AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EB Unboxing, Overview, & Basic Functions


Learn more about the ADRV9361-Z7035 SDR SOM, and the AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EB RF personality card. This card includes a 500mW output, and a +10dB Bypassable LNA, and a Tx/Rx switch, to be used in many Time Division Duplex Applications.

AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EB Unboxing, Overview, & Basic Functions

Learn more about the ADRV9361-Z7035 SDR SOM, and the AD-PZSDR2400TDD-EB RF personality card. This card includes a 500mW output, and a +10dB Bypassable LNA, and a Tx/Rx switch, to be used in many Time Division Duplex Applications.