

  • Complete Radio Card platform containing AD9371 with:
    • 2 x Transmit outputs 
    • 2 x Receive inputs 
    • 2 x Observation inputs
    • 1x Sniffer path
  • Narrow tuning range and Wide tuning range options
    • ADRV9371-N/PCBZ matched for 1.8GHz – 2.6GHz
    • ADRV9371-W/PCBZ matched for 300MHz – 6GHz
  • Complete with high efficiency power supply solution and clocking solution for AD9371
  • FMC connector to Xilinx ZC706 motherboard (EK-Z7-ZC706-G). 
  • Powered from single FMC connector
  • Includes schematics, layout, BOM, HDL, drivers and application software


The ADRV9371-N/PCBZ and ADRV9371-WPCBZ are radio cards designed to showcase the AD9371, a high performance wideband integrated RF transceiver intended for use in RF applications such as 4G base station, test and measurement applications and software defined radios. The radio cards provide hardware engineers, software engineers and system architects with a single 2x2 transceiver platform for device evaluation and rapid prototyping of radio solutions. All peripherals necessary for the radio card to operate including a high efficiency switcher only power supply solution, and a high performance clocking solution are populated on the board.

Both narrow tuning range and wide tuning range options exist.

The ADRV9371-N/PCBZ is optimized for performance over a narrow tuning range1.8GHz – 2.6GHz. It will exhibit diminished RF performance on tuned RF frequencies outside of this band. This board is primarily intended to provide RF engineers with the ability to connect the AD9371 to an RF test bench (Vector Signal Analyzer, Signal Generator, etc.) and achieve its optimum performance.


The ADRV9371-W/PCBZ operates over a wide tuning range 300MHz – 6GHz, however the RF performance is tempered by the very wide band front end match. This board is primarily intended for system investigation and bringing up various waveforms from a software team before custom hardware is complete. The objective being for designers to see waveforms, but not being concerned about the last 1dB or 1% EVM of performance.


The board interfaces to the Xilinx ZC706 motherboard (EK-Z7-ZC706-G) (ordered separately).


First pick your preferred radio card – either the narrow or wide tuning range option as described in the overview, then order the Xilinx motherboard from Xilinx (EK-Z7-ZC706-G). The evaluation system user guide is available for download here and describes how to get up and running. The Evaluation kit offers several software drivers for evaluation and rapid prototyping as well as design tool options to aid in simulation and filter design. Also, watch the video below to see one of our applications engineers step through the setup process.




Wideband RF Transceiver Evaluation Software
The Evaluation kit offers several software drivers for evaluation and rapid prototyping as well as design tool options to aid in simulation and filter design.
Integrated JESD204 software framework for rapid system-level development and optimization


SDR Integrated Transceiver Design Resources
This site contains the device documentation packages for the SDR Integrated Transceivers including user guides, IBIS models, and PCB files.

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