
Design Resources

Device Drivers

Software such as C code and/or FPGA code, used to communicate with component's digital interface.

LTC297x GitHub Linux Driver Source Code

Features & Benefits

  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX SI development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations for an alternate power tree that allows for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.

Circuit Function & Benefits

Multiple LTM4700’s are used to provide power for the Core Rail by taking advantage of the 6-bit parallel VID that interfaces with the 14nm Stratix 10’s SmartVID to reduce the FPGA’s static and dynamic power consumption.

Circuit Description

  • LTM4677 + 3x LTM4650’s is designed in Intel’s Stratix 10 GX SI development kit as an ideal solution for core power. This is a scalable solution that can be sized appropriately depending on the Stratix 10 utilization. The LTM4677 PMBus Compliant uModule is coupled with multiple LTM4650’s to provide a scalable, high density solution.
  • LTM4700 x2 is an alternate recommended solution using the latest solution from ADI to provide power for the FPGA core rail by taking advantage of the PMBus-Compliant I2C Serial to interface with the 14nm Stratix 10’s SmartVID to reduce the FPGA’s static and dynamic power consumption.

Part Number(s) Description
FPGA Core LTM4677 Dual 18A or Single 36A μModule (Power Module) Regulator with Digital Power System Management
LTM4650 Dual 25A or Single 50A DC/DC μModule Regulator
LTM4700 (updated recommendation) Dual 50A or Single 100A µModule Regulator with Digital Power System Management
High speed transceivers, PLL & Memory LTM4620A
Dual 13A or Single 26A DC/DC μModule (Power Module) Regulator
LTM4630A (updated recommendation)
Dual 18A or Single 36A DC/DC μModule Regulator
Power UP/DOWN sequencing, power monitoring, voltage margining and fault management LTM2987 16-Channel μModule PMBus Power System Manager
Hot Swap LTC4281 (updated recommendation) Hot Swap Controller with I2C Compatible Monitoring
Input voltage blocking LTC4365 (updated recommendation) Overvoltage, Undervoltage and Reverse Supply Protection Controller
3.3V & 1.8V intermediate bus from 12VIN LTM4620A Dual 13A or Single 26A DC/DC μModule (Power Module) Regulator
LTM4630A Dual 18A or Single 36A DC/DC μModule Regulator
LTM4624 14VIN, 4A Step-Down DC/DC μModule (Power Module) Regulator
LT3082 200mA Single Resistor Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LTM4638 (updated recommendation) 20VIN, 15A Step-Down DC/DC µModule Regulator
LTM4671 (updated recommendation) Quad DC/DC µModule Regulator with Configurable Dual 12A, Dual 5A Output Array
LTM4668A (updated recommendation) The LTM4668A is a quad DC/DC step-down µModule (micromodule) regulator with 1.2A DC current per output
Housekeeping system power and power management LTC4365 Overvoltage, Undervoltage and Reverse Supply Protection Controller
LT3085 (updated recommendation) Adjustable 500mA Single Resistor Low Dropout Regulator

For any questions, please contact your local field sales office.

For any questions and access to design materials (power schematics, LTpowerPlanner, LTpowerCAD, LTspice and LTpowerPlay), please contact your local field sales office.