Red Pitaya d.d.
Red Pitaya is a privately-owned company established in 2013 as a result of a spin off from Instrumentation Technologies Inc, the leading company designing and building high performance instruments for particle accelerators. With the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign, deep engineering background and passion, we are constantly growing and changing the test and measurement market. In 2014 we won the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Global Electronic Test & Measurement Tools New Product Innovation Award.
Red Pitaya d.d.
Red Pitaya is a privately-owned company established in 2013 as a result of a spin off from Instrumentation Technologies Inc, the leading company designing and building high performance instruments for particle accelerators. With the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign, deep engineering background and passion, we are constantly growing and changing the test and measurement market. In 2014 we won the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Global Electronic Test & Measurement Tools New Product Innovation Award.
- 中国
- 欧州
- インド
- 南北アメリカ大陸
- 日本
Velika Pot 22
The ultimate FPGA technology, Xilinx Zynq 7010, coupled with very accurate high-end ADCs represents the core of the STEMLab circuit. Together with the experienced Red Pitaya design team and thorough testing it makes STEMLab a very unique technology solution on the market. Not only technology, design also matters to us! We have been working hard to make every detail very special and you will be able to tell it once you get STEMLab in your hands.
- ハードウェア設計
- ツール/ソフトウェア/ドライバ
- 基板/モジュール/サブシステム
- 航空宇宙および防衛システム
- オートモーティブ・ソリューション
- ワイヤレス通信ソリューション
- 産業オートメーション
- 計装および測定ソリューション
- コンスーマ用技術ソリューション