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Man in green blazer comforts young man in yellow hoodie on white couch. Article

Can a Watch Help Prevent Teen Suicide?

A doctor pointing to a medical chart on a digital screen Article

Smart Hospital Technology in the ICU: Making Healthcare More Human

an older couple tracking their heart health while being active Article

Healthcare Tech at a Crossroads: The Rise of Remote and Value-Based Care

3D model of DNA isolating a section with data visualization overlay Article

Evonetix: Gene Synthesis on a Chip for Lifesaving Solutions

Elderly man wears the Tempo watch while being hugged by his daughter. Article

CarePredict: Harnessing the Power of Data to Enhance Quality of Life for Seniors

Reuters: A Healthcare System for the Ages Video

Reuters: A Healthcare System for the Ages

What If? Video

What If...ADI Innovation is Your Bridge to Human Breakthrough

Remote Patient Monitoring: Breaking HealthCare’s Boundaries Video

Remote Patient Monitoring: Breaking HealthCare’s Boundaries

Image shows a female family doctor in a Doctor's office setting.  She is using a test swab and taking a sample from a child's mouth. Article

Results in Minutes: How Rapid Point of Care Testing (POCT) is Transforming Diagnostics

Image shows a Veterinarian Doctor examining a dog's infected ear using an ear inspection instrument. Article

Palmsens Enables Electrochemical Biosensor Point-of-Care Diagnostics

Image shows two people sitting on a couch looking at a computer laptop monitor while one one points at the screen. Article

Vitruvian Shield Vital Signs Monitoring Watch: Peace of Mind for those with Epilepsy

Close-up of female nurse caring for female patient in hospital room. Article

Has Value-Based Care’s Time Finally Arrived?

Patient talking to a doctor using a digital tablet Video

Financial Times: The Future of American Healthcare

Criticle Healthcare Virtual Visit Video

Today's Critical Healthcare Trends

Fighting Disease with Ultra-Fast Testing Video

Fighting Disease with Ultra-Fast Testing

Purple digital EKG graph with stats Article

Digital Healthcare Technology Pre- and Post-Pandemic