製造中止Dual 90MHz, 2200V/µs 30V Low Power Op Amp
- 2200V/μs Slew Rate
- 90MHz –3dB Bandwidth (AV =+1)
- 40MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product
- 1.6mA Supply Current Per Amplifier
- C-Load™ Op Amp Drives all Capacitive Loads
- ±4.5V to ±16V Operating Supply Range
- Unity-Gain Stable
- 10nV/√Hz Input Noise Voltage
- 400µV Maximum Input Offset Voltage
- 500nA Maximum Input Bias Current
- 30nA Maximum Input Offset Current
- ±13.25V Minimum Output Swing into 1k (±15V Supply)
- ±3.5V Minimum Output Swing into 500Ω (±5V Supply)
- 74dB Minimum Open-Loop Gain, RL = 1k
- 40ns Settling Time to 1%, 10V Step
- Specified at ±5V and ±15V
- Single in 5-Lead TSOT-23 Package
- Dual in 8-Lead MSOP Package
The LT6275 are single/dual low power, high speed, very high slew rate operational amplifiers with outstanding AC and DC performance. The circuit topology is a voltage feedback amplifier with matched high impedance inputs plus the enhanced slewing performance of a current feedback amplifier. The high slew rate and single stage design provide excellent settling characteristics that make the circuit an ideal choice for data acquisition systems. Each output drives a 1k load to ±13.25V with ±15V supplies and a 500Ω load to ±3.5V on ±5V supplies. The LT6274/LT6275 are stable with any capacitive load making them useful in buffer or cable driving applications.
The LT6274 single op amp is available in a 5-lead TSOT-23 package, and the LT6275 dual op amp is available in an 8-lead MSOP package. They operate with guaranteed specifications over the –40°C to 85°C and –40°C to 125°C temperature ranges.
- Wideband Large Signal Amplification
- Cable Drivers
- Buffers
- Automated Test Equipment
- Data Acquisition Systems
- Active Filters
- High Fidelity Video and Audio Amplification
データシート 2
Analog Dialogue 1
LTspice 1
- LT6275