The EVAL-AD7960FMCZ is a fully featured evaluation Kit designed to demonstrate the performance of the low power 18-bit,5 MSPS PulSAR® Differential ADC AD7960. This board operates in conjunction with the System Demonstration Platform (SDP) board, EVAL-SDP-CH1Z . The evaluation software is provided to enable the user to perform detailed analysis of the AD7960's performance. The technical user guide includes the detailed description of the operation and set up of the evaluation board and software when operated with the System Demonstration Platform board.
The EVAL-SDP-CH1Z is the required controller board for this evaluation system. If you have previously purchased an SDP-H1, you will not need to purchase another SDP-H1 controller board. Evaluation boards requiring the SDP-H1 board will not work with the SDP-B or SDP-S controller board. Visit the System Demonstration Platform page for more information.
- Windows XP SP2, 32 bits
- Windows Vista, 32 and 64 bits
- Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit
- USB 2.0 Port
UG-490: Evaluating the AD7960 18-Bit, 5 MSPS PulSAR Differential ADC2013/08/06PDF2483 kB
AD7960 Schematic, Rev. A2013/07/30PDF
AD7960 Gerber Files, Rev. A2013/07/30ZIP
AD7960 Bill of Materials, Rev. A2013/07/30XLS
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