
MAX96717/F/R EVKit
Evaluation Kit for the MAX96717, MAX96717F, and MAX96717R
MAX96717 DPHY EV Kit Block Diagram
GMSL Carrier Board
AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Angle View AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Top View AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Bottom View AD-GMSL522-SL Block Diagram

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