
16ビット固定小数点 400Mhz ネットワーキング機能搭載 Blackfinプロセッサ







  • 最大400MHzの高性能Blackfinプロセッサ
  • オンチップの100KB最高速SRAM
  • 10段のRISC MCU/DSPパイプラインとコード密度を最適化する16ビット/32ビット混在のISA
  • ソフトウェアによるリアルタイムの制御タスク、業界標準のオペレーティング・システム、ハードウェアのリアルタイム信号処理に適したパワフルで柔軟性に富んだキャッシュ・アーキテクチャ
  • ビデオおよび画像の高速処理用の命令を備えた完全なSIMDアーキテクチャ
  • 外付けのPHYに対するバッファ付き発振器出力を備えたIEEE 802.3準拠組込み10/100イーサネットMAC
  • コントローラ・エリア・ネットワーク(CAN)の2.0Bインターフェース
  • 2線式インターフェース・コントローラ
  • グルーレスなビデオ・キャプチャ/ディスプレイ・ポート

16ビット固定小数点 400Mhz ネットワーキング機能搭載 Blackfinプロセッサ
ADSP-BF536 Functional Block Diagram





データシート 2

ユーザ・ガイド 5

アプリケーション・ノート 57

技術記事 8

プロセッサ・マニュアル 2

製品ハイライト 6

ソフトウェア・マニュアル 11

エミュレータ・マニュアル 3

集積回路異常 1

よく聞かれる質問 1





ソフトウェアおよびツール異常 1



eval board

低価格の ICE-1000 と高性能な ICE-2000 USB ベースの JTAG エミュレータ


  • Blackfin、Blackfin+、SHARC、およびARM 付きマルチコア SHARC+ の JTAG/SWD サポート
  • プラグアンドプレイ、USB 2.0 準拠
  • USB バス給電デバイス
  • Windows® 8.1、Window 7 互換
  • 複数プロセッサ I/O 電圧サポート:1.8 V、2.5 V、および 3.3 V
  • 複数プロセッサのサポート
  • ICE-1000 で 5 MHz の JTAG/SWD クロック動作
  • ICE-2000 で 最大46 MHz の JTAG/SWD クロック動作
  • ステータス表示を強化する多色 LED
  • リモート・デバッグをサポートするためにソフトウェアによって制御されるターゲット・リセット


アナログ・デバイセズ ICE-1000 および ICE-2000 エミュレータにより、アナログ・デバイセズ・プロセッサおよび DSP 上で高度なアプリケーションの作成、テスト、デバッグを簡単に実施できます。CrossCore® Embedded Studio 開発環境と連携して動作するこれらのエミュレータは、JTAG 準拠のアナログ・デバイセズのすべてのプロセッサに対して最高水準のサポートを提供します。

ICE-1000/ICE-2000 で追加された新しいデバッグ機能:

  • Coresight シリアル・ワイヤ・デバッグ(SWD) 

eval board

ADSP-BF537 STAMP Board Support Package (BSP)


  • ADSP-BF537 Blackfin processor
  • Max Core Clock Rate of 600MHz
  • 64 MB (32M x 16) SDRAM, 4 MB (2 M x 16) FLASH memory
  • SMSC LAN83C185 10/100 PHY with RJ45 Connector
  • CAN TJA1041 Transceiver with 2 RJ10 Connector
  • AD1871 96 KHz stereo ADC with 1/8” Jack Connector
  • AD1854 96 KHz stereo DAC with 1/8” Jack Connector
  • ADM3202 RS-232 UART line driver/receiver
  • National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite
  • (NI ELVIS) interface


ADSP-BF537 STAMP Board Support Package (BSP)
The BF537 STAMP Board Support Package (BSP) provides developers with a cost effective environment to develop embedded systems with the Blackfin Processor. The STAMP BSP has been specifically designed to support the development and porting of open source uClinux applications and includes the full complement of memory along with serial and network interfaces.

The BSP includes an ADSP-BF537 STAMP board and a CD with a recent copy of the Blackfin open source development tools and uClinux Kernel, documentation, board schematics, gerbers, and layout files. There are several Analog Devices daughter cards available for use with the STAMP board. Three separate SPI ADC daughter cards are available - AD7476, AD7476A, and AD7940 - each one providing an analog input interface. In addition, an AD1836 daughter card is available that provides an audio interface. Look out for additional daughter cards in the future with various other interfaces such as video and analog input/output.

For the most recent versions of tools and documentation, visit the uClinux for Blackfin web site. This web site is the central repository for all Blackfin open source projects. Several projects based on the STAMP board and daughter cards are posted here including: a networked audio media node, a networked oscilloscope, and a port of Linphone using the Speex voice codec.

The BF537 STAMP BSP will have you up and running with uClinux on the Blackfin right out of the box.

- Networking/Ethernet
- OS testing with Linux Test Project (LTP)

- VoIP, Network Communications and control

Purchasing Information:
This Product is not available to purchase directly from Analog Devices. For pricing, availability and to purchase, contact your local Analog Devices distributor.

eval board

USB-Based Emulator and High Performance USB-Based Emulator


  • Full speed USB 1.1 interface enabling download speeds of up to 150 KB/Sec (ADZS-USB-ICE) or High speed USB 2.0 interface enabling download speeds of up to 1.5MB/sec (ADZS-HPUSB-ICE)
  • Background Telemetry Channel (BTC) support enabling non-intrusive data exchange at up to 2.0 MB/sec (ADZS-HPUSB-ICE only)
  • 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V compliant and tolerant
  • Support for all ADI JTAG processors and DSPs
  • 5V tolerant and 3.3V compliant for 5V processors and DSPs
  • Multiprocessor support
  • 14-pin JTAG connector
  • 3-meter USB cable for difficult-to-reach targets
  • CE-certified


Analog Devices’ cost-effective Universal Serial Bus (USB)-based emulator and High performance (HP) Universal Serial Bus (USB)-based emulator each provide an easy, portable, non-intrusive, target-based debugging solution for Analog Devices JTAG processors and DSPs. These powerful USB-based emulators perform a wide range of emulation functions, including single-step and full speed execution with pre-defined breakpoints, and viewing and/or altering of register and memory contents. With the ability to automatically detect and support multiple I/O voltages, the USB and HP USB emulators enable users to communicate with all of the Analog Devices JTAG processors and DSPs using either a full speed USB 1.1 or high speed USB 2.0 port on the host PC. Applications and data can easily and rapidly be tested and transferred between the emulators and the separately available VisualDSP++ development and debugging environment(sold separately).

The plug-and-play architecture of USB allows the emulators to be automatically detected and configured by the host operating system. It can also be connected to and disconnected from the host without opening the PC or turning off the power to the PC. A 3-meter cable is included to connect the emulators to the host PC, thus providing abundant accessibility to hard to reach targets.

The HP USB-based emulator also supports the Background Telemetry Channel (BTC), a non-intrusive method for exchanging data between the host and target application without affecting the target system's real-time characteristics.

Part Number:
USB-Based Emulator
Part Number: ADZS-USB-ICE
High Performance USB-Based Emulator

Tools Support:
Tel: 1-800-ANALOGD (262-5643)
Contact Support

For additional information, contact your local Analog Devices Sales Office or Distributor.

eval board

The Blackfin USB-LAN EZ-Extender board is a low-cost, plug-on extender for the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite, and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite. This extender extends the capabilities of the Blackfin evaluation system by providing support USB 2.0 and 10/100 Ethernet. For information about compatible EZ-Board products, see the processors family's Software and Tools page.


  • PLX Technology’s Netchip 2272 device
  • USB Driver and Application code
  • USB Logo Certified
  • Derives Power from EZ-KIT Lite
  • MSC’s LAN 91C111 device
  • SMSC’s MII Connector to evaluate different PHYs with the BF537 EZ-KIT Lite
  • Ethernet Stack and Application code
  • 3.13 in (H) x 3.6 in


The Blackfin® USB-LAN EZ-Extender daughter board allows developers to connect to the Asynchronous Memory Bus on the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite.


The EZ-Extender has peripherals that support USB 2.0 and 10/100 Ethernet. A MII Connector can also be used when interfacing to a ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite. The MII connector allows a user to plug in different PHY evaluation boards.


Applications and information about the use and connection of the various interfaces on the Blackfin EZ-Extender are available from Analog Devices.

Part Number:

Tools Support: 

Tel: 1-800-ANALOGD (262-5643)
Contact Support

eval board

The ADSP-BF537 EZ-Kit Lite evaluation hardware provides a low-cost hardware solution for evaluating the ADSP-BF534, ADSP-BF536, and ADSP-BF537 Blackfin processor family.


  • ADSP-BF537 Blackfin Processor
  • Max Core Clock Rate of 600MHz
  • 64 MB (32M x 16) SDRAM, 4 MB (2 M x 16) FLASH memory
  • SMSC LAN83C185 10/100 PHY with RJ45 Connector
  • CAN TJA1041 Transceiver with 2 RJ10 Connector
  • AD1871 96 KHz stereo ADC with 1/8” Jack Connector
  • AD1854 96 KHz stereo DAC with 1/8” Jack Connector
  • RS-232 UART line driver/receiver
  • National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite
  • (NI ELVIS) interface


The ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite® provides developers with a cost-effective method for evaluation of the ADSP-BF537 Blackfin® Processor and its rich set of system peripherals, including the IEEE 802.3 10/100 Ethernet MAC and CAN 2.0B controller. A TCP/IP stack with integrated device driver and example code is provided in VisualDSP++ release 4.0. This evaluation system was designed with an emphasis on modularity and expandability. With this EZ-KIT Lite, users can learn more about Analog Devices’ ADSP-BF537 hardware and software development and quickly prototype applications.

The EZ-KIT Lite includes an ADSP-BF537 Processor desktop evaluation board along with an evaluation suite of the VisualDSP++® development and debugging environment with the C/C++ compiler, assembler, and linker. It also includes sample processor application programs, CE-approved power supply, a USB cable, both straight through and cross-over Ethernet cables, a 3.5mm stereo cable, and a pair of stereo headphones.

Part Number:

Tools Support: 

Tel: 1-800-ANALOGD (262-5643)
Contact Support

For additional information, contact your local Analog Devices Sales Office or Distributor.

低価格の ICE-1000 と高性能な ICE-2000 USB ベースの JTAG エミュレータ
ADSP-BF537 STAMP Board Support Package (BSP)
USB-Based Emulator and High Performance USB-Based Emulator
The Blackfin USB-LAN EZ-Extender board is a low-cost, plug-on extender for the ADSP-BF533 EZ-KIT Lite, ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite, and ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT Lite. This extender extends the capabilities of the Blackfin evaluation system by providing support USB 2.0 and 10/100 Ethernet. For information about compatible EZ-Board products, see the processors family's Software and Tools page.
The ADSP-BF537 EZ-Kit Lite evaluation hardware provides a low-cost hardware solution for evaluating the ADSP-BF534, ADSP-BF536, and ADSP-BF537 Blackfin processor family.

