

Ultra Stable 16-Bit ±0.5 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC

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1ku List Price
Starting From $10.54

Part Details

  • True 16-bit voltage output DAC, ±0.5 LSB INL
  • 8 nV/√Hz output noise spectral density
  • 0.00625 LSB long-term linearity error stability
  • ±0.018 ppm/°C gain error temperature coefficient
  • 2.5 µs output voltage settling time
  • 3.5 nV-sec midscale glitch impulse
  • Integrated precision reference buffers
  • Operating temperature range:
    −40°C to +125°C
  • 4mm x 5mm LFCSP package
  • Wide power supply range of up to ±16.5 V
  • 35 MHz Schmitt triggered digital interface
  • 1.8 V compatible digital interface
Ultra Stable 16-Bit ±0.5 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC
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Hardware Ecosystem

Parts Product Life Cycle Description
Positive Linear Regulators (LDO) 1
LT3040 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 20V, 200mA, Ultralow Noise, Ultrahigh PSRR Precision DAC/Reference Buffer
Precision Op Amps (Vos ≤1mV & TCVos ≤2uV/C) 3
ADA4004-1 PRODUCTION 1.8 nV/√Hz, 36 V, Precision Single Op Amp
ADA4898-1 PRODUCTION High Voltage, Low Noise, Low Distortion, Unity Gain Stable, High Speed Op Amp
AD8675 PRODUCTION 36 V Precision, 2.8 nV/√Hz Rail-to-Rail Output Op Amp
Series Voltage References 1
ADR445 PRODUCTION Ultralow Noise, LDO XFET® 5.0V Voltage Reference w/Current Sink and Source
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Tools & Simulations

Precision DAC Error Budget Tool

The Precision DAC Error Budget Tool is a web application that calculates the DC Accuracy of precision DAC signal chains. It shows how the static errors accumulate throughout your signal chain to quickly evaluate the design tradeoffs. Calculations include the DC errors introduced by Voltage References, Operation Amplifiers and Precision DACs.

Open Tool

Evaluation Kits

eval board

Evaluating the AD5780 System Ready, 18-Bit, ±1 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC

Features and Benefits

  • Full featured evaluation board for the AD5780 
  • ADP5070 power solution generated from single 5 V supply
  • Applicable evaluation board for the AD5760 and AD5790 
  • PC control in conjunction with the Analog Devices Inc., EVALSDP-CK1Z (SDP-K1) controller board
  • Various link options

Product Details

The operation of the EVAL-AD5780ARDZ for evaluating the AD5780 (18-bit), bipolar voltage output, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is detailed in this user guide.

The EVAL-AD5780ARDZ facilitates fast prototyping of the AD5780 circuit, thereby reducing design time. The EVAL-AD5780ARDZ provides an on-board −14 V and +14 V dual power supply. This evaluation board also utilizes external reference boards with an output voltage of +10 V and −10 V.

The EVAL-AD5780ARDZ interfaces with the USB port of a PC via a system demonstration platform (SDP-K1) controller board. The ACE software is available for download on the EVAL-AD5780ARDZ product page. This software enables the user to program the AD5780. A peripheral module interface (PMOD) connection is also available that allows the connection of different microcontrollers to the EVAL-AD5780ARDZ without the SDP-K1 controller board. Note that when a microcontroller is used through the PMOD connection, the SDP-K1 board must be disconnected, and the user cannot use the ACE software.

For full details on the AD5780, see the AD5780 data sheet, which must be used in conjunction with this user guide when using the EVAL-AD5780ARDZ evaluation board.

For added flexibility, the AD5780 can be substituted with either the AD5760 or AD5790, which must be ordered separately.

eval board

AD5760 Evaluation Board

Product Details

The EVAL-AD5760 is a full-featured evaluation board designed to allow the user to easily evaluate all features of the AD5760 voltage output, 16-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The AD5760 pins are accessible at on-board connectors for external connection. The board can be controlled by two means: via the on-board connector (J3), or via the system demonstration (SDP) platform connector (J4). The SDP board allows the evaluation board to be controlled through the USB port of a Windows® XP-based (SP2 or later) or Vista-based (32-bit) computer using the AD5760 evaluation software.

Evaluating the AD5780 System Ready, 18-Bit, ±1 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC
AD5760 Evaluation Board

Reference Designs

16-Bit Accurate, ±10 V Voltage Source
CN0318 Circuits from the lab

16-Bit, Linear, Ultra Stable, Low Noise, Bipolar ±10 V DC Voltage Source

Features and Benefits

  • Bipolar ±10V dc voltage source
  • 16-bit resolution
  • Low noise
16-Bit, Linear, Ultra Stable, Low Noise, Bipolar ±10 V DC Voltage Source

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