

The isolated inverter platform enables users to:

  • Evaluate ADI’s new, fully featured isolated gate drivers (ADuM4135) technology in a system-level application at realistic dc bus voltages (EV-MCS-ISOINVEP-Z)
  • Evaluate ADI simple dual isolated gate driver (ADuM4223) technology in a system-level application at realistic dc bus voltages (EV-MCS-ISOINV-Z)
  • Evaluate ADI sigma-delta modulators (AD7403) for voltage and current measurement or feedback in a realistic switching environment
  • Develop motor control algorithms utilizing ADI isolated sigma-delta current and voltage feedback
  • Test bench their motor control software/firmware with a flexible hardware development platform
  • Evaluate an elegant gate driver bias supply solution using the ADP1621


The Isolated Inverter Platform is a rapid development system for hardware and/or software development in three-phase inverter applications, with a particular focus on motor control. Flexible evaluation of ADI isolation technology in a highly configurable system-oriented platform is enabled with multiple test-points, and connectivity options. An easy-plug connector allows controller connection to an ADSP-CM408 processor evaluation board, while additional 0.1” headers enable alternative connectivity to other processor or FPGA platforms. The benefits of ADI isolated sigma-delta converters for voltage and current measurement, isolated gate drivers, and power controllers can be explored in a full system application at dc bus levels up to 800V. There are 2 models available, isolated inverter platform, and isolated inverter platform with full featured IGBT drivers.

Solution Overview
The isolated inverter platform and isolated inverter platform with full featured IGBT drivers offer a power board that runs from a dc input and provides a three-phase variable frequency, variable voltage, and variable dead-time PWM output to a three-phase motor or load. The inverter is provided as an open loop platform, but feedback signals are provided to enable the application developer to close the control loop. For the isolated inverter platform (EV-MCS-ISOINV-Z), two isolated current,phase to phase and dc bus voltage feedback signals are provided to the control side of the board via sigma-delta modulators, and these can be used for development of control algorithms. The inverter is made up of a three-phase six-IGBT bridge, with the IGBTs rated at 1200V and driven by three dual isolated gate drivers (ADuM4223). For the isolated inverter platform with full featured IGBT drivers (EV-MCS-ISOINVEP-Z), three isolated phase current and dc bus voltage feedback signals are provided to the control side of the board via sigma-delta modulators, and these can be used for development of control algorithms. The inverter is made up of a three-phase six-IGBT bridge, with the IGBTs rated at 1200V and driven by six individual isolated gate drivers (ADuM4135) with desaturation protection and Miller clamp. For both platforms, a DC – rather than AC- input is provided to allow flexibility on the dc bus voltage level (rather than it being limited to the ac line peak).

The board is designed to work from a DC supply in the range 24Vdc-800Vdc.. The power board is rated up to 2kVA without forced air cooling. Additional power throughput can be achieved with fan cooling added. A series connected diode implements a half-wave rectifier at the input, so if needed, the power board can be driven from an AC supply. However output power is limited in this case. If a full AC front-end is required, the inverter platform can be utilized in conjunction with the ADP1047 evaluation board up to 300W, or the ADP1048 evaluation board up to 600W. An isolated I2C interface is provided on the inverter board so that the ADP104x evaluation board can be easily controlled by the same processor/FPGA interface. The inverter kit has the hardware and software required to spin a three-phase motor under open loop speed control in conjunction with an ADSP-CM408 EZ Kit. The demo software is provided as an IAR Embedded Workbench C project or an executable file which can be flashed to the ADSP-CM408 processor using the ADI serial boot-loader utility. A .NET-based graphical user interface (GUI) is provided to enable motor start-stop, open loop Volts/Hertz speed control, and data visualization.

Kit Contents

  • Isolated Inverter Board, 24-800Vdc, 2Kva (2 Versions)
  • Adapter board for connection to EZkit
  • USB to serial adapter for using GUI


  • IAR Embedded Workbench C project
  • Executable Demo Application
  • .NET-based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
