- Full featured evaluation board for the AD9139
- AD9139-EBZ includes options to evaluate single output
- AD9139-DUAL-EBZ includes options to evaluate:
- DAC only (I & Q DAC output)
- DAC and ADL537X quadrature modulator
- USB interface for configuration
- Internal or external power supply regulation
- Data pattern generator and SPI software interfaces
The AD9139-EBZ connects to a ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 for quick evaluation of the AD9139, a high-speed, signal processing Digital to Analog Converter. The ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 automatically formats the data and sends it to the AD9139-EBZ, simplifying evaluation of the device. The Evaluation Board (EVB) runs from a +5V supply. A clock distribution chip AD9516 is included on this EVB as a clock fan-out and frequency divider for the DACCLK, REFCLK and ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 input clock.
The AD9139-DUAL-EBZ connects to a ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 for quick evaluation of the AD9139, a high-speed, signal processing Digital to Analog Converter. The ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 automatically formats the data and sends it to the AD9139-DUAL-EBZ, simplifying evaluation of the device. The Evaluation Board (EVB) runs from a +5V supply. A clock distribution chip AD9516 is included on this EVB as a clock fan-out and frequency divider for the DACCLK, REFCLK, Frame, and ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 input clock. Also included is a quadrature modulator ADL5375 for quick DAC+IQMOD evaluation. Since AD9139 is a single channel converter, dual AD9139s are used on the board to work as I and Q, which typically applies to the case of wideband applications.
AD9139 Evaluation Board Documentation2022/08/25WIKI